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Unforgiven - Full Version.mp4

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Linda Moore

Yeah, I think Death put up one wall that keeps ALL his memories from the last year and a half behind it. And while the stuff outside of hell isn't as bad as remembering hell itself, it's still scratching at it. 😬 I don't really blame Sam for what he did to the men in the barn, because you're right, the real him, with a soul, would never have done that in a million years. I DEFINITELY blame Samuel though. Like, what the hell, dude?!! YOU have a soul!! Why didn't you stop him? I compare Samuel's actions to what would have happened if Dean had been with Sam at that time. Whether he knew Sam was soulless or not, Dean NEVER would have let Sam kill those men. Samuel is the WORST imo!!


Soulless Sam went on holiday to the Virgin Islands. Now they’re just called the Islands. 😝