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When the Levee Breaks - Rewatch.mp4

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rose mnor

At the 46:33 min mark, Shelley: Why would they [the angels] want Sam to do this [kill Lilith]? So Cas is ordered by the angel to free Sam. The angels want Sam out of Bobby's panic room because, at this point, Sam with Ruby's demon blood is the only one that can kill Lilith (whereas Lilith cannot kill Sam - which we've seen in No Rest for the Wicked) and thus start the apocolyspe. The next episode will tell us fully the reason why they want that to happen. Lilith was the first demon created by Lucifer, so it would make sense that she would be the most powerful one, imo, even more powerful than Alastair. Cas tried to smite Alastair in Heaven and Hell but he couldn't, implying that Alastair's power ranked higher than Cas's. If we look back at On the Head of a Pin when Sam killed Alastair, and looking back at the power imbalance there: Alastair, a high-tier demon is more powerful than Cas, whereas Sam is more powerful than Alastair. Therefore Sam is stronger than Alastair AND Cas. If we stacked up their power tier, it would be - first Sam, then Alastair, then only Cas. And it is all due to Sam's consuming demon's blood, imo. Which isn't surprising that he will be changed eventually if he is not stopped, as confirmed by Cas at min 17.24. In the On the Head episode, we've already seen this happen to his eyes (the pupil/iris turned black) when he was full on Ruby's blood at min 38:28 of Shelley's rewatch video and 21:39 on Blu-ray. And it did turn full-on black like a demon's eyes in the finale Lucifer Rising. Sam looks absolutely terrifying killing Alastair with minimal effort - no headache, no nosebleed. Dean could not kill Alastair, much less Lilith. As for the apocalypse's prophecy of Dean as "the righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it," it was my understanding that that was supposed to be Dean as Michael's vessel for killing Lucifer in stopping the apocalypse (ETA: or maybe I should say ending the apocalypse and getting paradise in return as the endgame), not killing Lilith as her death is the final seal into starting it. From Superwiki: - Alastair, a white-eyed demon and possibly the second demon ever made, whose past is unknown but implied to be almost as long as Lilith's. He was charged with breaking the first of the 66 Seals by forcing "the Righteous Man" to spill blood in Hell. - While Lilith, due to her status as the first demon, is the last of the 66 Seals, with her death breaking the last seal and releasing Lucifer from the Cage he was imprisoned in. While the knife was never used on Lilith, she did appear to show a fear of being around the blade. - Sam showed an immunity to Lilith's demonic white light, and albeit with difficulty, once he had consumed vast amounts of demon blood, was able to kill Lilith. Lilith would later state that Sam was only able to kill her because she let him do it (15.05 Proverbs 17:3)

rose mnor

At min 17.35, Shelley: What do they want from him right now? And also, at 19.24 Was that wholly necessary? My takeaway was that Cas is sneakily preparing Dean to submit to the wills of angels. He is somehow trying to get Dean to consent to be possessed by Michael in the next episode when he (Dean) will be trapped in the Beautiful Room. Yeah, brainwashed Cas is being very shifty and evasive. He is not laying out the terms openly but choosing his language and turning around the words ambiguously without appearing to be coercive. Cas is trying to get Dean to consent without clearly spelling out that Michael is going to possess Dean and then kill Lucifer after the last seal is broken by Lilith's death at the creepy church in the next episode. The contradictions in his demeanor from prior episodes to his role now to get Dean to say yes is palpable. ... but the brainwashing didn't last long ...


Rafael doesn't rule heaven at this point, it's Michael but Rafael is the archangel charged with watching over prophet chuck, when both Michael and Lucifer get trapped in the cage in season 5's finale that's when Rafael becomes the angel in charge