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Hello, cutie drones! Hex here.

It felt very appropriate when having 7546 over, the creator of multiple VR assets as well as the LTX DRONE avatar, that we should test its abilities in VR.

But as well as testing its abilities, why not test a few programs too? Why not see how responsive it is to certain flashing words and lights and swirling images? Why not see how the human brain reacts to particular binaural waves in combinations with certain colours flickering at a particular frequency?

Why not see how much its sense of self is washed away under all the pretty lights that are beamed directly into its eyes? Why not wear a labcoat while doing this to make it look Very Professional and like I actually know what I'm doing?

Also why not slip a random selfie in half way through the set to show off that I now own Big Mirror specifically for midway set selfie taking. Just ignore the arm behind me nothing to see here no assistance required I'm a big Hive Mxtress and I can bind up a rubber drone all by myself.

- Hex



Rina Volpina

Fantastic set! How does one join the beta test? 😸


I honestly really need to get a fully immersive VR experience going for when I have people over and I strap them into these things.