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Hey, cutie drones! Hex here.

I just wanted to give an update on how work is progressing and what's in the pipeline. The last three weeks for me have the been the busiest since I started this Patreon and it's caused me to be pretty inactive whilst I got all this work done!

During this month, I have managed to get 18 seperate photosets/videos taken with a variety of different models, concepts and even locations. Out of these, 5 have been fully edited and I'll get these out before the end of this month. Having this much work to juggle has become a challenge in of itself, so I'm trying my best to make sure I am both creating the work as well as posting actively at the same time.

Because of how much photography/filming is happening here, I have put all side projects on hold while I get through this. I still have another 5 sets lined up that need taking too. The only thing I want to make sure is still happening consistently is reviewing the applications for the Discord server. Other than that, right now I am simply a machine who takes the photos, edits the photos, rests and then repeats. I absolutely adore this process though, so no complaints from me.

Besides that, I don't have too much to update you on! This month has been a rollercoaster of activity for me but it has very much been just photography and filming.

So hope you enjoy all that's to come, cutie drones!

- Hex

(Oh, one other small thing! Something that has also contributed to my busyness is the uncertain wake of everything that's going on with Twitter. If anything, I am happy that this has finally given me the kick I needed to diversify off of just Twitter. This does, however, mean I'm now learning how to manage 7 separate social media posting accounts at the same time! I've developed a whole spreadsheet specifically just for keeping on top of which sets I've posted where. So until things settle down, I suspect this will just be the new reality for a lot of us creators)