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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

First things first, I want you to know the pain I went through to get Trin into that catsuit. She's been working out, so her butt is now bigger and the catsuit was not happy about that. It took me so much effort, constantly pulling the rubber in to inch the zipper into place. I had to really massage the latex into place to get this to work. You can actually see the material visibly complaining by how much paler it is around her lower back compared to the rest of her. The things I do for content.


We've been getting really into techware, as you can possibly tell. I really want to capture that early Ghost in the Shell aesthetic. I want drones, plugged into VR, wrapped up in cables, programmed and obedient. This is a wonderful step towards that!

Obviously this outfit is highly tactical and has very few weak points. Absolutely very practical, very efficient, nothing silly here whatsoever.

(We won't be doing much content with guns as only Patreon let's us post them. Still, we really love how this looks.)

I also made a li'l video loop of the expression behind the visor here :: https://twitter.com/HexLatex/status/1511714064690716675. I achieved this purely by increasing the shadow lighting over the visor in the post-edit. The blacked out visor is how you would usually see it, the camera is just high quality enough for me to be able to take a sneak peak at those empty eyes behind. (This is also why I recommend drones to wear faceless hoods behind their gas masks, just to stop anyone from editing their pics to be able to uncover their eyes).

One other fun fact on this is 7441 forgot that it's armour had recently been used in an outdoor environment, so when it placed it on my bed before equipping it, dirt went everywhere. Cue me having to spend an additional 15 minutes tidying the set and readjusting it all. Silly drones, they can be so forgetful.

I hope you like this, cutie drones! Stay good.

- Hex




0573 :: Wow, 7441 is always quite the cutie!