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Hello, cutie drones. Hex here.

There is a delightful spontaneousness to this set. 5890 and myself just felt like taking some pictures and we wanted to see how many different ideas we could rattle off.

So we quickly came up with the following:
♥ Playing about with natural lighting again
♥ Some quick shots to advertise the postcards on Twitter
♥ Colour lights and the LED whip

With the natural light, it was an overcast day but these still came out wonderfully. It does make it harder to give all the pictures the same consistency as the lighting is constantly changing, but it also highlights rubber and its reflective nature so perfectly so I think it's worth the trade-off!

I also want to thank drone 0666 for lending me the LED whip for me to play with.

As is becoming consistent with all of these, took quite a few clips:

Approaching - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10DvaDVHrzhBfH2iKh2TeUW2Zfe_yDndK/view?usp=sharing 

Pan - https://drive.google.com/file/d/102kiQAzNl2M2zMlG4zTB5cLUHGDFLnid/view?usp=sharing 

Playful - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10NbF7L41c0cU82H9JhG1RugGBoEYBQP6/view?usp=sharing 

Posing - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10C7Rx6LK3wNpK2L47ZSHk5cO7iW_buHP/view?usp=sharing 

Reflective - https://drive.google.com/file/d/10H5bVatRv59Mx4oV-emVf3yh1PIufVST/view?usp=sharing

Snap (or lack thereof) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/109tAxFLiBffbVE64TCualA_EPYq-rUCk/view?usp=sharing

Whip - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ZnrNvSj7ghWM1wdQGi2TZDL9GegkLtB/view?usp=sharing

Hope you enjoy, cutie drones!

- Hex




This whole shoot is amazing! That whip clip though 👀


I love the way I am trying So Hard to make it make a whip noise.


2410 :: Oh wow these came out so well especially the whip ones !


As 2410 no doubt knows, being in the sunlight works wonders for photos.


It works 😅 Just need to try it in a larger space some time 👉👈