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Hello, cutie drones! Hex here.

I thought I would share some test videos I took all the way back in January (so when I say 'new' stockings, they absolutely were at the time (also thank you 5890 for buying these for my bday!)). This was me experimenting with the lighting, with video as a format, with doing it all myself and with shining the stockings to see how they'd look. There's quite a bit here that I've separated into clips for your viewing convenience.

(If you just want to watch the really good bits I highly recommend clips 5 and 6!)

Also, for some reason every online video player seems to not like the audio on all of these. You can only really tell if you the volume turned up high enough to hear the background audio juttering, but these all work fine when downloaded and played on your local machine. I would have done my normal trick of just removing the audio and replacing it with binaural beats, but then you won't get the latex snapping noises that I had a lot of fun making. To be honest, you might not have even noticed if I hadn't written such a long paragraph to specifically bring it up. Whoops.

Also also, a real quick Q&A for some questions I'm expecting to get.

Q: Did you do this just to make feet content?

A: No! That was just a consequence of wearing stockings and me going through my daily power trip, I swear!!

Q: Did you really need to grasp the polish bottle with both hands?

A: Operating that thing when both it and your gloves are coated in lubricant is not an easy task, let me tell you. The vast majority of the content that got cut here was me dropping the bottle or knocking it over. 

Clip 1

Standing stocking adjustment

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qc5ZgcXoG1-aoPmhsJhkS_fB7ysmanIX/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 2

Sitting stocking shining

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10KrDagRi9LW8z1iN-f8_hVGDwMxitFIW/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 3

More sitting stocking shining!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rzS7m-WQDcrL0Y4UInsuICNbuyixHIgy/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 4

Even more sitting stocking shining! Only this time I am much more relaxed and satisfied with the coating of polish that has accrued.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bG-zU0FpEeikbTk-QrNJOsc_6_qQQncQ/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 5

Okay so this is just more shining but now with some incredibly unnecessary stretching involved as well.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_9k7hWLSyBDQGpmhxKldMzGx7LWdcT5v/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 6

Hive Mxtress in their desk chair, looking down at and teasing you.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14MxGXSB90qhJi1TxEBRJtyASSrfgft9V/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 7

The shiny boots are going on 👠

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IfVHZp8gmlYc2Ks0jUZNs8N2F29q2uG1/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 8

Some incredibly boot-on-floorboard action!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UddA5-45Kpi1vQMVFRmpdmYH3dDdGogh/view?usp=sharing 

Clip 9

The Hive Mxtress doing some well deserved breathing relaxation exercises after a hard day of shining their stockings and putting on boots.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mpqCtpFGE-nI2xA8h0ZDZ2wqzrGa7q-Q/view?usp=sharing 

I hope you enjoy, cutie drones!

- Hex



2410 :: Big hoodie makes the Hive Mxtress look smol....or maybe they are just smol *giggles*


Gosh these are even better second time round 🥰