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Hello, cutie drones and those of you who managed to put your gas masks on in time before the hypno gas got to you. Hex here!

Don't mind me, just trying out a casual outfit that I might be wearing while I stream (the first test stream went pretty okay, but I want to be a couple more just to be sure!). Also just ignore the cables, it gets a bit messy there as that's usually where I hook up my lighting.

I'm just posting this update to go over what's planned for this month. I'll try to make this brief  ♥ 

Firstly, for Tiers 5 & 6, I just wanted to let you know how the print stuff is coming along for last month and this month! I want to do this properly, so I now have a printer which means I can do this myself (you can see it in the corner of some of the pictures there). The printer paper is nearly here too, so I'll be posting these out soon!

For this month's photosets, I was hoping to get a VR brainwashing set and a straitjacket set done, but due to covid reasons these plans are on hold. Instead, I've got some other outfits on the way that I'll be posting later this month.

I've also organized a game jam for the HexCorp dev team this weekend, so hopefully we might be getting a nice lil' dronification game out for you to play!

Otherwise, there are schemes in the works (there are always schemes in the works) which I cannot wait to announce. 

Thank you, cutie drones. As my last post said, your support means so much to me.




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