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Hello, cutie drones and everyone else who hasn't watched the brainwashing video yet but we really recommend you do so. Hex here.

Firstly, let me start this by saying thank you to everyone who's ever supported HexCorp here! It's been a wild 6 months since I started this up again and I'm incredibly grateful for all your support.

I'm always trying to think of new ways to add to the HexCorp Patreon Experience for all you drones/associates/soon-to-be drones. Something that a lot of Patreon creators who post videos do is have a credits section at the end of each video, thanking all of their supporters. Although photosets mean I can't do the exact same thing, I can add a credits section to the HexCorp website itself and list out my patrons that way. This is something I'm really keen to do for anyone who's ever supported us here!

However, I'm aware that a lot of supporters probably do not want their usernames/names that they used to sign up for this being immortalized on a dronification website for all to see. As such, I'm not just going to blanket post everyone, but instead make this an opt-in feature. So if you'd like to appear in the credits section on the HexCorp site, which I'll probably title 'HexCorp Employees of the Month' or something similar to keep it in theme, feel free to DM me here on Patreon and I'll add you to the list! Just let me know what you'd like to be referred to as.

(It may take me some time to respond but we'll get there, promise!)

If you have any suggestions of your own, do feel free to post them in the comments below (don't forget to like and subscribe and blah blah blah etc). And again, thank you for the support!




Drone 1979 loved to serve the Mxtress

⬡-Drone 9158

⬡-Drone ID :: 9158 is ready to serve and obey you Mxtress.