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Phillip stood on the path. She couldn’t help smiling as she looked at the exterior of her house. It was done and it had only taken a couple of days. Melisa had shown up just as she and Misaki had been finalizing the design. When she saw what they were doing, she had a few questions and things to add. Nothing Phillip could really object to either since Melisa was making good points about them. So they had made some adjustments to the nursery, moved her bedroom and shifted a couple of others around, but it was largely the same plan as before. Just with a few minor changes to the layout. The biggest shift to the layout was the halls to better accommodate future growth.

Phillip wasn’t sure that would be needed. Right now more kids certainly wasn’t on her mind. Two was already going to be more than she was expecting right now and they weren’t here yet. Rather than let herself go down that mental hole again, she decided to focus on the new home. Misaki had worked hard to build it to plan so fast and was already asleep. It seemed she had tuckered herself out and Phillip wished her sweet dreams.

She looked over the exterior for a moment or two longer before slipping into the building. The front door felt solid, with heavy wood and if her touch told her anything, reinforced with both metal and enchantment. Phillip figured it was fairly solid and being dungeon built, likely as strong as most dungeon doors. It would not be easy to break down. The walls were made of stone and layered with enchantments. On the inside, she couldn’t see the stone anymore as the walls were paneled with wood, and decorated with a lovely inlay. Well mostly lovely. She wasn’t entirely sure about the mural. It was artistic, she would give Misaki that, but she didn’t think it was a good idea to have a nude portrait of herself and Misaki greet people the moment they walked in the door.

Phillip sighed and made a mental note to talk with Misaki about that. It wasn’t bad, but that wasn’t the best spot for it. Other than that, the foyer looked much the way she had imagined it. With plenty of seating. Phillip didn’t stay long, as she proceeded further into the building. There was a lot to see, and she didn’t have much else to do at the moment.

It was a dull hour for the guild and she had just completed the meeting with Moonlit Departures. It went very smoothly. The agent, a young bearkin lady, was very professional and it was not hard to reach an agreement. The guild would be moving in to set up a guild branch here in their as-yet-unnamed border town. More importantly, they would be here to provide transport services. Having a planar guild in town was huge. While expensive, gates were the fastest way to travel. Controlling them was of natural strategic import but it was also of value for moving people around quickly. More significantly for her, was the traffic having one would bring. Not everyone could afford it, but wealthier adventurers might bring their proteges here. A new dungeon was often ideal for teaching the rookies and some adventurers would come here just for the experience. Of course, once the nature of the dungeon started getting around? New sorts would also start showing up.

Those who couldn’t afford the gates would take the roads, and she already had quests out to help with the development of safe roads for caravans. That would take time, but would bring much needed traffic and wealth into the town. Goods were often moved by caravan instead of magic gates, because it was far cheaper and carts could transport far more at once. Even if they were slower, it was just so much more efficient. By far the best way to transport goods has always been by ship, and with the use of magic, ships were just that more effective. Land routes were also pretty good. Gate travel was through magic, and it was mana intensive. It also required a lot of training and practice, so mages able to prepare and charge gates were somewhat rare. Charging a gate for use was also a demanding task. Furthermore, there was a mass limit to gates. So the roads were going to be the most critical going forward.

Regardless of that fact, there wasn’t anything Phillip could do to speed that up. So here she was. Looking over Misaki’s work. Perhaps a little earlier than she might have otherwise. Stepping into the kitchen she smiled. It was perfect, exactly the way she envisioned it. Phillip moved around and checked everything out. Misaki had sized it with her new size in mind, so she had no problems with anything. It was lovely. The details were perfect, with plenty of counter space and storage. Phillip would be able to fill it with all her cooking materials. The pantry was well-sized as well. There was nothing here to complain about. Now she just had to stock her kitchen. With that in mind, she kept looking around.

Her thoughts soon drifted to Misaki who was curled up, all cute on a sleeping mat in her office at the guild. A smile graced her face. Misaki was one of the cutest girls she had ever met and there was something about her that she just couldn’t help but admire. The girl had even mentioned that she was a former boy as well. For a moment Phillip wondered what that said about her, but decided it didn’t matter. It wasn’t ideal, but Phillip was certain she had found the one. The nature of her new partner notwithstanding. She felt she would be able to live with her. From their interactions so far, they just clicked. Then an idea occurred to her, she needed to do something for Misaki. She blinked, she was going to need help too! The guild? No, too new, not enough people of the right level. A face came to her and she turned red. Before shaking her head, not her either. She was interesting, but she needed more time before talking to her. Even if she did seem to be a nice girl.

Laki shifted a bit. She wasn’t sure what to make of the brothel. Apparently the girls there were infected with some kind of brain fungus, all of them. The local church was encouraging girls to be sent there, so that they could be infected and were actively barring women from the markets and town services. That way they would be forced to the brothel, once there they would be allowed services. After infection of course. Nasty, but she could see the use and why the Atarli Mistress didn’t like it. The infection invades the brain, leaching nutrients from it as it grows. Victims loose mental function as the fungus starts taking over. Eventually the host becomes a nearly brainless puppet of the fungus, perfectly happy to do whatever it wants. The church was apparently using it to turn women into obedient sex pets. Something that seemed par for the course with that lot.

That wasn’t something to worry about just yet, but she was going to have to do something. Investigation was certainly going to be required. As the Mistress didn’t know much beyond that about what the Theocracy was doing. It didn’t help that she was rather light on pets. These three were her only pets.

She watched Eren settle down in a seat nearby. She was about ready to have her brain harvested. At that moment the Mistress spoke up while rubbing Eren’s head. “I’m going to show you a special spell I like to use to get the brain out of the head. Makes it so much easier to harvest once that hard skull is out of the way. One of the big reasons I have Eren growing new brains in her boobs. No skull to get in the way.”

Eren smiled but said nothing as she opened her mouth. With a bit of prompting she raised her head and the Mistress showed her the roof of her mouth. “See these marks, this is the door to her brain. Something I prepared to make getting the brain out a little easier.”

Laki frowned, not sure how that helped. Not until she saw it. The Mistress channeled some mana. Then the roof of her mouth simply opened and her brain started to drop through it. In moments the entire brain was simply hanging at chest height from a fleshy cord. Watching it contort like that on its way out was bizarrely intriguing.

Nearby Mika commented, “Oh I remember that. It can be fun letting your brain hang out. Hard to talk or eat while it’s out though.”

She recalled the Mistress telling her about exposing the brain to air, but she hadn’t thought of this. She frowned, “I take it you do it often?”

Mika nodded, “All the time when we were little. She needed our brains exposed to air. I’d spend long hours just letting my brain air.”

“I recall her mentioning that, but I didn’t expect her to do it like this. Why not just open the skull?”

The Mistress, while running a hand directly over Eren’s exposed brain replied, “That damages the head and may damage the brain too. More importantly this completely exposes the brain to air. Doing it that way, would only expose part of it. Recall earlier what I said about drying out the brain’s tissues?”

Laki nodded, “Right you said airing the brain helps dry it out gently.”

“Exactly, I had them spend long hours with their brains out, so that they could dry. It takes time, but airing the brain does it nice and gentle. Harsher methods can damage the brain and ruin the crop. Once dry, the brain is like a greedy sponge and just soaks up fluids.”

Mika nodded, “I recall. After our brains were dry, Mistress would have us dip them into pots full of weird fluids.”

“My own special recipe. Enhances growth, flavor, and texture. I also worked to improve their response to temperatures.”

Laki blinked, “Temperatures?

“I guess I forgot to mention. Boiling the brain can have some interesting effects, but you have to be careful not to kill the tissue. If prepared properly beforehand, boiling the brain for 30 minutes once a week can have a positive impact on taste. After boiling the brain needs to be chilled and dried for the best effect. I always had an ice bath on hand when I was boiling them, for the immediate chilling effect and they would keep their brains in the ice for about two hours. Then you dry for the rest of the day and the night. In the morning the brain is very dry and spongy, so it soaks up the special fluids extremely well. I’d have them soak their brains in the fluids until noon and then taste. The brain just flakes up flesh really well and tastes exquisite after that. Each successive session just further improves the flavor.”

Laki replied, “So when did you start doing that?”

“Well with Eren, here? I boiled her brain for the first time on her 5th birthday, that was before I let the girls celebrate with their family. I made sure she didn’t eat anything for the entire day that day. I had her brain out first thing in the morning and in the pot. It chilled well and aired for the entire day and night. Making it wonderfully dry come the next morning. Since I had her for a full year by that point, her brain was very resilient as well. So I ate half of her that day. She was quite loopy afterwards, but took it very well. Wasn’t very hungry after I ate her either. So I let her sleep it off and fed her the day after when she regained her appetite. After a second day she was ready to go home.”

She did recall mentioning that Eren was only four when she first tasted her. The others were younger though. The Mistress then turned to Eren, “Okay that’s enough air. Ready to finally have your brain gone?”

Eren nodded, and Laki watched as the harvest began. The creature’s tongue shot forth and stung the brain. Then it began to eat the brain right off the cord. In moments the Atarli had eaten the entire thing. Eren’s eyes dulled a little, and she looked somewhat listless after. Gently the Atarli took the empty cord and pushed it back in. Closing the entry into her head and then she spoke, “Okay Eren how are you feeling?”

She was silent for a moment, “... Weird, good weird. My head is so empty.”

“Yes it is. Go ahead and slap your boobs for me.”

She nodded and immediately slapped each boob. Hard. She wasn’t holding back, “My brain boobs ache now.”

“Of course they do. You’re bruising your brains. Fun right?”

The girl nodded, “Yep!”

“Now lets work one out and see it. Okay?”

The girl nodded and Laki watched as her nipple swelled up and disgorged what was clearly brain tissue. It was just as weird to watch as her brain being pulled out through her mouth. Once it was out, it hung by a similar fleshy cord. Resting just above her belly. A moment later, the creature began handling the young flesh. Even producing something similar to a spoon and scraping away a bit of it. It smiled, “Looks like your boob brains are nice and healthy, we will have to desensitize them later, so that they don’t hurt when we bruise them.”

Laki stretched, “I see you don’t mind their brains getting bruised.”

“It’s just the flesh getting tender. Not to mention the whole point of the boob brains is to make them nice and vulnerable. Easier to get at and there is more space in the boobs for it.” she glanced at Mika, “Pussy brains are a bit different and are even more vulnerable to bruising, but it’s a special kind of bruising. Resulting in something really tender and soft. Rich in special flavor. I’ll share some with you when she is ready.”

“Um, thanks?”

The Mistress glanced up, “Anyway I think it’s about time you headed back. Oh and do bring Qerni along again next time you visit. I need to breed Mika soon.”

“Of course, he’ll be happy to get her pregnant.”

“Glad to hear it. I’d like her to have sex with him regularly even after that. You’ll understand why later.”

Laki nodded, something told her she would. Done here she headed out of the room, and collected Qerni from the other room. He and Rika had been doing some family bonding. When she walked in, Rika was telling him a story about one of her sessions with Mistress. From the sound of it, she remembered it fondly. She let her finish the story first, said more goodbyes and the two of them headed back to town. It was a short enough walk. Before she knew it she was back at the gate. Where she overheard something interesting.

“Hey, have you heard about the new dungeon?”

“Hmm? No, what about it?”

“It’s up in the borderlands. Apparently Phillip Greybeard was elected Guild master, but more interestingly! Get this?”


“The dungeon turns people into cute girls!”

The other person laughed, “Really? Do they have tails? Or does it not change them into beastkin as well?”

“Supposedly it just turns them into girls. No race change involved.”

“Oh? I’m sure that will be useful then. I guess we should expect a party from the church before too long. No way they won’t investigate.”

“Ah, I don’t care about that. I’m just hoping it would bring much needed traffic back. Telka is a nice town and all, but things could...”

“Be better, I know. More adventurers would be nice. Maybe they would even take care of those monsters for us. I’m tired of the complaints.”

“So am I...”

Laki noted that down and headed back home. Well, to her new outpost at Qerni’s place.

Stepping into the basement. Phillip started looking around. It looked just like she imagined. Before she could do much searching, there was a knock from that door to the dungeon. She frowned. Who would be coming up from the dungeon? Before she could take more than a step, she got her answer. It was her! Flushing, she turned away but didn’t make it far before she was hugged from behind. “Hey! I hear you and Mother bonded. I want to congratulate you two. Where is Mother anyway?”



Mother? Did I miss something? - or is this a wait until next chapter thing