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Laki followed Qerni down the path. She had come out to check on a certain trio of girls. Now that she had the first tasks out of the way, she was looking to meet them. They seemed to be her kind of girl. Having spoken to Master, she had a general idea of who corrupted them. Another type of creature, related to the abyss. The creature in question takes young female children and slowly corrupts them over a period of several years. They would be removed from the family at regular intervals for training, modification, and of course corruption. For what purpose, Master didn’t say, but he did say that it was a good idea to meet. Lexi had been told that the creature in question might be amenable to diplomacy and would certainly be interested in being given worthless babies. In exchange, Master wanted a few trained pets, which the creature might be willing to part with.

Taking the steps, she stepped up to the door and knocked. After a moment a young woman opened the door. She smiled, “Hey Qerni!” she glanced at Leki, “and who’s your friend?”

Laki smiled and extended a hand, “I”m Laki, one of Asar’s Pets. I hear you are a fellow belly rub lover and were corrupted by an Atarli.”

“Oh! How fun!” she jumped up, “We can share some nice belly rubs!”

Laki looked over the girl and noted her boobs looked somewhat swollen. As she followed her in, she inquired, “Why are your breasts so swollen?”

“Oh these?” she idly fingered her bare breasts, “Well Mistress is getting me ready to remove my brain. So my breast tissue needs to be large to support the new brains she is giving me.”

“Oh so your Mistress wants you to think with your boobs?”

She nodded, “Yep, and Mika is having her pussy modified so that she can think with it. As for Rika? Well she is the youngest and her brain isn’t ready for harvest quite yet.”

She glanced back at Qerni who seemed a little lost, “I see. So what is this about harvest?”

“I guess your Master didn’t tell you? Atarli like to eat the brains of young girls. They start by consuming part of our brains when we are kids and messing with the rest of the brain so that it can develop right. Once we are ready, she gets us nice and pregnant too. Often with family, she says incest produces the best results.”

Qerni glanced between them lost, “What is this?”

“Oh did you clean up Qerni’s brainwashing? I guess that will be fine?”

“I picked Qerni as my stud and helper. My corrupting him may have cleaned up that.”

She giggled, “Well he is good for that. We all had sex with him recently, as Mistress needed us pregnant. Girls naturally, so she put filters in our wombs to make sure. I gave birth to healthy triplets a month ago, and Mika had a nice pair of twins.”

At that moment they stepped out of the hall she was being led down, into the large sitting room. Two other young women were in the room. One was sitting with her legs spread, giving Laki a very good view of her extremely swollen pussy lips. Both of them were also naked and the younger girl was quite heavily pregnant.

“I see Rika hasn’t yet given birth.”

“Nope, and once she has, Mistress will decide if she is a boob or pussy thinker.”

A moment later something slithered into the room and it spoke, “As Eren was telling you I would indeed be checking to see which would be a better fit for Rika. I’m currently thinking it should be boobs, but we will see.”

Laki smiled and walked on over. The creature in question was female, clearly by the breasts it had. In fact, it had multiple sets of boobs on either side of its long slender body. Along with four pairs on its human-like torso. Laki noted it had a long and weird looking tongue as well. “I take it you are their Mistress?”

“I am, and you are the pet of an Amesis. I was expecting this meeting.”

“You were?”

“Of course, we are fellow pet keepers of a sort.”

“I noticed, so if I may ask what do you do with the girls after you eat their brains?”

“They are still pets, I breed them when I can, and play with them.”

Qerni interjected, “Wait, does this mean you have been slowly eating my sisters all these years?”

“Not really, I did get to your sisters while they were quite young. Being young and with a mother not really able to care for them, I found them ideal. I started with Eren here, she was the oldest so her brain was the most developed. She was four at the time and I ate part of her brain and then stimulated her tissues to grow.”

“Four? That long...”

Laki stroked him, “It’s alright, they were just little girls at the time and look at how healthy they are.”

“I guess you are right” he turned back, “Thank you for taking care of my belly-rub-loving sisters. I would like to know more about what you did to them.”

“Certainly. Children's brains are wonderful, so adaptable. Eren took having part of her brain eaten very well. She was a little loopy and somewhat listless for a few days afterward, so I kept her close, and fed her my milk while she recovered. It only took her about a week to bounce back and when she did, she was more than happy to bring me her two sisters. They were younger, with little Rika being barely a few months old at the time. Getting one so young was such a treat, so I may have eaten a little too much of her brain. Rika almost died on me, and was somewhat sickly after I ate her. It took me a month to get her back to normal, well somewhat normal. She was still missing half her brain, afterall.

“It was around then that I first properly visited your family. None of you were properly brainwashed yet, so I had used mana clones to keep you from suspecting. They were given copies of your sisters’ personalities and memories. So they were pretty good, just expensive to use and maintain.”

Qerni nodded and settled into a seat. Laki had already found one and silently listened. “As I recall Mom was healthier then, not yet unable to care for them. I’m surprised she didn’t notice.”

“Oh there were a couple of close calls. And yes, your mother was able to care for them, even as your dad was already growing distant from the family. With his new mistress and all. Well, not so new, your mother just didn’t know until then. It didn’t take much from me to accelerate that divide. Getting dad out of the picture would give me more access and I only needed one male from the family. You fit the bill, so I gave you lots of attention. Making sure you would be amenable to what I wanted. It was hard to keep you from noticing the corruption, so I let you notice and worked to get you to accept it.

“As for your mother, I had little use for her, but with dad moving out of the picture she wasn’t going to have much time for you. I did what I could to help make sure she wouldn’t, but early on she kept making time for you when I didn’t want her to. Too good of a mother that one. In the end I had to damage her health, I had your sisters start poisoning her.”

Qerni frowned, “I recall that her health was always poor. I didn’t realize we killed her.”

The creature giggled, “Did you? When did she die?”

“Um, just a couple of days after Eren’s 12th birthday, why?”

“The poisons were never fatal, they were meant to weaken her. With poor health, she was less able to find time for you since to support you she had to spend so much time working and when she wasn’t working she was resting.”

Eren nodded, “I recall. I was responsible for the meals, so I was always adding things to her food and drink. I stopped giving her water because it was too hard to hide Mistress’s poisons in it.”

Qerni nodded, “Yeah I remember, you were always helping in the kitchen and then before I knew it you were responsible for all the cooking.”

“Yeah, that made it easy for me to poison mom, it was harder when she was actually in the kitchen with me, but I managed.”

Laki was now curious, “So if the poisons weren’t what killed her what did?”

The creature smiled, “The poisons aren’t unrelated to her death, they weakened her and meant that when she got sick she really got sick. At first I let the girls properly care for her when she got sick, but later on I encouraged them to provide worse care to her. It became rather interesting to see how long she could linger with poor care.”

Mika smiled, “I remember, I was always taking her blankets when she got sick. It was fun to watch her shiver and she would even thank me. Mistress of course made sure she was happy to have a good chill.”

Rika nodded, “Oh yes, it was fun to cool her off when she was sick. I would leave her in the bath and fill it with ice all the time. Pretending to ‘forget’ she was there. She was always a shivering mess after.”

Laki glanced at Eren about to comment about how horrible those two were. When Eren spoke up, “Yeah those two were in a competition on who could provide worse care for her. As for me, I was responsible for meals, so I would occasionally “forget” to feed her.”

Laki interjected, “You three are pretty bad there. So how did she die?”

The creature interjected, “I was checking on her every couple of months, seeing how things were affecting her. Your mother was quite resilient actually. Held up fairly well and even poisoned didn’t get sick that easily.  She lingered on far longer than I actually needed her to.”

“She did?”

“Yep, a full eight years. You were a few years older than Eren and already working to help out by the time Eren was eight. By the following year your mother’s income wasn’t actually needed.”

“I recall she started getting sick more often around then.”

“Well of course. She wasn’t needed then and that was really when I started encouraging your sisters to care for her improperly. I’d also infect her with something around your sister’s birthdays.”

Qerni frowned, “Yeah she did tend to get really sick on their birthdays. Now that I think about it, my sisters got really happy whenever she was sick. I always thought they just liked to care for mom.”

Eren shook her head, “Nah we were more just happy for the chance to show Mistress how badly we could care for her.”

“I see,” said Qerni.

“Anyway, she got very sick on Eren’s 12th birthday. She didn’t even attend it, and you four didn’t see her at all that day. Other than you going down to check on her when you could she didn’t get much attention. Eren fed her on occasion and Mika would go down afterwards to take the blanket you gave her away.”

Mika nodded.

Laki decided to shift the subject, “So aside from slowly killing their mother, what did you do with the girls?”

“Ah, well as soon as their mother was out of the way, I would start regularly taking the girls with me for sessions. Messing with brains is a delicate process, and the girls are often loopy for days. When they weren’t loopy from me messing with their brain, I was training them.”

The creature shifted and then continued, “After the first tasting which I did before I brainwashed the family, the next time I brought them to the nest was for belly rub training. I need to start early since belly rubs have a positive developmental effect on young girls. They absolutely love them. I think an Amesis understands that quite well?”

Laki nodded, “Oh belly rubs are great. Lots of fun!”

“Yep and I enjoy giving girls belly rubs as well. Anyway these three took to the training quite well and fell in love with having their belly rubbed. I think they were always begging Qerni here for them.”

Qerni nodded, “They were. They loved them alright.”

“Aside from belly rubs, I also worked on their bodies, optimizing nutrient flow and training them to be good dutiful girls. Being able to take them whenever I wanted helped a lot for the training. They really enjoyed being able to be with you as well, which simply helped their taste develop quite well.”

Laki interjected, “I take it that means you have been tasting their brains?”

The creature nodded, “Of course, every year I would taste their brain, usually the week after their birthday. I’d prefer to eat them on their birthday, but I found they taste just a little better if they were allowed a birthday celebration with Qerni. Now that they are nearing peak it's about time for the final harvest, which is why I’ve prepared Mika and Eren to have their brains harvested.”

Eren nodded, “In fact Mistress was getting ready to harvest mine. My boobs are fully ready to do all my thinking from now on. Although Mistress says, I’ll be kind of simple for a bit, my brain boobs are still growing after all. Once they are fully grown I’ll be able to think like normal with them and the swelling in my breasts will go down too.”

Laki observed her naked breasts and nodded, “I guess you might have to be carefull too. As there won’t be anything to protect your boob brains.”

She smiled, “Nope! It will make it so much easier for Mistress to eat them that way!”

“Oh? I take it they will be harvested at some point too?”

Eren nodded, “Yeah that’s the idea. My nipples are being altered so that they can be used to access my brain tissue and harvest it nice and easy.”

Laki found this interesting and then turned to Mika, “So what about you with the pussy brain?”

“Ah? Well I’ll be pretty simple minded once my main brain is harvested. My pussy doesn’t have a lot of space which is why we are making it bigger, and the tissue will extend into my belly, but I won’t be as smart as Eren will be with her boob brain but my tiny breasts aren’t good for that. Mistress plans to remove them anyway.”

“Oh she does?”

“They aren’t useful for anything other than feeding kids and we aren’t going to be doing that. We just give our babies to Mistress and we are done. Mistress will raise them and find families for them later.”

“Right, what are you doing with the babies anyway?”

“Well I eat most of them, baby brains are very good.  Especially from girls already trained and modified, they produce babies with excellent brains and top quality flesh.”

Eren nodded, “She ate my first born right in front of me, I was quite happy to watch that. She told me the girl was delicious, especially her brain.”

Laki noted her pussy was drooling, so it did seem she enjoyed her baby being eaten. “I have the other two she gave birth too, downstairs. I’m only properly feeding the one. The other I'm letting it starve for a bit. Once it’s about to die, I’ll give it a little food and some poison. Babies are good to experiment on.”

Laki agreed, “Yeah and they aren’t worth much. Especially boys.”

“ Baby Boys are good eating, the brains don’t taste good but the flesh is something special.”

Qerni stretched, “So the Atarli are some kind of brain eating baby eaters?”

“We eat brains and babies mostly. Atarli like myself mainly cultivate and breed young girls and harvest their brains and babies. Your sisters were a dream to cultivate, they responded so well.” she paused and turned to Laki, “Anyway I presume your master had something to discuss?”

She nodded, “Master wants me to set up a baby farm here and collect babies.”

“Oh certainly go right ahead. I’ll be more than happy to share and help with the farming. I’ll take a cut of the babies. He can even have a few after they grow up as pets.”

Laki smiled, “Great, I take it your kind get along well with Amesis?”

“Fairly well, we are fellow belly rub lovers, so we have much to talk about. Even if what we do with our girls is different.”

“Hmm yes, I’ve noticed. The brain and baby eating aside, you don’t seem to clothe your pets either. Is there a reason the girls are naked?”

“Oh not really, I like them naked, but I will clothe them on occasion. Especially if we were going to visit town. Naked is also great right now while I am prepping them for the special harvest I am doing today with Eren.”

“Ah, easier access to the parts being changed and stimulated. I understand. Master sometimes has us parade around naked. We don’t mind either.”

“Glad you understand. Would you like me to walk you through exactly what I did with these girls?”

“Sure it might be interesting!”

“Well one of the first things that needs to be done with a child is stimulating her brain into a state of growth. Once she has been tasted enough times, she gets used to having her brain harvested. Which is why harvesting is done very often when they are first acquired. I mentioned doing a tasting once a year, but for the first year I tasted them every other session. Of course the key to this is the special nutrients I was giving them. A potent combination designed to stimulate brain tissue growth. Then there were the special things done to improve brain growth and flavor. One particularly interesting exercise involves exposing the brain tissue to air and...”

They ended up speaking for a while before heading down the stairs. As they walked into the basement, Laki inquired about the brothel.

“Oh that? The local church branch is involved in that. I’m not very happy about it either. Makes it so much harder to find girls with good brains.”

Laki frowned, “Oh? What are they doing?”

The Mistress began to elaborate...