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Susan stretched. Feeling quite happy for the moment. Waking up as a slime had certainly been different, but then she had gotten a taste of cloth. She licked her lips, she had been unsure of that when she had been fed it, but only at first. It tasted so good. Utterly divine. No wonder slimes liked eating clothes so much. If they tasted that good... she wanted more! No wait, bad girl. Clothes aren’t food... but they taste so good!

She tried to reconcile the conflict of instincts and upbringing. Susan was starting to understand slimes just a bit more. It made sense why the humanoid variants didn’t wear clothing. To them it was food, not something to wear. Really, really delicious food.

The door opened and in came someone holding some robes. She stared at them. Feeling a bit of drool build up. They were looking really good, laced with mana. Before she could say a word, the robes were tossed to her and the other woman was gone. For a moment she just stared at the robes and then she was eating them. They were utterly divine. Her only pause was halfway through dissolving them when she noticed some of the symbols etched into them. She blinked as she realized that she was eating her own robes. Susan tried to stop herself from eating more, but they just tasted so good. She cursed her new instincts.

Why did she have to eat her robes? They were something she was so proud of. Cost her a good chunk of gold too, but they just tasted so good. Everything about them had been so perfect... especially the taste. Susan blinked. Her mind kept coming back to taste. She let out a breath, she was doomed. Completely doomed. Why the fuck did that goddess have to turn her into a slime. Her gaze drifted down at her new bosom. At least she finally had the nice large chest she had always wanted. She sighed. Honestly it was a mixed bag. The new start wasn’t so good. Still she never would have made B rank if she let setbacks put her down.

With that in mind, she turned to the door. If she was going to reclaim her former power she was going to have to gain skills and levels. That reminded her that she would have to learn about her new traits as well. Pulling herself out of the tub, she made for the door. As she moved, she decided that the first thing on her list was figuring out her new body.

Decision made, she slipped out of the room. It was time to explore her new home and hopefully get some practice in with moving around as a slime girl. At least she had a pair of legs, so that was something. She didn’t want to think about being a puddle of goo like other slimes. She shuddered at the thought. Grateful that Tina made her a slime girl and not some other kind of slime. Susan was also quite happy that she was still female, she wouldn’t want to have to deal with being a man. As she thought about it, maybe being a slime won’t be that bad. Slimes were largely immune to physical attacks. If she managed to grow she could be a truly powerful slime. Susan smiled at the thought. Imagining dragons shuddering before her slimy might. Then she sighed as she remembered that she was only level... three? When did she...

Blinking she checked her status a second time confirming that she was level three. Wasn’t she level one when she woke up the first time? When did she earn experience? How? Susan recalled that developing skills, working class-related jobs, and combat could all help develop one’s level. Yet she didn’t recall doing anything like that. Susan stared for a bit before she realized what this meant. Maybe she wasn’t so hopelessly set back as she thought. Internally she celebrated and set off on exploring.

It wasn’t long before she realized that she was in a castle. One that was part of a Castletown. Numerous demons populated the area, and she often came across them having sex with each other. Everytime she would stop to watch, only to flush and run when they invited her. Susan just wasn’t sure why she responded that way. It looked like a really good time.

Finding a nice quiet spot, she slipped inside, her fingers already sinking towards her sex. Having seen so many wild pairs enjoying each other, she had plenty of material to work with. As she teased her folds, she allowed herself to slip into fantasy. It proved very easy, but she had worked up a fair heat in her belly while watching all those sex demons. All of them, regardless of age, were so lovely and sexy. None of them were ugly or unfit. Which only made the sights all the more...

The thought shattered as she found a sensitive spot. The heat in her core exploded and she rode the clouds. Her mind drifted away as she enjoyed the sensations and fantasy she thought up. As she came back to herself she thought, “This slime body feels so good!”

A moment later the thought slipped away as her fingers found her new breasts. The best part of her new body were these boobs. Maybe they were even worth losing everything else for. A thought that felt kind of true as she rolled her nipples. She had no words as the sensation rippled through her. They were just so good. Susan let herself drift away, enjoying her new form.


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