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Reiko stepped out of the room. She had been hoping to play with Mistress Misaki, but she seemed to be hopelessly enthralled with something else. She couldn’t even get the other girl’s attention. So she had given up. Maybe she would find something to do elsewhere? Lily could be fun.

She frowned, nah she was too young and Reiko was feeling kind of frisky. She wanted to be touched and to feel hot. Lily wasn’t right for that. She changed routes as she considered who she wanted to play with. This was going to be fun.

As she walked down the corridor her mind drifted to the fun she had planned to those traits the goddess gave her. She tried not to think about them but since she was stuck with them she often thought about them. Where all her lust was coming from she wasn’t sure. She was often feeling lonely or frisky. Seeking out Mistress when she was in the mood to pet her was always a good way to feel good, but as she had just found Misaki wasn’t in the mood. In fact she wasn’t paying any attention at all to her surroundings. Completely enthralled by whatever had her attention, and if her brief inspection of Mistress said anything, excited.

As for her traits themselves? She found the faithful pet trait wasn’t that bad. If she got stuck with it for the rest of her life she wouldn’t mind. Misaki was actually a very good and loving mistress. The current incident notwithstanding. No, the one she actually hated was the simple minded trait. That trait made it so much harder to think and she did everything she could to keep that one at bay. Even now she could feel the fog of it at the edge of her mind. Thankfully it was getting easier to keep it at bay. All she had to do was be a good girl, and the fog would stay away. Something that was getting easier for her.  Reiko was just waiting for the chance to redeem herself and get rid of that trait.

In the meantime she had other things to think about. Her thoughts didn’t stay on her traits for long as she shifted back to thinking about more fun things. It wasn’t long before she found who she was looking for. A couple knocks and she was allowed inside for some fun.

Aki shifted behind the tree, waiting for her moment. She’d noticed the overleveled intruder a while ago. She usually hung out on the fifth floor, but she had friends here on the fourth. Since the adventurers had shown up she hadn’t had a chance to visit the gargoyles. She hoped they were doing alright. Aki genuinely enjoyed the village, it was a lot of fun and many of the gargoyles were a joy to play with. Ribbons and her both had enjoyed some good sexual highs there. Not only that, but the younger gargoyle girls were a genuine joy to play with. Not many kids here in the dungeon, and she kind of wished there were more. Maybe with the adventurers outside that would change?

None of that much mattered at the moment. Aki was about to make Mistress proud. For she had a plan. The intruder was utterly adorable in that princess knight armor, but she was also dangerous. Yet Aki wasn’t blind, she might be super powerful, but she wasn’t trying to kill. Not only that, but she seemed to be struggling with self-control. Making mistakes, lots of them. With that in mind, she had drawn up a plan.

Peeking out as she heard a crash, she watched the young girl’s blade slam into a tree trunk. It stuck. Nearby a lamia demoness lashed out, only to be narrowly evaded. Yet that only drove the adventurer into the line of fire. A glowing web shot out. That web had been launched by an Arachne demon. Her aim was true and for a moment it looked like the adventurer would take it. Only she let go of her blade and almost seemed to dance out of the way. Almost, she got tripped up on the last step, and ended up on the jungle floor.

This was a chance. Aki smiled and unleashed the most powerful stun bolt she could manage. A crackling dark bolt of lightning leapt from her palms and lanced the adventurer. She let out an audible gasp as her shields flared. For a moment she was stunned.

That was all that was needed as several demons unleashed their spells. Each one struck true and everyone rewarded her with a gasp. She smiled, she did it! The adventurer was stopped. Happily she jumped down from the tree and surveyed the area. Numerous demons lay groaning or stunned on the jungle floor. No one was actually dead or grievously wounded. A testament to the girl’s ability to hold back. Regardless, Aki had won. Now for her prize.

With sure movements she rapidly closed the distance and proceeded to straddle the young lady. Rolling her only slightly so that she could see her face. Aki presented a smile and leaned forward. She was tempted to just kiss her, she was so adorable, but she didn’t. It wasn’t quite time yet. After a moment she pulled back and stroked her cheeks, “You’re just so adorable! What brings you to this floor? My name is Aki, how about you?”

The girl didn’t say a word.

“Want to have some fun?”

She let the question hang. After a moment the girl turned bright red as she seemed to figure what she was implying. “Uh, no!” she squeaked. Not sounding at all confident.

Aki giggled, “You don’t sound that sure. Are you sure you don’t want to play?”

As Aki slipped her hand into the girl’s panties, the girl’s blush deepened. Again she said no, but Aki didn’t think she was serious. Especially not after pulling her soaking and sticky fingers out of the other girl’s panties. Fingers she promptly showed to the other girl, “I don’t know, your body seems to want this.”

She didn’t know it was possible, but the girl somehow flushed even deeper. By now her spell would have worn off and the girl wasn’t pushing her off or trying to run. With her strength that was something she could do. Aki’s tail wagged a bit as she felt emboldened. Finally she leaned forward, turning the girl’s head a little so that she could kiss her. At first the girl didn’t do a thing, but only for a moment. She started kissing back. Aki had to resist smirking, she knew it! No one could resist a body this cute. Not even an adorable girl like this.

Idly as their tongues dueled she began to work the other girl out of her clothes. Part of her was tempted to try having a kid with the girl, but something told her that it was better to just have fun. With a little help from her friends, she had the girl naked beneath her. Her armor folded neatly beside her.

Aki broke the kiss and smiled. “I knew you would like this. Now for some more fun.”

She repositioned, shifting her sex in front of the other girl’s face and in the process bringing herself to look at the other girl’s pussy. It was a lovely one, already glistening, but something caught her notice. “Oh you’re a virgin?” Several dots connected, “No wonder you were acting so shy. I better make this special for you.”

She leaned in. Aki was not only going to make sure the girl enjoyed it, but learned a few things. This was going to be a treat. It wasn’t often she got to teach and play with such an adorable girl.

Philip felt the heat in her belly surge as she watched the demon straddling her. Another part of her, however, was confused about why she was still here. The spell that had pierced her shields and temporarily stunned her had long since worn off, and she was still here. She moaned as the demoness found a particularly sensitive spot. Then she felt the fingers move and lightning surged through her. Her vision turned white and she lost all focus on the world.

As she came back, she listened to the demon telling her about her body. Some of it was quite informative but she was still wondering why she was here. Phillip considered pushing the demoness off, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead she just lay there, watching the demon manipulate her own breasts. While with her other hand, the demoness rubbed Phillip between the legs. The heat just built in her and she had to admit the demoness was very attractive. Aki was a catkin demon with gorgeous red hair with some light brown overtones. It helped highlight her cute face and her red eyes.

Below the neck she was completely hairless. Aside from the fur on her tail that was. A tail that was cutely wagging behind her. A clear sign of genuine excitement. The girl looked to be honestly happy and excited. Especially with the clear sticky fluids leaking from her twitching folds.

Her gaze returned to the demon’s boobs, watching how she reacted as she rolled her nipples. Aki smiled and told her about what she was doing. Along with warnings about being gentle. A girl’s boobs were delicate things. Not something to be rough with.

Phillip was then prompted to try with her own. For a moment she was hesitant, but eventually, her fingers found her own boobs. She gasped. The merest touch proved electric. Lightning coursed through her with each touch. Her hardened nipples proved especially sensitive. Pressing them just a little too hard, a surge of pain spiked through her. She had never realized how sensitive boobs were.

Before she could fully process that, the demon flicked her clit. A bolt of lightning ripped through her and she lost herself in the sensations. For a while she lost track of time, as the demon taught her about the female body.

She wasn’t sure how long they had been playing, when Aki leaned forward. Kissed her on the check and rubbed against her for a moment. “I had fun! We should do this again sometime. Maybe even do some penetrative sex?” she paused, “I’ll let you rest and go make sure the others leave you alone. Also if you ever need help, do come and ask. I’ll be happy to help!”

Phillip nodded and watched her run off. Taking only a moment to collect her clothes. Leaving Phillip there on the grass. She dozed off. When she woke, feeling much better she was greeted with a new box.


New skill: Initiate Sexual Technique Grade A
New Skill: Initiate Mana Coat Grade A

Great job gaining a new friend! I hope you had fun! Good luck with the new skills. Getting to grade A already shows you have talent. Oh and don’t worry about your quest, you still have plenty of time.

New trait: Sexual Talent

She turned red. Phillip noticed the little message from her patron, but she couldn’t help but focus on the skills she had gained. The second one was okay, it was used to coat the body with mana. Useful for more than just enhancing a pleasurable touch, but with development could lead to mana based armor skills. Not anything she had ever needed. The other skill was just embarrassing and grade A? Along with sexual talent? Phillip didn’t know what to think about that.

With a sigh, she forced it from her mind and turned to her clothing. Her armor was still neatly folded next to her. So she was easily able to find everything. In moments she was dressed and despite what just happened she needed to press on. With that in mind, she continued her dungeon run. Something that proved easier, as she encountered no resistance for the rest of the floor.



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