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Nelli watched 53 closely as her sister led the lesson. The girls were learning about the various duties of the Master’s pets. Recent lessons had often covered the duties of the workers. The pets who went out of the nest to produce for the nest. Not all of them did, but all of them lived outside the master’s nest.

53’s eyes drooped a little, her head drooping and Nelli was quick to give her a little jolt. Just enough to help her stay awake. It wasn’t time for her to sleep yet. Nelli smiled as she noticed her try and focus on what Nelli was telling her and the rest of the kids attending this class.

Today’s class was focusing on the pets that produced milk as their main function. Sometimes referred to as the cows, even if none of them were actually cows. They were even better than cows, with secondary breasts and enhanced breasts. Bodies optimized for milk production and they got first pick for the farmer’s produce. After it was turned into proper pet feed of course. This group also produced most of the general supply but not all of it as some pets that weren’t cows produced milk. Nelli and Reki were both good examples, although perhaps she could be argued as part cow. Master did optimize her breasts last night, same with Reki. They weren’t producing enough, now they were. She smiled as she thought about suckling some from Reki’s breasts. Not right now of course, as they were busy.

She barely paid attention as Reki was teaching them about milk priority. Nelli kept her gaze mainly on 53, but also occasionally made sure that the other girls were paying attention. She made a mental note that 53 had less energy today. Nelli knew she was getting worse, but while Master hadn’t told her, she was smart enough to know that Master wanted 53’s illness to progress. Not that she had bothered asking why, or anything of that nature. It wasn’t important and she was a good pet. She knew when not to ask questions. If it became important for her to know, Master would tell her.

Reki clapped, “Okay girls! Time for the bathroom. Except 53, you stay here.”

53 nodded and didn’t even complain as the other girls filed out of the class area and down to the bathroom. Nelli moved over the sofa and settled down next to her. “Doing okay?”

53 looked up, then shook her head. Not that she said anything. Nelli smiled, happy that she didn’t have to listen to her complaints. The girl had been complaining a lot recently. Then suddenly 53 asked, “How much longer?”

“Longer for what?”

She fidgeted a little, “Before I can eat and go back to bed?”

“We still have a long day ahead of us. As for food, you will get some after seeing Master.”

Her belly grumbled at that moment, as the girl slumped in her seat. The way she was looking at Nelli’s breasts didn’t escape her either. She pouted and complained under her breath. Nelli patted 53’s head, “It’s okay, I know you feel hungry, but Master’s orders. He wants you to eat less.”

She grumbled, “Yes, yes I know! Hard not to, when the amount of food you get keeps getting cut and then you flat out told me I’m not even getting breakfast today!”

Nelli chuckled, and rubbed her little belly, “You did so well there! Good use of your words!”

The little girl glared, but crumpled under her gaze a moment later. Not long after, Reki returned with the other girls and the lesson resumed.

Nelli kept an eye on 53 as they walked down the path. 53 stumbled but caught herself and kept going. It was taking a little longer than it should and would have been faster if she just carried 53, but Master told her that 53 should exert herself as much as possible. So she was being made to walk the distance to Master herself.

Making the final turn, they reached Master’s workshop. A side section where he conducted his checks on the little girls and sometimes even the babies. Nelli stepped forward and opened the door. Gesturing for 53 to step on in. The girl froze for a moment when she saw Master, but a simple nudge got her to move forward. She took three steps and then stumbled over nothing, planting her face on the floor.

Nelli sighed, “Come on girl get up. It’s rude to the Master.”

The girl grumbled a little and struggled quite a bit to pick herself off the floor. Yet she managed and wobbled up closer, where without prompting she settled into the exam seat. Nelli noted Master’s approval and took up a spot at the side of the room.

Master stepped closer to the girl, “Alright 53 lets see how you are progressing.”

He pulled out a few tools before running his tentacles over her body. Probing her with magic. After a moment he noted, “I see you still have a high fever.” the girl nodded and then went into a brief coughing fit. Not her first for the day.

He noted that down, “Coughing is getting more violent. Muscle weakness is progressing. Show me your arm please.”

The girl gave him a look and then raised her arm. He took it and then pressed a needle into her arm, drawing blood, which quickly filled a small vial. Master took it, ran over to a station and began to run a few tests. After a moment he was done and was back near 53, “Alright sweetie spread your legs.”

The girl sighed and complied as he produced a specially designed cup and tube contraption. It was a device designed to be attached to a girl’s pussy and was used to collect her discharges. This one was sized for young girls, and enchanted to adjust within limits, ensuring for a perfect leak-free fit, every time. 53 had known it was coming and didn’t complain as he attached it to her. He didn’t even have to prompt her this time, as her fluids began to flow down the tube the instant he was done. A look of relief on her face. Nelli wasn’t too surprised, this was her only chance to pee. Master had revoked her bathroom privileges afterall. 53 had made a mess the last time she used the bathroom. Since that incident, Master either collected it himself when saw her, or they did using a modified version that was designed to collect a blood sample as well.

When she was done, he praised her. Even gave her a little belly rub before asking her a question, “So sweetie? How did you sleep last night?”

The girl hesitated to answer.

He gave her a look, “Do we need another spanking?”

The girl deflated, looking down she answered, “I, um, managed to sleep through the night.”

Master smiled, “Good good. Glad you got your sleep. That means you shouldn’t have too much issue with the temperature being lowered again.”

The girl panicked, “Please Master no! I’m already cold, no more!”

“I’m sorry 53, but we need to chill your body. It’s far too warm right now.”

She pouted, but Master ignored her protests. As he continued his probing and tests. After a few minutes, he spoke up, “Alright sweetie. I’m liking what I am seeing, you are progressing quite nicely.” He paused as a tentacle dropped from the ceiling, “Enjoy your meal, while I go talk with Nelli. Okay sweetie?”

The girl nodded, reaching for the tentacle. It was just out of reach however and she was having issues reaching it. As the Master stepped away, Nelli moved to follow. As he led her into a side room. A different one from his little clinic. As soon as the door closed, the Master spoke without even turning, “I know you are fairly smart. I presume you are aware of what I am doing in regards to 53?”

“Her treatments are meant to help her illness progress.”

“Good, good. Now do you have any idea as to why?”

She hadn’t asked or thought much about it. So Nelli was silent for a moment before she answered, “I guess there are a few possible reasons. You could want her to die, although there are easier ways to kill a little one, so that doesn’t seem likely. Then again letting the disease kill her could be informative in itself.” she frowned, “or maybe there is something you feel can be gained by prolonging her sickness.”

He chuckled, “Not the best theory. Missed a few things. I do want something out of her illness. I’m finding studying it quite informative. I’m learning a lot about what she can take as well. Speaking of what she can take, after she is done eating. I want you to take her down to course seven. Set the room to the normal nursery temperatures and then wear her out. Don’t let her rest, until you are certain she is worn down.”

“I understand, I don’t see her lasting very long on the course though.”

“Naturally. Once she is done, you can take her to her shelf. Set the temp down another two degrees.”

She nodded. They had been reducing her pod temp regularly at this point and she knew it was getting a little icy. Nelli then replied, “Of course. I can see her complaining about that.”

“Yes, well the chill is helping me a lot. Her illness loves the cold and doesn’t like heat much.”

“Ah, I see. Do you know what she has?”

“I do! It’s...”

Phillip stepped out of his office and came out into the main room. Sarah had told him he had a guest. So he was coming out to greet them himself. It seemed appropriate given who it was. Slipping through the door he was greeted with the guild’s front room. On one wall was a small counter where Sarah manned the desk. Elsewhere was the quest board and a number of tables for people to sit at it. It was a rather modest guildhall.

Standing not far from the front desk was a familiar face, one who as usual had her pussy on full display. Something that was quite normal for Dark Elves. He smiled, “Sierra, a pleasure to see you again. What brought you to my little corner of the world?”

She smiled, “Well I heard what happened. Shame that, I liked Delilah, and Michael was pretty fun for a man. Guess it’s she now. Is she doing okay?”

He sighed, “Aidera has been looking after them. Understandably they both have issues, but Aidera says she is making progress.”

Sierra nodded, “In that case they are in good hands.” then she switched her tones. “Anyway, I didn’t just come here to check on things in person. I also brought a couple of people I thought could help,” she paused letting out a sigh, “and one... interloper.”


“Let’s just say she’s a pain in the ass.” she turned, raising her voice, “You three can come in.”

The door opened and three women entered the room. One of them was quite short, only about 90 cm tall with dragonkin features. Her hair was a nice solid black that contrasted well with her scales. She had some lovely wings covered with gorgeous silver scales and marked with pale blue scales forming a rather enchanting pattern. Her arms and legs were marked with silver scales as well. Along with a dusting of scales on her cheeks. Her chest was best described as a pair of modest swells and her build was generally athletic, she was in good shape. He thought she was extremely cute and he had no doubt Sarah would love to have the girl on her lap and enjoying a good petting session. It was easy to see that. She was dressed in a tight leather top and shorts combo.  Something designed more for mobility than protection, but the enchantments didn’t escape his notice. The girl didn’t have the best enchantments for her clothing, but it was enough to protect her from the average monster. They seemed more focused on stealth and agility than protection anyway. On her hip was a brace of knives.

Next to her was another young woman he didn’t recognize. She was of about average height. Her brown hair was kept at shoulder length and framed her round face. The woman had sharp eyes and a button nose. Her chest was a bit on the large side. She was definitely a looker and he could see her being popular. The woman was professionally dressed in a sensible dress.

The last woman he guessed was the interloper. She was tall, with large breasts, long brown hair and sharp features. Her mage robes were well decorated bearing the marks of a tri-elemental master with mastery in Celestial, Lightning, and Earth Magic. Not only that, but they were clearly combat clothing not formal. Few mages would openly display markings like that.

Sierra smiled, “Let me introduce, Mira, Melisa and...” she paused, “Susan.” She took a breath. “I brought Mira along since she is a fairly talented rogue. I figured she might be able to fill the gap left by...” she coughed, “Richard.”

“I see, picking a woman might have been best too. I’ll introduce them later if Delilah thinks Michael is up to it.”

“Sounds like a plan. Now Melisa here is one of the more talented apprentices at my guild, but it’s about time that she was given a role to test her abilities. Since you do have an opening for an aide, why not give her a chance to help you out?”

He blinked, “I don’t quite need one yet, but thank you for the help.”

“Oh, you’ll need her sooner than you think. Running a guild is no small task. Speaking of guilds, Moonlit Departures gave me a letter for you.” Seirra handed it over, while gesturing to Susan who was giving her a look, “Oh and before I forget, Susan here is a talented, if rather arrogant mage. Don’t know why she came, don’t care. Feel free to knock her down a peg. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a few people to check on.”

“Leaving already?”

“I’ll be back soon enough, one of the families that came along has a sick girl. She was fine when we left, but came down with something on the road. Our healer couldn’t do anything for her. I directed the distraught mother to look for Aidera. I know she is rather talented and if anyone here can help, it would be her.”

He blinked, “I see. I wish them luck.”

With that Sierra left.


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