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Misaki stretched a bit as she slipped out of bed. Part of her just wanted to lay in bed, but she did have things to do. Nothing too important, but it still had to be done. The first thing on today’s itinerary was to check in with Lily’s family. After that she was going to check up with Asarya. The young Imp had asked for a house here,  she apparently wanted to live closer to Lily. So Misaki had prepared her a house just a few doors down the street. It was a smaller building, designed exactly as requested, with two bedrooms, a large nursery, a lovely den and a nice side room for sex with her guests. That sex room was really important to her. It had a large bed, designed to be comfy and easy to clean. Special walls that could be configured to provide privacy if wanted or set to be transparent so others could watch.

Misaki didn’t want a room like that, but she knew some demons liked to have others watching. It was a personal choice. What happened the other day with Reiko notwithstanding, she was generally more private with that kind of thing. At least she thought of herself that way.

Stepping in front of the mirror, she looked over her naked form and considered what to wear. She really liked wearing the dress of the succubus, it was a nice outfit, but it didn’t feel right for the day. Misaki frowned and after a moment a nice dress settled onto her frame. One designed not to cover her breasts or pussy. She paired it with a simple bra and panty combo. One with free flaps over her nipples and pussy. That would sway with her movements, teasing someone with little glimpses of her nipples or pussy if she moved just the right way. Perfect.

Set for the day, she glanced in at the town. It was building up nicely, there were a few houses, the start of a market square, an inn, and one larger building that served as the guildhall. Not much else was built. Most of the residents lived in tents and spent the day building. It was moving very fast, thanks to magic, but it still took days to shape a town. Nothing too much seemed to be happening. She did notice a new wagon train coming into town. Misaki wasn’t sure if that would mean much of anything. In the Inn, she noticed a few girls having a discussion, and glancing back at the isolated tent, Misaki checked in on the two girls that got betrayed by their teammate. They seemed to be doing okay, as they slept with each other in their arms. It seemed their mutual experience had caused them to bond. It was a shame how it happened, but Misaki had to admit it was cute watching young love blossom. She’d also checked to make sure, and thankfully neither of them conceived a child thanks to that. Misaki just didn’t think it would be good for either of them if they ended up with a baby after that. She was just glad that nudist healer, Aidera she thought the name was, was helping them out. Misaki had even watched her provide them guidance, even going as far as using mind magic. That was interesting to watch, since she could actually see what Aidera was doing. Exactly what she told them, but still interesting.

Moving her gaze away, she wished the two luck and a speedy recovery once again. It didn’t seem like much, but she didn’t know what else to do for them. Dressed and done checking in on the residents and still thinking about things, she left the room. It was time to see how Ivy and Lily were doing.

Amy looked between Aidera and her sister. The three of them were pregnant, all of them. Aidera was sitting in the corner looking sheepish. “I’m sorry! I completely forgot that we were all fertile with girls! I should have remembered and provided us with protection!”

Amy shook her head, “It’s not your fault, I forgot too. I should have reminded you but I was thinking with my pussy. I’m sorry.”

Thomas while looking down at her naked sex sighed, “I really should have remembered that and reminded you two. I’m sorry.”

Amy shook her head, “What? But I dragged you in!”

“On my suggestion, I just wanted to have fun with you both, again I’m sorry.”

Amy gave her a look, then glanced at Thomas and then sighed, “I guess we all made mistakes,” she shrank a little, “The next question is now what?”

Aidera looked between them, “I could contact the church? They would want to set up a branch here anyway. Great place for it, especially with the dungeon. That curse has great value to my church. I know a few priestesses who would be delighted to help us with childcare.”

Amy scratched her ear, a frown on her face. After a moment she nodded, “I’m not entirely sure about that, but if they are going to be around anyway it wouldn’t hurt to take a look.”

Aidera nodded, “You’ll love them! The church priestesses provide the best childcare in the entire empire! They pride themselves on it. Aceri says that children are precious and they must be treated well and properly educated since they are the future. They provide kids with everything they need, along with schooling, playtime and even path counseling.”

Amy chuckled, “I don’t think we need to worry about schooling or path counseling. Still a daycare would be helpful.”

Thomas nodded, “I just hope this doesn’t interfere with our careers. I still want to get stronger and try to clear the dungeon.”

Aidera and Amy both giggled, “Might want to put a hold on that, but it shouldn’t interfere too much. We can stay here and focus on the local area. Maybe settle down with a nice house?”

Aidera nodded, “A house sounds good, a nice bedroom for the three of us, a nursery. A healing ward so I can look after patients. I can stay at home most of the time too, look after the good people of this unnamed border town. I was thinking of having one built anyway. Not to mention, I can look after the kids, so that you two can keep doing quests.”

Amy and Thomas shared looks. After a moment Amy nodded, “I guess we could do that, build a house together. Maybe a few more rooms than that though. If we are going to settle in, we might want to give rooms for our party and...”

“You sisters aren’t sure you are ready to share rooms?” she sighed, “I understand. We have time.” then her face shifted, as her eyes lit up, “You know what!? We should go out on a date! It will be fun!”

They frowned and then Amy thought about it, “You know what? That isn’t a bad idea. We can discuss our impending life changes later. Let’s go out, have some fun. I could use a good distraction.” She paused, gave both of them a look, “and no sex! We can’t trust ourselves.”

The other two nodded and before they knew it. They were leaving. Amy and Thomas had gotten dressed quickly in some casual clothes. Aidera simply washed herself off and made sure she looked good and they all headed out to enjoy the town. Well what it had to offer anyway.

Nelli rubbed the sleep out of her eye. A glance at the clock master gave her told her that she had slept in, again. She stretched lazily, that meant she had missed the time she had set aside to check on the babies. That wasn’t too much of a problem, they were just babies. Today had a busy schedule, she had a bit of time set aside in the afternoon for precious 15, but not for the others. There was barely enough time to do what she needed for 15 when she got in there, so the little ones weren’t going to be checked today. Master said it was okay to skip a day, so she pushed that problem aside.

Technically there were still about ten minutes left of the time she set for the babies, but that wasn’t enough time for all of them. So Nelli wasn’t going to bother going down to see how they were doing. Instead she just relaxed, enjoying the comfortable feel of her bed. Letting the clock tick for a bit before she decided to slip out of the bed.

Stepping from the lovely comfort of her bed, her bare skin was exposed to the cooler air of the room. Reminding her that she was naked. The Master liked it when she slept naked, so she had taken to sleeping without. Set out near the door was a new outfit that the Master had provided. She smiled, looked it over and then put it on. Glancing in a provided mirror she liked what she saw. Nelli looked really cute in the short top and skirt combo. One that really showed off her cute belly. A belly that really needed to be rubbed.

Nelli didn’t see Reki in the hall or their room so she figured that her sister was already up. Pausing for a moment, she soon picked a course and headed down to the pet’s bathroom. It wasn’t far, so it didn’t take her long to reach the room. It was a nice large room, with special floors. Several other girls were in the room when she entered. The room had nice clean sightlines, so she could see them squatting over the holes, peeing. It had been a little interesting getting used to this at first, but now she couldn’t understand why she had an issue with doing her business in front of others. As a pet it was only natural that she would use a large open room like this and it was most efficient if it was shared. What use was privacy anyway? She was a pet.

Like most pets, she came here to pee. She was just glad she no longer needed to do the other thing. It was so much easier now that the master had optimized her this way. He did it for everyone. Something about making their bodies more efficient.

Finding a free hole, she settled over it and began to pee. A nice healthy stream going right into the hole. Where it would be collected and used. The master said something about their pee having useful properties but what they were slipped her mind. If it was important she would have remembered.

Once she was done, she activated the cleaning node, and let it thoroughly clean her pussy. Once it was done, she stood up and passed a few new girls coming in to pee. She smiled, gave them her greetings and departed the room. Briefly stopping by the cafeteria to eat before heading on down into the basement. She still hadn’t seen Reki, which meant she was almost certainly downstairs looking after the little girls.

She navigated the maze of corridors with surety and it wasn’t long before she found the little girls’ wing. Stepping into the main room, she glanced at a clock. She was right on time. Reki was not far, dealing with a young girl. “I need to pee!” shouted the little one.

Reki sighed, “I told you already, you need to hold it. The bathroom isn’t open for another two hours.”

The girl pointed at the door, “But group seven went in!? Why can’t I?”

Reki interrupted, “Group seven’s bathroom trip is scheduled for now. Now get back to your group.”

“But I need to pee!!!”

Reki gave her a look, then suddenly yanked her over a knee before spanking her. Nelli walked over, “Need a hand?”

Reki smiled, “Sure could you get me the bladder filler, I think she could use more fluid in her bladder.”

The girl, already crying, paled. “What! No, please, don’t!”

Nelli quickly retrieved the device in question. It was designed to penetrate a girl’s pee hole and fill her up in reverse. Quite clever. Although most of the time they peed the floor after it was used, which just meant more punishment and a second filling. Most girls were more reluctant to try using the bathroom when they weren’t scheduled afterwards. Nelli agreed that it was quite effective for that.

Reki took the device and with Nelli’s assistance, they inserted it into the girl. She shuddered as it went in and her crying intensified as they pumped some extra water up into her. She soon started to look rather distressed and when they were sure she had enough extra in her, they let her go. Patting her pussy gently, Reki smiled, “There we are all done. Now go back to your group and try to hold it.”

The girl her face red and streaked with tears nodded, “Yes ma'am.”

She trotted off while holding her pussy. Reki watched her for a moment and then turned, “Thanks for the help, that one is a bit of a troublemaker. Anyway, can you go check on 53 for me?”

Nelli nodded, she knew who her sister was talking about. Little girl number 53 was that sick little girl they got from the groundskeeper. 53 was still quite sick. In fact she had gotten a little worse. Master said that was okay and had them lower the temperature in her bed, to keep her cool at night. He also had them cut the amount of food she was getting. Said she needed to eat less. “Sure thing sister!”

She walked off and headed to a different alcove. She found 53 was already up, shivering a bit. She checked the girl’s bed and noted that it had been lowered again. Master must have decided she was still too warm at night. Nelli smiled and closed in on 53, “53 dear, how are we doing today?”

The girl gave her a look, then sighed before giving out an honest report. 53 made a lot of progress, she didn’t cry or throw tantrums anymore. Master praised them for that, “Tired, a little cold, and hungry.” she coughed.

“Glad to hear it. Now let’s get you ready for today’s class and then we can go see Master. He wants to see you.”

The girl sighed, “What about breakfast?”

“Oh, that? You aren’t getting it today, Master’s orders.”

The girl pouted a little, but followed along. She had learned well. The girl stumbled a few times as she followed. Nelli kept an eye on her, ready to punish her if she fell. Just because she was sick and weak wasn’t an excuse for tripping, but the girl managed to make it through the morning prep and get to her seat without falling over. There were a couple of moments where she looked like she nearly passed out, but she made it. Nelli smiled, proud of little 53.


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