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Aidera sprawled herself out on the bed, her legs spread invitingly. After spending hours helping those two out, she needed this. A nice lovely distraction. Mind magic was nice and all, but being connected to another mind, meant feeling what they did. What happened to Michael and Delilah was different, but it was traumatic and feeling it was reminding her of her own past.

Regardless she wasn’t doing this just because she needed it. The ritual had been something and while her two partners missed it, she didn’t. There was a reason the three of them had been graced with Akulie’s gifts and Delilah had not. She wasn’t sure when it had happened, but her attraction to Amy had been mirrored with an attraction to Thomas. Aidera was perfectly aware of her feelings, but the two siblings? They were still in denial of them, especially Amy. Amy made excuses and denied her feelings at every turn. Unfortunately for her, Aidera being a mind mage was quite aware of them. Not only that, she could feel them every time Amy felt them. Even if Amy pushed them aside and stopped herself from thinking most of the time when they came up.

She smiled to see her two lovers and she hoped this little distraction would help them realize that they loved each other more than they thought. Suddenly she had a thought. A feeling that she forgot something, but Aidera couldn’t, for the life of her, figure it out, and she was feeling a little too horny to bother working it out. It didn’t help that her mind was open, and she could feel the lust her partners were giving off.

It was in that moment that Amy dived between her legs. Aidera gasped as the hot wet tongue brushed against her soft folds. A small surge of lightning rippled through her. Aidera enjoyed it for a moment before starting to play with her breasts. Her gaze locking on to Thomas who seemed a little unsure. Yet she knew the other girl only needed a push. “Play with me, please. I need you!”

That was all it took, as before she could blink, and without even needing her skills, the supine form of Thomas was pressing against her side. Softs breasts pressing against her own. They slid forward and a hardening nipple brushed against her own, sending little ripples of delightful sensation through her breasts. Aidera let out a little gasp, as she pulled her fingers away from her breasts. One hand found its way down to where Amy was growing more bold with her tongue.

The wet appendage was slipping into her folds. A flick sent it over her sensitive little nub sending a surge of lightning and heat through her. Her belly was already growing hot and all thought left her. Then the tongue slipped deeper into her folds and she moaned. Her fingers, finding Amy, began to rub the top of her head. An action which seemed to encourage the other girl, as her movements intensified. Her belly started getting very hot as pressure built.

She barely even noticed how Thomas had moved from just rubbing against her to full on playing with her breasts. It felt really good and with the heat in her core, everything felt right in the world. Then that lovely tongue found her delightful clit again and lightning ripped through her. The heat in her core exploded and her world was washed away in pure white. Moans echoed her own, as her own magic went wild sharing her pleasure with her lovers, as fluids gushed from her core. Idly she could even feel the wet tongue lapping away at her gushing pussy, which only made the explosion in her mind all the more delightful.

Then her world came back into focus. As Amy was pulling away. Guiding Thomas into a new position and suddenly Aidera found herself on the bottom, with the two sisters on top of her. All of their breasts touching. She gasped, as the pair pressed into her. Rubbing their bodies against each other. As they did, she felt the wonderful feeling of pussy rubbing against the outside of her thighs, both of them.

Aidera moaned as she felt like she was floating on clouds. No longer was she controlling any of this. As Amy was taking full control of things and Aidera was more than happy to let the other girl dictate the pace. Under Amy’s direction, the other two speed up. Each movement causing breasts to slap against breasts. The sounds of flesh smacking filled the air, as her boobs felt like lightning was striking them rapidly with no chance to rest. The haze in her mind built up with every moment as time lost its meaning to her.

Her belly was roiling with new heat, when suddenly she felt pussy rub against her own. The folds of a partner pushing into her own. A little soft bit of sensation rubbed against her clit, which was only growing more sensitive. Lightning struck her again with sudden force and her world shattered. She let loose a scream of raw sensation and lust. Words were completely lost to her as she simply enjoyed the pleasure her lovers were sharing with her. Below her floodgates were open and sticky fluids gushed. She barely even noticed that both of her lovers were cumming with her. Her magic once again sharing her feelings and sending them both over the edge.

No words were spoken as the next round began. They weren’t needed, and none of them were satisfied yet. The link of raw emotion told them all everything they needed. So with her world back in focus, she merely watched as the two sisters rubbed pussies together right above her. Only for a moment though, before she dived between their legs and started licking. Her wet needy tongue slipped between their fold, eliciting little gasps from her lovers. As lightning surged between them. Guided by the feelings coming from them, she gave them exactly what they wanted.

In mere moments she felt first Amy then Thomas go over the edge and then lightning struck her again. Not from touch but from the link they now shared. She screamed her feelings out as white light filled her vision and the heat in her core exploded. Rushing out as hot sticky fluids.

As the world came back into focus, they changed positions. She pressed her pussy against Amy’s and they began to rub against each other. Each little movement caused their clits to rub against each other. Sending surges of delightful lightning through her body. She lost herself in the sensations and it only grew better when a hot wet tongue played against her folds. Each little moment helping to send her right back over the edge. She peaked, her mind shattering into delightful bliss as the heat in her core drained right through her pussy.

It was pure happiness itself, but none of them were ready to quit. They still had more energy. Brief flashes of memory played through the link. Aidera saw Amy and Thomas as a red-skinned girl knelt over them between their legs. She commanded them to cum and they did. Then she saw the same thing play out for herself. It was so hot. Feeling that arm in her pussy and her lovers once again at the same time. It tied them together and they exploded again in bliss. Even as they were still enjoying the last bit of bliss they had unlocked.

As the world came back into focus, they traded positions again. This time it was Thomas pressing her folds against Aidera’s. She moaned in delight as the soft flesh pressed into her folds and rubbed against her sensitive little nerves. Little ripples ran through her as her core grew hot again. Almost burning in that oh so delightful way. She couldn’t get enough of this and then that tongue she knew was coming found her and she just lost it. Raw heat exploded out of her and the world shattered into a million little pieces.

She was still riding the cloud when her world came back into focus. Amy crawled over her, her delightful breasts hanging beneath her. Seeming to sway a little with each movement. Tempted Aidera moved forward, and pulled one into her mouth. Sucking on the other girls lovely nipples and giving them a little swirl with her tongue. The trick proved quite effective and Amy gasped.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Thomas found her pussy and started licking. Between Aidera and Thomas, Amy lost control. As their tongues sent little ripples through her and Aidera relished in the heat she felt building in Amy. Bring her to the edge.

Yet, just before she got there. Amy managed to slip her grasp, and pressed her into the ground. In the same movement, Thomas was pulled loose, and then suddenly Amys pussy was rubbing against her breast. Aidera moaned as the wet sticky flesh rubbed against her sensitive breasts. Each moment caused her nipple to slap against Amy’s clit. A sensation they could both relish in. She moaned out loud. Letting lose her feelings, as Thomas suddenly mounted her.

Next thing she knew, Aidera was enjoying the double attack of pussy against boob, and pussy against pussy. Each little movement sent delightful little ripples of pleasure through her. Lightning surged and the heat in her core grew. Yet every time it was about to explode, the other two slowed. Next thing she knew, she was whimpering.

Yet they kept going, and the heat kept growing. It grew and grew, until there was nothing but her and the heat. With no release in sight, she barely paid the sisters any mind. Waiting for that release she so desperately wanted and then lightning struck her core. It resonated in her and her world... simply disintegrated. Bliss rippled through her like nothing else.

As the world came back into focus, she lay back. Panting to catch her breath and feeling only satisfaction. This was what she wanted. She felt a shiver of delight as she noted the sisters laid out next to her. Sticky with juices and just as pleasantly spent as she was. All she wanted to do now was to just lay back and let the darkness take her. She could feel it coming too. Then a blue screen popped in front of her. Lazily, she read it.


You’re pregnant!

I sure enjoyed seeing young lovers bond. I couldn’t help but offer you three my blessing. Do enjoy!
Blessing gained: Dewari’s Protection
Granted to pregnant mothers who gain her notice. Lasts till the end of the pregnancy. It may be extended to the child or children for their first five years

Why you three work fast. I wasn’t expecting you three to move this far for another year or more. Congratulations on cementing your bond. Giggle, well I guess my protection wasn’t really needed. Allow me to extend my own blessings on you three as well.
Blessing Gained: Akulie’s Protection

Granted to pregnant mothers who gain her notice. Lasts till the end of the pregnancy and if the baby or babies are female, they gain her protection for their first five years.

Aidera my child, Congrats. I wish you much luck with your future as a mother. Allow me to extend my own blessing to your future child.

Blessing Gained: Aceri’s Unclad Scales

I know it’s not the equal of a full fertility god’s protection, but know that your child or children will never need clothes. My blessing will protect her from the elements be it frost or sun, wind or water.

Sleepily, she stared at the message. That’s nice, then the darkness took her. Leaving the notification and all it meant for future her to deal with.



Uh oh, is it the memory of the demon from the dungeon? All three of them might end up as dungeon slaves at this rate.