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Amy lay back in her seat. It had been a few days since the eval team had failed. She and her party had mostly been helping around with getting that town set up. Some of the tents had disappeared in favor of actual buildings. The guild had unveiled a proper hall and the town was starting to feel like a town. With things moving along so well, the official opening of the dungeon was finally at hand. First floor only, still. They hadn’t gotten an eval for the lower floors. Which sucked. Of course, she’d already gone in a couple of times. Just because the dungeon wasn’t officially open didn’t mean it wasn’t open. Some parties including hers had been allowed to make runs. Their runs had helped solidify the ranking on the dungeon. The first floor certainly had decent rewards and her party had gained a couple of levels.

At the moment she was relaxing with her party. They didn’t have much to do right now. No projects to help on. They weren’t a work crew and the area had been cleared of any monsters. For a moment she considered going to check on Michael and Delilah. She had visited them a few times. Aidera had been up there every day to help Michael. Saying things about how the poor girl needed proper support and she had to agree. Amy had heard what happened. It was horrible. Being betrayed like that!? Murdered and then raped by a friend? No one deserved that. She had attended Richard’s public castration. The guy had long left for the empire, trussed up in chains and collared. He deserved to suffer.

The door to their room in the inn opened. She looked up, to the familiar naked form of Aidera walking in. Amy recalled that she had recently gone up to check on the pair. “So how were those two doing?”

Aidera smiled, “Well enough, all things considered. I finally got Michael to agree to mind manipulation. I spent most of the time I was there just blunting the trauma her rape inflicted. I think I patched her up enough to move on.”

Amy frowned, “Why blunt it?”

“She doesn’t want to forget,” Aidera sighed, “I certainly didn’t want to forget my trauma either.”

Amy’s frown deepened, but before she could ask Aidera spoke up. “Remember the other day when I mentioned you killed my mother and saved my life?”

Amy thought back for a moment. As she recalled that conversation. Her mind drifted back to the past.

“Thank me?” she asked with a confused expression that Aidera couldn’t help but find adorable.

Aidera smiled, “Well, I wanted to thank you for saving my life.”

“You mean just recently with the Armalisk?”

“No, years ago when you killed my mother after she had been corrupted by that foul...”

Amy blinked, her hand froze, “Wait! You want to thank me for killing your mother!?”

Aidera fidgeted and nodded, “Can you please keep touching me?”

For a moment Amy just gave her a look, but didn’t resume her movements. Aidera started moving herself to get those pleasant tingles. Only for Amy to pull away. “Why exactly do you want to thank me for killing your mother?

Aidera fidgeted, her mind flashing back briefly to the past. She sighed, not entirely sure where to begin, or what to share. “Well as I said she had been corrupted. The mother I knew was already... gone. You killing her... saved me.”

Amy’s expression was delightfully cute, with her face all scrunched up like that. “I... saved you? I don’t recall that.”

Aidera gave her a look, “You don’t?” she sighed, “Well it has been a few years. Let's not talk about it, and just let me thank you.” She reached out with a nudge and spread her pussy a bit. Rather wishing she had not dropped that bomb, and that Amy would just drop the subject. She should have known better.

Amy didn’t quite drop it though, “What exactly did I save you from? I really don’t remember.”

She recalled that Aidera hadn’t much wanted to talk about it, but she had pushed anyway. Amy ended up hearing a bit about her life story, what happened when she was a little girl. Something about a monster, but her mind was fuzzy on it. Amy wasn’t supposed to remember what that was about. That’s right. Her mind drifted off the topic. “Kind of. What does that have to do with this?”

“Well my goddess offered to have my memory of that removed entirely, but I didn’t want to forget that. So instead she helped me move past it and eased away the scars it created. I think that’s part of why I like having my pussy touched so much. Without her? I don’t know what I would be like, but I’m certain I would still be a mess. I’m trying to do the same with Michael. I did some rooting around in Delilah’s head too. She isn’t as bad as Michael and was more willing for the help right from the start.”

Amy nodded, “Well I can see that.” she sighed, “I don’t blame either of them for having issues. What Richard did was despicable.”

Aidera shifted, “It was, but I need some Amy time after that.” she paused, “ooh! We should get Thomas and all have some fun together!”

Amy blinked watching the way Aidera was spreading her pussy. It was quite clear what kind of fun she wanted. For a moment she wasn’t sure what to think and then after a moment she nodded, “Yeah sure, we can do that.”

Laki stepped into the office. Being a small mousekin girl the room felt pretty big and cozy. She had not been here often. Nelli said that the master wanted to see her and she was growing wet at the thought that she might get a belly rub or two. Those were so nice. It felt really good to snuggle in Master’s arms while his tentacles brought her to orgasm with belly rub after belly rub. Thanks to her master, her belly was like a second clit, no, better. It made the rubs so enjoyable.

The master noticed her come in and gestured for her to settle into his lap. She climbed into his lap and presented him her bare belly. Laki, like most pets, wore clothes that left her belly fully exposed. The master had previously dressed her in a simple breast wrap and panty combo. Nothing else, so she was very close to being naked. Yet she felt the master had good taste. It was a very simple set of clothing that preserved her modesty, showed off her belly and let her cuteness shine through. It was a perfect casual outfit.

Master gave her a smile, and she was quite happy as his tentacles began rubbing her belly. She mewled under his touch and once again marveled at how she could remain focused. Even as her body was on the verge of orgasm and he had barely touched her too. Just one of the benefits of being a corrupted girl.

She let him play with her belly and enjoyed several hard and fast orgasms before he spoke. Laki was in the middle of one, enjoying the sensations and letting her mind float on them when he spoke. Instantly she focused on his words, “I’m sorry but I have a task that is going to take you away from the nest for a while. I hope you will be alright.”

She moaned, “Um, what? What do you mean Master?”

“I need a pet I can trust to travel to the other towns nearby.”

Laki blinked, her mind floating a bit as her orgasm intensified. Fluid gushed from her pussy, and a smile graced her lips. Master trusted her! She could do this, she was going to do it. Prove Master right. Leaving the nest meant fewer belly rubs, but if Master liked what she did it meant better ones. “I... Understand! I’ll do my best. What will you have me do?”

His mind touched hers and she understood. Her job was a complex one. She was to start corrupting the other towns, but the master didn’t want more pets. Not grown ones anyway. He wanted children. Babies and little girls. She was to collect as many babies as she could and bring him the best young girls she could find. The cutest little ones she could find and take them from their mothers. He taught her what corruptions she was to spread to the towns as well. They would make the people more willing to give her their babies and little girls. While also making them more active sexually.

She wasn’t going to be getting many belly rubs. This was going to be a long mission and she was simply the first pet chosen. If she did well, he might select some sisters to help her. First however, her body would need a few extra modifications. She reconfirmed her consent and the master sent her over the edge. As a particularly intense orgasm hit her and even her remarkable ability to focus was lost.

By the time she was aware of her surroundings again, she wasn’t in the office. The Master had stripped her naked and laid her out on a table. He was next to her, preparing tools. He smiled, “Alright I’m going to start with modifying your pussy. Now would you like to be able to feel pleasure with it?”

She shook her head, “No Master. It’s my pussy, not my belly, it shouldn’t be able to feel pleasure. I would like my womb to remain functional, but only partially. I don’t want to have worthless boys.”

He smiled and brought the first tool to her folds, she bent to watch. As he expertly coaxed her clit out of its hood. In one swift flick, he separated it from her pussy. She was finally clitless, that was so nice. He moved inward and reworked her nerves. By the time he was done she could still feel with her pussy, but none of the touches were pleasurable. That was so nice. It would make it much easier to use her pussy as a tool now.

Then as a final touch, he showed her a fake clit, which he attached to her. “Since you are going out of the nest, I thought a fake clit would be a nice touch.”

She nodded, that was a nice touch. After he attached it, she ran a hand over her changed folds. Master had somehow even made her little pussy look cuter, more inviting. Especially with the new way it twitched. As he pulled out a new set of tools, “Now we can get started on your womb. Are you sure you want it to remain functional?”

She nodded, “Yes. You want babies. I’ll try to get pregnant with cute ones for you. My gift Master.”

He chuckled, “Well if that is what you want. Alright you already said you wanted me to remove your ability to have boys. Would you like to have litters or normal births?”

“Litters, that means more babies, which means I can give you more gifts.”

He nodded, “Understood. I can also reconfigure your womb to support an accelerated pregnancy cycle. You will need to eat more than usual, but your pregnancies will last three months instead of nearly a year.”

She nodded eagerly, “Do it!”

“Glad you approve,” then he reached out. His mind touched hers and new knowledge filled her.


New Skill gained: Corrupted Energy Drain

Drain vitality and Mana from a partner to boost recovery and replenish your health and mana. Target’s mental energy can also be drained. You may corrupt your target and if their mental energy is drained you may freely brainwash them

“I think you will find that skill most useful. It works best on men though. For girls, I was thinking of modifying your milk. That would have the side effect of significantly reducing the value your milk has for your babies.”

“I won’t be feeding them that much, only until I give them to you. Honestly I think my milk being modified sounds great.”

Master smiled, “Of course. I’ll get right on it and I could give you some extra nipples that give regular milk just in case.”

She blinked. Extra nipples just for her babies? That might be good. She glanced down at her belly. Some mousekin breeds had belly nipples. “Maybe on my belly?”

Master turned that down, “No, I don’t want to mar your cute little belly with nipples. Perhaps a second set on your chest?”

She glanced down at her chest, she knew a few mousekin with secondary breasts and tried picturing that. After a moment she decided she didn’t want those and shook her head, “Nah, and if I did go for that it would be for more corrupted milk.”

He rubbed her belly clearly thinking but before he could make another suggestion she had a thought, “My clit is fake right? Why not make it a nipple? Wouldn’t it be so fun if my real milk came from my pussy?”

Her master gave her a look, “You want your pussy to lactate?”

She nodded, and Master sighed, “You are a strange girl, but fine.”

With that he stopped talking and got to work. It was really weird watching her belly get opened up so that he could work on her womb. He shared with her what he did, when he was finished. He altered her cervix to filter out male sperm. Making it impossible for her to have boys. In addition, he made changes to her ovaries to give her more control over when she got pregnant, and ensure when she did that multiple eggs get fertilized. While improving her womb’s connections with the rest of her body to support a more complex nutrient flow. Then he moved on to her breasts, making changes. After a few moments, she got a new notification. To go with the one she got from her womb and a third soon followed after he was done with giving her pussy a nipple.


New trait gained: Corrupted Womb of Female Only Litters
Your womb has been altered and corrupted. Can only give birth to girls and tend to have litters. Pregnancies are fast, but you recover quickly. High chance of your kids being corrupted

New trait gained: Corrupted Milk
Your milk is tainted with a potent toxin. Those who drink it are slowly corrupted and rendered highly susceptible to your influence. Your milk has almost no value for babies and may damage their brains.
New Trait Gained: Protected Lactating Pussy
Your pussy lactates. Milk from down here is unaffected by your corrupted milk trait.

She smiled as she looked over her new traits. They would certainly help her. Master did one last scan of her body and then smiled, “Okay looks like we are about set. Now to get you some new equipment.”

“Perhaps something like my usual outfit? I like how little it covers, it lets my body speak for itself. Simple is best right?”

He nodded, “Yes something simple would be nice. He left and came back moments later with a simple tube-top, no bra, and a skirt, no panties. “Here these are enchanted and should be quite helpful. I considered giving you panties, but I figured it would be easier for you to have an uncovered pussy. The skirt will provide all the modesty you need.”

She nodded and looked over the skirt. It was short, but not too short. It would cover her pussy quite well. Unless she lifted it, or moved carelessly no one would know she was going without. Laki let Master dress her and enjoyed one last belly rub before he sent her on her way.

Leaving the workshop, she made her way out of the nest. Stepping out she was greeted with the changing town. A number of buildings were just missing and not far away she could see a crew of barely dressed pets working to take apart another. Adding the timber and stone to a growing pile. She smiled and for a moment enjoyed the cool air against her skin.

Then she took her first few steps down the path from the building. Making her way through Master’s garden which was even nicer now. Many of the plants had been replaced or corrupted. Nearby she saw several pets tending to a tentacle tree. It was a plant from Master’s home. It had a lovely strong trunk, with a canopy of dark leaves that hid its tentacles. Decorating the dark leaves were also bright flowers that drew the eye and let forth a mist. As a corrupted, that mist meant nothing to her, but it would make an uncorrupted girl quite vulnerable. Easy prey.

She didn’t pay it much mind. Taking only a moment to appreciate the beauty of the tree and then proceeding into the streets of the town. Passing numerous crews as they worked to take apart the old buildings. Carefully, naturally, so that the materials could be used for other things. No point wasting good lumber or stone, just because it was used in a useless eyesore.

It wasn’t long before she reached the walls. Turning a corner, she noted a group of mage pets removing stones from the wall. They had actually made a fair amount of progress. Master needed the whole thing moved and reshaped since it was placed wrong. These girls were certainly working hard to impress him, she wished them luck with getting their well deserved belly rubs. Something she thought they might get soon, since they had already taken apart the entire gatehouse and the two sections surrounding it.

Reaching the perimeter, a couple of guardian pets noticed her and gave her a smile. These were girls given the duty of defending the nest. Their bodies changed to make them better suited to defend the nest. Naturally she respected them greatly. It took dedication and skill to do the job, even with the advantages Master had gifted them. She spoke briefly with them and then headed out of town. There were a few towns near their nest. As she headed on out into the wilderness, she considered where to go. Their nest was known as Revarra, it was a smaller township without a dungeon. It was a bit off the path too, so the nest wouldn’t have to worry too much about being discovered quickly.

Revarra used to have more traffic than recently, but in recent years it wasn’t much. As Revarra was close to the borderlands and trade in that direction had mostly dried up. Other towns closer to the Bluewood got more attention these days. Laki recalled that there used to be a trade route with Stormwind that came through Revarra and passed into the borderlands. There was one more town further north on that route. As she recalled that town had shrunk since the trade dried up, as unlike Revarra it didn’t really have anything to keep itself afloat with. That town might be worth stopping at, but it was more a military outpost than town these days.

Then she recalled that there was another town nearby. Telka, it was a small town. In a high mana zone, and known for frequent monster outbreaks. It was a mining town, producing large amounts of valuable ores. It was the only other town nearby, outside of the local villages. It might be quite promising to start there and there was a village on the way. Her destination set, Laki made her way down the road.


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