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Misaki stretched as she rolled out of the bed. She had been working on the new floors for a few hours now. Looking around, she noticed Asarya, and Lily curled up against each other. It seemed they had gone to sleep while she was working. The sight was incredibly cute and if Misaki had a camera she would have taken a photo. Unfortunately, cameras didn’t seem to exist in this world. Although this was a world of magic, perhaps there was something that performed the same function. Not that she had found anything like that in the dungeon store. Misaki sighed. That didn’t mean anything. Especially given how large the store was. It made the online shopping sites she had access to seem rather... small. Even STI’s site seemed to have a smaller catalog and Star Tech Industries was one of the most successful companies in the world. They were based on Mars, having moved their headquarters there after world war three. She had heard rumors they were going to move back to Earth, but those were just rumors.

STI was well known for their focus on pretty much anything related to space, but they did have their fingers in other fields. They operated one of the largest warehouse and transport services in the entire star system. Delivering goods to the homes of people as far out as the Titan colony. In contrast, most distributors only delivered to one world. Something made more impressive since STI got its start as a space company. Even today they actively focused on that and even had military contracts with the Mars colony. Selling high-grade weaponry to the armed forces of Mars. Thinking of that reminded Misaki about their competitors who sold high-grade weapons to the other colonies. Helping perpetuate the long-standing colonial wars.

Misaki pushed thoughts of that aside. None of that really mattered anymore, and it was a long way away. Instead, she dived into the shop. Thankfully its search function was intent-based. That made things infinitely easier than simply browsing and hoping to get lucky. With that in mind, she started looking for something that could take a photo like a camera.

She didn’t get a camera, but the function did bring up something that served the same role. She smiled, it was dirt cheap too! Only ten DP! That was nothing. The Gargoyle village wasn’t much but it gave her plenty of DP. More than she was spending, so she had a fair amount saved up, even after investing in two floors. It was an easy purchase, and a moment later she was holding a small enchanted crystal. It was designed to magically capture an image, and then imprint it on a piece of paper. It didn’t look much like a camera, but rather a diamond impressed upon a copper plate.

It took her a moment to figure out, and several additional tries before she had her photo. Thankfully paper was quite cheap, it didn’t even cost DP. It cost mana and she could summon a decent sheet of high quality paper for less than a single point of mana.

With a smile she looked at her photo. It was so cute and very good that the camera seemed to capture the scene better than most cameras. Of course she had chosen a very large sheet of paper that gave her a lovely portrait. She knew exactly where this was going, assuming Lily was fine with it. If not, it was a shame, but she wasn’t going to make a big deal about it. She did take the photo without permission after all, but the scene was just so cute. Hmm, maybe Lily would like a copy?

Stowing her new photo in her nightstand she moved to wake the sleeping girls. She figured they would want to be awake for that tour of the new floors she had promised them. When suddenly there was a knock on her door. Followed by a familiar voice calling through the door, “Mistress! I have returned from my exploration. Would you care to receive my report now?”

The noise proved enough to disturb the two sleeping girls. As Asarya was already stirring. She stretched lazily causing her naked breasts to lift enticingly. After a moment she glanced around, as Lily started to roll over. Mumbling cutely about wanting five more minutes.

“So what is going on?” inquired Asarya.

“Well, other than finishing my two floors. I’m not sure yet. Aki was just knocking on the door. Mentioned a report she wanted to make,” replied Misaki as she crossed the distance to the door. In a smooth motion she unlocked her door, and allowed the young catgirl demon into the room. Misaki blinked when she noticed that the girl had evolved. It had not done much to her size, but her breasts were a little bigger. Her eyes a little brighter, her hair more lush. In fact she somehow managed to get cuter.

“Oh? You evolved. Weren’t you level nineteen last we spoke?”

Aki nodded, “We fought a few wolves, and a couple of slimes while exploring. It wasn’t much experience, but enough to get me to level twenty.”

“I see. Find anything interesting?”

“Not much, there are a few ruins in the area. Other than the ruins, we haven’t found anything other than wolves and slimes. We did find a rather large slime nest over to the southwest. There were a lot of them that way. A few of them were even evolved forms.”

Misaki noted that down. Before she could comment, Asarya interjected “not something to really worry about. A large number of slimes may indicate the presence of a slime king. They make excellent playmates if you tame one. Might want to keep an eye on the area, sometimes slimes evolve into slime girls and slime girls are awesome playmates. Not to mention incredibly cute.”

Misaki figured it might be a good idea to get slimes later. They had a lot of potential. She could just imagine cute girls coated in living slime and enjoying themselves. She already had a few ideas for them, and even better there was a large number in the local area. Maybe she wouldn’t have to buy the template? She already had one for Thornback Wolves but they didn’t really fit with her dungeon. Having the template did apparently open up a new wolf-girl monster, an alternative to her current beastkin demons. Misaki just wasn’t sure what to do with the Thornback Wolfgirl that she had unlocked. So she was just sitting there in her list of available monsters. Unused.

“Sounds like something to check out later than. In the meantime I was just about to give these two a tour of my new floors before I moved my core down there. Care to join us?”

Aki’s tail suddenly started wagging, “YES Mistress! I would love to join you!”

It took a bit to get Lily properly woken up. After that they made their way down the stairs to the fourth floor rest area. It wasn’t anything special. Nor did they stay long before making their way out into the jungle that made up much of the floor.

Lily quickly commented, “Look at all these plants! They are so lush!”

Then she moved towards a tree, one Misaki had found in the catalog. “What is this? I’ve never seen a tree like it!”

“Well, basically it’s a demonic tree of the lust alignment commonly found in the jungles of the Infernal Plains. It responds to females that draw close and seeds them.”

Lily frowned, “It doesn’t seem to be responding to any of us?”

Aki and Asarya giggled, while Misaki explained. “The tree is a dungeon tree and since we are all either part of the dungeon or allies of the dungeon it won’t touch us. It’s also a demon tree so it’s only really a threat to non-demons. Not to mention it only really responds to adults.”

Lily gave it a second look. Before she could say a word, Misaki told her “No.”

Lily pouted, “But I never get to have fun!”

“I know, but you aren’t physically ready for that. And you know it. Wait a few years, alright?”

With Lily still pouting about the tree they moved deeper into the jungle.

It wasn’t long before they came across one of the large Arachne nests on the floor. A younger spider demon greeted them as they entered the nest. With a smile, she spoke, “Welcome Mistress!” she turned to her friends, her eyes soon locking on Lily, “SO CUTE! Can I hug her! No wait can I have her! I’d love to raise a cutie like that.”

Lily darted behind her! Before the spider girl could scoop her up into a hug, Misaki giggled. “She already has a mother.”

“Ah... Well. Can I at least play with her?”” she replied clearly quite disappointed.

Misaki glanced at Lily who was peeking out from behind her, which was extra comical since they weren’t that different in terms of size. She was only 135 centimeters herself, and Lily was a bit smaller. Strangely that fact didn’t really bother her as much as she thought it should. “So want to play with her?”

Lily blinked, “I can? But you...”

Misaki laughed, “Cause you are too young for the tree, and all she wants to play are normal games.”

The girl nodded eagerly, “How about Trap and Tickle? It’s my favorite. Although we could do Tickle Tag or maybe hide and seek?”

Lily frowned, “Trap and Tickle? I haven’t heard of that game?”

The spider girl lit up! “Oh! I can teach you a game? Oh this is perfect. Come along, you poor thing and we can play. It will be so fun. The rules are really simple and it’s best played with a group. I know some girls that will love to play with us!”

Misaki watched her run off with the spider girl with a smile. She had seen a few Arachne playing the game herself. It was different. It had one girl playing the role of trapper, and the others had to avoid her traps. If they get caught, the trapper gets to tickle ‘em till they surrender. It was fun to watch, and they got creative with it. Spinning elaborate traps and methods to avoid them or escape them if caught.

With Lily off having fun, she showed the others around. The nest was a large construct of webbing and silk houses built into the trees. The demons lived in their little houses suspended off the jungle floor. With bridges made of silk serving to provide passage between. It was demon silk so the result was highly resilient to the elements. There were also a few burrows in the area, where underground dwellings could be found.

By the time the tour was over, Lily came back with a smile on her face and some silk stuck to her hair. Misaki used a bit of magic to get that out, and inquired, “Have fun!?”

Lily nodded, “Yeah, it was really interesting. I even got a couple of skills out of that.”

Misaki smiled, “Well if you ever want to play some more you can come back here any time. Shall we continue? There is more to see on the floor.”

She yawned, “Actually I would like to skip the rest and go see our new house.”

Misaki nodded, “Sure thing, this way!”

The new manor for the Thorns was a lovely three story building located just down the road from Misaki’s new castle. It was surrounded by a lovely three meter tall stone fence. Carved with elaborate murals involving young girls and plants. In front of it was a garden full of demonic flowers, and two demonic trees. In the center of the garden right in front of the main entrance was that lovely fountain Lily had designed.

The building itself had a cozy feel with warmly painted walls, and large windows overlooking the garden. The roof was tiled with blue clay tiles that went nicely with the paint. The porch featured lovely pillars that helped add to the charm, each one carved to look like a giant demon woman holding up the roof of the porch. Naturally the one was topless the other was bottomless. To create a bit of contrast between two otherwise identical demon girls. Lily had specified wanting demon girls here, but Misaki had designed the details. Young faces, small breasts, and elven ears since it was an elvish household. They looked kind of cute.

Behind them was a sturdy reinforced door that led into the house. The first floor contained the living area, the kitchen, the dining room, and entertainment spaces. Lily wasn’t really interested in looking them over, so instead she took her upstairs to the second floor where most of the bedrooms were. The top floor of course had only the master suite for Ivy and Thanton, with a giant bed that Misaki had spent a lot of time making just for them. She hoped they liked it.

Lily’s room was a modest one, first off the right from the stairs. She had a nice large bed, roughly equal to a queen back on Earth. The mattress and sheets were made with demon silk. She had also bought Elven Cotton in the store, which was supposed to be heavenly soft. Stuffing the mattress, and the pillows with it. Misaki had tested, and liked it so much that she was going to replace her current bedding with the same materials.

In addition to the fancy bed, she had given Lily two nightstands, one on either side of the bed. Each one holding a lovely lamp. At the foot of the bed was a large trunk, and against the left wall was a nice dresser with a mirror. The rear wall held a large window with curtains overlooking the garden. There was also a small walk in closet. Nothing fancy with plenty of shelves for her toys, and a small space to hang her dresses.

Lily paid little attention to the room. Making a beeline for the bed, where she dived into the sheets. Before Misaki could blink she was curled up and fast asleep. Asarya yawned a moment later, and crawled in next to her. The pair soon fast asleep, and right next to each other. Misaki and Aki quietly left the room, turning the lights out as they left. It seemed the tour was going to be cut a little short.