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Misaki shaped out her first new room on the fourth floor. It was nothing special, merely the start of a rest area in which adventurers could relax after facing the third floor's dual bosses. She knew they would need it, far more so than with previous floors. Little surprise there given that facing two bosses at once was going to be a real challenge. It didn’t matter if they chose to get by through force of arms or by ‘subduing’ the bosses. They were going to be tired. Like previous rest areas, it was only going to be a semi-safe zone. There was a door that once opened would allow monsters to enter. Until then, they were free to enjoy the amenities of the area without fear of attack.

She built up several rooms, all without doors. A few curtains instead provided a semblance of privacy. Each of the rooms was placed off the central room in which the stairs would deposit visitors. In each room, she placed a large bed, a trunk, and a single small table in the corner. Upon the table was a simple magic lamp to provide some lighting. She spent a fair amount of time making sure everything was placed just right, and on the ceiling, she painted out lewd murals involving younger women engaging in sex with each other. Often with at least one lust demon in the frame. In the main room, she painted out a series of murals on the floor. Naturally they were lewd, but also important as she hid clues in the pictures. Very important clues about the floor ahead.

She was going to give certain demons clues on the puzzles for the floor ahead. Clues they would not give out so easily, and killing them would yield adventurers nothing. At least not the clues.

The moment her ‘safe’ zone was completed she moved her attention out to the fourth floor at large. She decided for a bit of a change from the previous floors. Once again she had purchased a new demon that would start appearing on the fourth floor. The Lamia Demon, whose traits were well-suited to the floor she was building. She began by shaping out the land, and filling it with trees, ponds, and rivers.

It didn’t take long before a jungle began to form. One that would be quite welcoming to her Arachne, Beastkin, and Lamia demons. Those three would make up the bulk of the monsters on this floor, but that didn’t mean there would not be any of the other species present. She planned to construct six watchtowers placed along the edges of the floor. At the top of each tower would be the nest of a Harpy demon, and her daughters. They would be the guards to a switch that must be activated to progress.

These switches could be activated in any order, but the Harpies could not be killed to access them. They must be subdued or convinced to allow the party access. Unless the adventurers happened to have the key to that tower. She had hidden six keys on the floor, each in the middle of a major nest. Making retrieving them a major challenge. As adventurers could swiftly be overwhelmed by the number of demons in the nest. It was their home after all.

Speaking of nests, she placed a spider demon town near the end of the floor, which would be her first actual safe zone. There would be more on the next floor, and this safe zone would be important since a few of the demons there would hold clues that would aid adventurers in getting through the floor. Presuming of course they were wise enough to try and gain information from the locals. With all that in mind, after she finished designing the spider demon settlement, she moved to designate it as a safe zone.

Safe Zone Designated!

The Following Rules are now in effect:

No Combat is allowed to take place in the zone.
Initiating Combat in the Zone results in the violating party being immediately ejected from the dungeon, and is treated as a dungeon failure.

Dungeon creatures are naturally friendly while in this zone, and will not initiate combat. In addition, they may offer services to adventurers in the zone.

Services rendered to adventurers while in the zone generate resources for the dungeon.

Monsters may provide any service typically available in a town.

All safe zones must include at least one inn.

Recovery magic and effects are boosted while in a safe zone. Natural healing and recovery rates are boosted while in a safe zone. Adventurers can expect to heal in half the time they would otherwise. These effects extend to all dungeon creatures in the zone as well.

All damaging effects are nullified in the zone. Both dungeon and otherwise. Magic and effects that are non-damaging in nature are left untouched.

She looked over the rules. They were exactly what she expected. If she wanted, Misaki could have added additional rules, but these were the basic ones. These basic rules governed how safe zones would operate. Additional rules that she could have added could have been anything. For example, she could have added a rule that stated all female adventurers entering the zone had to expose their boobs. Dewari had shared that one along with several other possible rules that other dungeons had done that she found interesting. Although Misaki wasn’t sure what reason that other dungeon had made that rule for. It certainly seemed amusing though. Not something she wanted to try though.

With that out of the way, she took another look over the floor. The boss area wasn’t finished but the rest of the floor was. So she began to populate the floor with monsters. The towers got their harpies. Beastkin and Arachne were placed throughout the floor, and then she began to focus on summoning her first Lamia demon. With a thought, a new status materialized before her.

Name: Takara

Gender: Female

Race: Lamia Demon (Lust)

Level: 25

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Mystic Spearmaiden (Lust)

Shields: 5000/5000

Subclass: None

Mana: 7500/7500



Apprentice Mystic Strike Grade A

Apprentice Spear Arts Grade C

Apprentice Infernal Fang Style Grade B

Journeyman Seductive Gaze Grade A

Journeyman Sexual Technique Grade A
Journeyman Natural Armor Grade A
Novice Mana Coat Grade C

Novice Inspect Grade B

Apprentice Lust Magic Grade B

Apprentice Dark Magic Grade D

Demon Skin

Demonic Constitution

Natural Power


Demonic Pheromone

Paralytic Venom

Potent Pheromones

Sexual Prodigy

Durable scales

Potent Mana

Improved Mana Pool

Misaki smiled at the status and mentally confirmed the summon. A moment later she watched as her first Lamia demon materialized within the jungles of her fourth floor. Like every other new summon she was naturally nude. She was much larger than her other demons, but most of that mass was attributed to the long tail that rested behind her. It was covered with gorgeous scales that glittered like jewels in the light of the jungle. Mixed with hues of purple, silver, and red. Her long tail ended with a spade-like bulb that Misaki recognized. That kind of tip was common among lust demons.

From the waist up, however, she was a humanoid girl. She had a lovely puffy pussy that gaped ever so slightly. Just enough to reveal her little nub to the world. She had a lovely tight little tummy and small breasts that looked amazing on her. They were perky and cute, with tight little nipples, and large pink areolas. Her face was elfin with large silver, and purple eyes. She had long elf-like ears and silvery hair. The natural purple and red highlights in her hair did not escape Misaki’s notice.

Overall, she seemed to be nearly seven meters long. Her humanoid half on the other hand was only about seventy centimeters. The rest of her was all tail, and it was quite the tail alright. Armored and rippling with muscle. Misaki smiled and summoned her a spear and a top. She didn’t bother with a bottom. Lamias liked going bottomless. They would cover their breasts, but never their pussies. It didn’t matter if they were a lust demon or not. At least that is what her books said about them. She didn’t know for sure if that was true. Misaki figured she would find out.

In the meantime she moved on to summoning a few more Lamia Demons. Not too many, but enough for the floor. The Lamia demons were meant to be one of the new challenges of the floor, and they would certainly test new adventurers. More experienced ones, she wasn’t so sure about. For the floor boss, she decided on Lamia. They were her new demons this round, so it was only fitting that the fourth floor boss be a Lamia demon. With that in mind, she started work on the arena.

Plenty of space with a few large trees. Seemed suitable with an entrance controlled by a lovely gate. Upon the gate she carved out a riddle that would provide hints in case the adventurers didn’t get the murals at the entrance. That way they would know they have to find the watchtowers and activate the switches. Once those switches were activated they would be able to proceed into the boss room.

Misaki felt this was good enough for the fourth floor, and moved on to the fifth. Immediately behind the boss room, she built a stair room, which led into the rest area on the fifth floor. Unlike on the previous floors, it was not a temporary safe zone. Instead, she had the entrance of the floor be a demon town. One designated as a safe zone. She had been told this was normal for dungeons. They were expected to have a proper safe zone at the entrance of every fifth floor. Additional safe zones were up to the dungeon, and as a lust dungeon it was not uncommon for her kind to be a little generous with those.

She took her time with the town, placing houses, shops, streets, and even a couple of inns, with suitable demonic names. The largest of which she painted a lovely sign over the door that read, The Flowering Pussy. It seemed perfect for the nice inn, which had four floors filled with lovely rooms. Some private, others not so private. She went all out giving it amenities making it into a luxury inn, the best on the floor. Across the street, she left a nice empty lot for a future addition. That one had actually been Dewari’s suggestion. Why Misaki wasn’t sure, but she followed the plan. Keeping that space empty. Well mostly, she planted a few flower beds so that it didn’t seem so lonely. They could be moved easily enough. Not to mention it looked nice.

In the square between the inn and the empty lot she placed a fountain. The centerpiece of which was a threesome between young girls, one of them depicted in the middle of cumming. Water spraying from her puffy pussy to fill the basin. She had taken inspiration from the statues, fountains and the like that Asarya had described to her.

In another part of town, she placed a fountain featuring several lactating females. The water poured from their exposed boobs to fill the basin, as they stood posed in the middle of the basin. It had taken some time arranging it to look just right. She even had a couple of them kissing while their boobs sprayed. It looked delightful.

Moving on from the safe zone she designed a sprawling forest in which beastkin, Lamia, demon girls, and Arachne could all be found. That forest was to cover half the floor, and would sport scattered villages. All safe zones. In addition would be hidden ruins, caves and old towers. All of which would conceal puzzles that would play out in moving on. The safe zones would be important for gathering clues to proceed. Yet some might be found simply hidden in the trees or old ruins. She even hid a clue in the naked bosom of a statue.

Past the forest the floor came to an open chasm, across which a narrow bridge presented the only way forward. After crossing the terrain would shift to that of treacherous mountain trails. Upon which adventurers would once again be faced with harpy demons. Arachne demons also made these trails their home, and would lay traps as well. It would be the most difficult part of the trek.

At the end of this path, the trails would level out onto a lovely plateau with superb sightlines of the floor. Leading up to the final safe zone on the floor, and a boss fight. It was here that she made a giant castle town, centered around a lovely demonic castle built of black stone.

Throughout the town she placed lewd murals, and lovely fountains. Not unlike those in the first safe zone. Only this time, they were more than just statues. When charged with lust mana, these statues would come alive and act out the scene they were frozen in. She placed a particularly nice one right in front of the manor she designed for the Thorns. In fact that one was all Lily’s idea, she had even sketched out the whole scene and presented it to Misaki all proud of herself. Misaki had a feeling it was best not to tell Ivy about that. As for the house itself, that was also designed by Lily, and she very much planned to let Ivy know. She figured Ivy needed something to be proud about, and the house looked lovely.

Moving on from the house, she built the boss arena at the entrance to the safe zone. None could enter her castle town without the approval of her fifth floor boss. Having no new demons to present, she figured it was finally time for another dragon girl to take the stage. With that in mind, she started designing an older sister for Meifa, her second floor boss. She wasn’t yet sure what to name her. Mei seems rather lazy, but she figured she would have a name by the time she was done designing her status.