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Phylis stretched a bit. It had been a long afternoon. She had been quite busy after Misaki went to take a break, she even spent some time watching the babies. Now she was in her own living room, relaxed into a chair with a little time to herself. It was the perfect opportunity to finally read that notification that came in earlier. It felt like weeks had passed since it came in, but it had merely been an unusually busy day. Much of it had to do with her five newborns. Adjusting herself a bit, she opened the notification and was quickly greeted by a rather interesting blue box. One that removed a source of stress she had gotten used to, which helped her relax more. Although she wanted an afternoon to relax as well, now. That would be nice, raising five newborns had been hard on them, even with the help. Jesse was a great help, given she needed to milk herself anyway. She also seemed to enjoy helping feed them.

It was very good help, but there was only so much the others could do. Phylis already had a newfound respect for her own mother. Although she had a feeling her own mom did not envy her. She hoped she didn’t end up with this many at once again. Not getting pregnant again would be nice too, but she did not think there was a good chance of that. Especially not when her mate was a sex demon. Speaking of her mate, she had a feeling Misaki would be back soon.

A feeling that was proved right, when the door opened and Misaki entered her living room. She looked up and smiled when she saw her. Phyllis was about to ask her if she had fun, but stopped. Her gaze noted the look on Misaki’s face. Her look was a mix of frustration and desire.

She sighed, already she could guess what happened. Something happened, and now her poor dungeon mate was feeling sexually frustrated. It was not the first time this had happened. Already guessing how this was going to go, she asked, “So what happened?”

Thankfully Misaki made the explanation short, but was detailed enough that she got the gist of it. Apparently, Reiko caught another adventurer and brought her down to the castle for some fun. The poor adventurer was very easy to get going and was spent all too quickly. Misaki had just started focusing on Reiko and was tail deep in her pussy when Reiko’s sister Mei barged in with an arm load of cute dresses. The princess ran off, and Reiko chased after her sister leaving poor Misaki there all alone and worked up. Never having had a chance to actually cum, and now she was here hoping to get some from her.

Phyllis shifted, as she prepared to get out of her chair. It occurred to her that she was more sexually active than she had been back when she was still Phillip. Although a good chunk of that was thanks to her insatiable partner. Finding her had certainly been good for her, it made being turned into a girl so much better. Without her, this would not have been anywhere near as enjoyable. Perhaps, that also played into why she had a hard time just saying no to Misaki. Briefly, she once again hoped she didn’t get herself pregnant again. Little did she realize that getting pregnant again was about to be the least of her worries.

She had barely given her consent, and she found herself on the floor, naked. With an equally naked Misaki on top of her. Normally she was faster, but sometimes Misaki could move with surprising agility, especially when sex was involved. Maybe it was a skill, she didn’t know. Rather than focus on that, she chose to enjoy the sight.

Her mate was cute, and the view was perfect. She had an excellent view of her cute mounts and the pink nipples that tipped them. She had a strong urge to play with them, but before she could reach them, Misaki grabbed her hands. Restraining them above her head, and then Misaki used her free hand to touch Phyllis’s left breast. It was a light teasing touch, that slowly circled the areola completely avoiding her nipples.

It was nowhere near enough stimulation, but then she noticed Misaki’s tail extending from her rear. She blinked when she saw it, a bit surprised. Misaki hadn’t used it since she had hurt herself trying to use it. Although all demons have them, even those that don’t seem to have a tail. Well all lust demons anyway. It was an instrument of pleasure, and she felt herself get wet at the thought of being penetrated by it again. Misaki’s clumsy movements with it had been very pleasurable. Less so for Misaki, and her anticipation was tinged with worry for her mate as well.

Staring at it, she said, “Are you sure?”

Misaki gave a reassuring lustful smile, “I’ve been practicing, just trust me.”

Then she changed her movements. Instead of a light teasing touch, she began to add pressure. The soft breast flesh gave and bounced under the touch, as electric sparks began to radiate out. Phyllis could even feel the tell-tell sensations of mana enhancing the simple movements. It still wasn’t enough, and Misaki continued to avoid her nipples.

Phyllis thrashed a bit against Misaki’s hold trying to seek more pleasure, but the lust demon’s hold was firm. Although it was not so firm that Phyllis could not break it, if she really wanted to. Misaki shifted above her slightly, and Phyllis’s gaze snapped to the tail in anticipation. It moved with grace as it positioned itself, and then with a suddenness that almost took her by surprise that tail penetrated her.

She gasped loudly at the penetration and sudden feeling of fullness. Phyllis could feel the bulbed tip push against her cervix. She could feel every inch of it as her fold pressed against it. For a moment or two it was still inside her, as Misaki continued to play with Phyllis’s breasts. Then the tail began to move, slowly it pulled out. So slowly that Phyllis was acutely aware of it moving, and then just as it was about to pop out it slammed back in. Eliciting another gasp from her mouth.

Phyllis squirmed a bit, and clamped down on the intruder in her. Misaki finally let her hands go, and Phyllis quickly reached for one of the two breasts hanging above her. Coating her hands with mana, she went straight for the nipples. Gripping one in each hand, she started to roll and knead them. Being careful not to overstimulate them, and feeling joy at the moans escaping the demon above her. At the same time she relished in the feel of flesh between her fingers.

Suddenly Misaki touched Phyllis’s hard nipples, eliciting a moan from the young woman quickly followed by a light orgasm. Phyllis never stopped playing with her demon lover’s boobs though. Instead her movements only intensified. Misaki suddenly shuddered above her for a moment, and she knew her lover was enjoying this as much as she was. Neither noticed the presences at the door, looking in. One of which was already playing with herself, enjoying the unexpected but free show.

Inside her, she felt the tail speed up, and she knew her lover was getting closer. She stopped playing with Misaki’s boobs, and leaned up. She could not quite reach Misaki’s mouth, so instead she caught one of her boobs and began to suck on it. Pulling the soft elastic breast flesh into her mouth, using her tongue to play with the nipple. Down below she started to tease her own clit with her fingers. The heat in her belly grew quickly, and she felt a pressure build, and build.

Until finally it released, explosively and her vision went white. Her fold spasmed, and she felt something warm flood into her belly. It was merely the start of the first round. As soon as she came down from the high of her orgasm, she resumed their activities. This was the part she liked most about being female. She could keep going as a girl, long past when she would have been spent as a man, without having to resort to magic.

It was hours later, when half exhausted and panting from the long exertion she asked, “So Misaki, did you read the notification from that divine quest?”

Misaki shook her head, “No I have not. Anything good?”

Phyllis nodded, “Yes. I got a few rewards that will help the guild, and a few levels. The quest raised my level to two hundred. I can take my second trial of ascension now.”

Misaki shifted and gave her a beaming smile, “That’s great! When do you plan to take it? I’d love to see you evolve!”

“Well, if tomorrow isn’t too busy, I’ll do it then.”

Misaki smiled, then took on that look she always did, when she was looking through windows. Phyllis turned away, and then noticed she had a new notification that she hadn’t noticed earlier. She shrugged, and opened it.


You have directly absorbed a large quantity of demonic lust energy!

You have begun to demonize!

Demonization advances to stage one


You have directly and repeatedly absorbed large quantities of demonic lust energy!

Demonization advances to stage nine

Well, that was interesting. Likely happened in their recent lovemaking session. She just wasn’t sure what to think about that, and she found herself wondering if that would affect her evolution options. She briefly considered saying something to Misaki, but decided not to. This was her problem to worry about, and the young dungeon had enough on her plate already.

Misaki suddenly looked over her eyes bulging with disbelief. “I’m,... I’m...” she trailed off having a hard time communicating whatever it was she wanted to say. Phyllis pulled her into an embrace and began to stroke her back. Giving her time to calm down, and compose herself. It was at that moment she noticed, her living room door cracked open and a familiar figure passed out just beyond the doorway.



Thanks for the chapter. Now that i think about it. How she didnt get demonized until now? With all the sex they have. And why she dont want to talk about it with Misaki? I believe she would be rather happy about it.