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Mira wanted to tell her how much of a mistake she had just made signing that contract, but that mysterious force was still keeping her mouth shut, and her butt glued to her seat. The little girl seemed bright, but she said nothing either. Apparently, no one else said anything either. It occurred to her just then that she had dropped by on her sister, but she never mentioned anything about an entourage. Surely a princess would have at least one guard with her, but there was none to be seen. Especially one who did not seem like a fighter, and was apparently prone to moments of stupidity. It could happen to anyone, if they let themselves get pulled around by their heart strings.

Not that her situation was much better. If Mira had to guess, it was the damn dragon sitting right next to her that was holding her in place. How, she had no idea, but who knew what kind of magic a dragon might learn with its long life. It was just her misfortune that she had caught the eye of this dragon, and all she could do is sit here and hope she lets her go.

Mei Stormwind signed her name to the paper, and it glowed briefly then flashed. The entire paper then lit up before magically splitting into three identical copies. As the dragon took two of them from her hands, saying the last one was her copy, a system notification took her notice.

You have signed a Demi-God Rank Magical Contract!

Your mental resistance has been temporarily zeroed to allow for the requisite mental changes

Class change from Mage Princess to Priestess Princess of Primal Nature

Your skill list has been adjusted

Affinity gained Nature

You have learned new spells

Aura gained: Aura of Primal Aspirations

Note: Aura is set to level zero due to insufficient energy

New Ritual gained: Ritual of Primal Consecration

New Ritual gained: Ritual of Primal Reversion

New Ritual gained: Rite of Lost Manhood

New Ritual gained: Rite of Dual Motherhood

Your Patron is now Zemoria the Demi-goddess of Primal Nature

Note: You are currently wearing clothing, a violation of your contract. Since they were donned before the signing of the contract, no penalties will be incurred. Please remove them in the next five minutes or your abilities will be locked.

She stared at the last line for a moment. When was that stipulated? How does her not being allowed to wear clothes factor into her getting friends and maybe a lover? Not to mention she loved trying on various outfits with her sisters. How was she going to participate in a game of dress-up now?

Before she could ask anything, Zemoria spoke, “Don’t worry everything will be fine. It will only take a moment for me to make the changes you agreed to, and then none of that will feel like a problem. I suggest you place your copy in your inventory.”

Without thinking she did just that, and then suddenly she felt the weight of another mind within her own. They were so powerful that she found herself awed by their strength, yet also humbled. They could have broken her mind like a twig with but a mere thought. Instead she felt and watched completely helpless, as entire parts of her were changed. As the mind withdrew, suddenly none of what she agreed to seemed so bad. She didn’t really need to go around playing dress-up besides maybe it will be more fun to get girls out of their clothes.

Speaking of clothes, she needed to get out of this dress. Standing up, she proceeded to do just that. Having played dress-up so many times, she expertly unfastened the dress and it fell to her feet where it pooled. Her underwear and footwear soon followed. Leaving her standing there bare, and while that would have bothered her just five minutes before, it felt utterly natural and right to her now. Her mom wasn’t going to be very happy with her though, she just knew it.

It was just then that a new voice spoke up, “Mei? What are you doing stripping where everyone can see you? Don’t tell me the pheromones got to you? Master said she gave you a special ring to protect you.”

She looked over, and standing right there was her sister Reiko. Wearing her signature mini dress with no undies. It really didn’t cover much, and it looked rather lewd to her. A part of her was glad she could still appreciate how others looked in their clothes. Even with the changes that were just made to her mind. The words did remind her of the ring, still on her finger, but she had a feeling it did not count as clothing. A quick check proved her right, she was getting no warnings about it.

“Uh, no. I still have the ring. I just signed something that required me to give up my clothes.”

Reiko started laughing. After a moment she calmed down, “If mom told us once, it was told a thousand times. Never sign anything without reading it. What possessed you to sign a magic contract anyway?”

“Well after I ran off, after interrupting your... activities, I ran into Zemoria here. We got talking, and I may have mentioned something about being a little lonely. She offered to help. I even got a new class out of this.”

“A new class? What is it?”

“Priestess Princess of Primal Nature. A bit of a mouthful, but I’m sure it’s strong.”

“A primal class? I don’t know much about those. I could introduce you to Ivy, she is the only one around here with a primal class.”

Zemoria spoke up then, “Ivy? By any chance is her class, Primal Draconic Nature Mage of Restoration?”

Reiko nodded, “Yes that would be her class. Not that she seems to be a big fan of it. Nor does she seem happy about the nudity curse she got from Erosi.”

Zemoria giggled, “I was wondering where that girl had run off to. I think I’ll drop in on her later. I’ll let you two go back into the dungeon and talk. Sisters should spend time together and bond. I’ll catch up later, I have a couple obligations to take care of first. Starting with the young lady sitting next to me.”

They both looked at the silent winged woman, who looked just a little distressed. She tried to say something, but nothing came out. Mei thought, That seems like a good idea. Wish you luck stranger.”

“That sounds like a good idea, and crap. I just remembered, Master didn’t have a chance to cum. She is going to be very frustrated later. Then she glanced at Mei, maybe we can help her together?”

She followed along, but that didn’t seem too appealing. As they entered the dungeon, Misaki thankfully said directly into their minds, “I think Zemoria was right, you two spend some time together. You don’t get enough of it as it is, and I think I’ll just play with Phyllis later.”

Mei had a feeling that Misaki had read her feeling as if she was an open book, and responded accordingly. As it seemed she very much did want to play with them to her.

Meanwhile, Mira was left feeling like a mouse being stalked by a very large cat. An extremely dangerous one with claws that could cut through steel, and fur that was like armor. While she was a very small mouse. As the two sisters retreated into the dungeon without even trying to help her, the dragon turned to her with that same smile that made her shudder plastered to the dragon’s face. Another shudder went down her spine, as the dragon asked, “Now where were we?”

Mira had a feeling she could answer that, but chose to say nothing. Not that it mattered as Zemoria soon said, “Ah yes, you just asked me what I expected you to wear?

“Nothing, absolutely nothing. Dragon’s don’t wear clothes, but you are young. So I guess you do need armor, but you could do a hell of a lot better than that. So that Lust Demon Bikini armor is actually a very good idea. Let’s go buy you a decent set, and from now on you will only wear that, at least until your scales develop enough to turn a blade.”

She paled, that had been a joke. But this dragon seriously wanted her to wear that immodest stuff. The bit about nothing though had her worried. She really hoped she was joking about the naked bit, but then again after seeing what she had done to the princess. Maybe she was serious.

Mira wasn’t sure exactly what she said, as she hadn’t been thinking.

Zemoria giggled in response, and said, “We’ll have to fix that. Go gather your party, and come back here. You have an hour, and if you aren’t back by then I’ll come looking for you. You won’t want that.”

Mira gulped, and was more than happy when her limbs responded. She ran, trying to put as much distance between her and Zemoria as possible. At some point she ended up in front of her home, and thought about that last encounter. What the dragon had said, and trying to figure out what she had said, but her mind kept drawing a blank. With a sigh she moved to head inside. She needed to get Delilah, and Michelle before heading back. Mira didn’t want to find out what the dragon would do if she had to come looking for her. Not that she much wanted what the dragon was planning either.

She very much didn’t want a set of Bikini armor, nor did she want to go into the dungeon. However she knew the dragon was about to drag her inside. The last place she actually wanted to go, and now she was about to be dragged into the dungeon. What did she do to deserve this? Now she was left with a choice, Run and hope the dragon doesn’t find her. If that fails she would be punished in some fashion, and likely end up in the dungeon anyway. She fingered her armor, not really wanting to say goodbye to the set. A set she had paid good money for, and really liked.

Her only other choice was to Gather her pets, and go back to the dragon. Doing that was effectively giving up. She’d be dragged into the dungeon, and come back wearing a set of Bikini armor or worse. She sighed, maybe she should ask her pets their opinion on all this. Or maybe tell them what happened so they could help her get out of town, and let things blow over. Now where was she going to hide from a dragon? She had less than an hour to find that hiding place too. No problem, she could think of a few places nearby that might be suitable.

Entering the building she found them in the front room having a conversation. One that ended promptly when she entered. Michelle was the first to speak, “We were starting to ... Is something wrong?”

Mira nodded glumly, and opened her mouth. Her encounter with Zemoria spilled out in rapid fire order. At the end, Delilah started laughing. Michelle thankfully didn’t, but said, “Can’t say you don’t deserve this, but we better get this over with. Come on Delilah, let’s go meet this dragon.”

Next thing Mira knew, she was being dragged out the door by Michelle. To face a dragon she did not want to meet again. Maybe she should not have said anything.

Later that day, Darious grudgingly followed behind the Demoness Crystal. That was her name apparently. Even worse she was a servant of the dungeon, an official representative. She had learned much of this while helping with her brother’s funeral rites. They may not have meant much for his soul, but they did mean something for her. Besides, they could not have just left his body to rot anyway. At least his ashes would nourish the plants.

The worst part is that not only did she not find any chance to get away, but at some point she had stupidly let slip her status. The demon knew exactly who she was, and worse that she had been turned into a child succubus. The closer they got to town, the more nervous she became, but what good would running do?

She was stuck in the dungeon’s territory, and she had no doubt that as long as she was here any servant of the dungeon could track her easily. She knew enough about dungeons to know that they were omniscient within their territory, well mostly. They could miss things when they weren’t paying attention, but they could find something quickly enough when they were looking for it. Most dungeons, for example, would not pay much attention to what was going on in random houses built in their territory, but they would pay attention to every adventurer within their halls. Usually, anyway. Older ones paid less attention and only really noticed adventurers that made it deep enough into their halls.

Another sigh slipped out as she caught sight of the town. Crystal looked over, “Hurry up, we are almost there. We can talk to Mistress in the morning. You also need a good meal before I put you to bed.”

Darious didn’t really want to pick up the pace, but hurried along anyway. Best to just get this over with, and hope things turn out alright. At the very least, a good meal and a bed was starting to sound really nice. Future her could deal with the whole imminent adoption thing.



It feels like Zemoria has no concept of freedom of choice. Her view seems to be that your either a slave to be used or a being superior to her self.


Aurora in Return of the Last of the First Lords, Chapter 40: <i>“A good deal actually. Dragontouched as you call them are the lucky or unlucky young women or girls who are taken by nesting dragons to help care for their young. We prefer to take them before the eggs hatch, and we usually use that time to mold them into ideal caretakers and servants. We also get rid of those useless mental traits that are so common in mortals. Then when the eggs are ready to hatch they are taken to bond with the hatchlings. Of course there are those perverts that take a few extra steps in their molding of individuals. And I do know a couple of Dragons that see it as their divine right to change all mortals. If you ever visit the continent of Arna, I suggest you and your friends remove your clothes and try not to draw too much attention. Unless you want to be changed.”</i> Side-Story 2-1 (WDYMADAG Sides on Scribblehub) <i>A part of her then remembered Ivy one of the village girls, she used to visit. The girl had first caught her notice when she was four, although she had not actually shown herself to the girl until she was sixteen. Ivy had a lot of potential honestly, and it was a shame that she had freaked out after her class advancement. In hindsight, Zemoria felt that she had rushed the girl’s initiation too quickly and that was why she had freaked. It had just been so long since she had had a priestess that she had grown overly excited.</i> Side Story 2-3: <i>Arlie suddenly looked towards the basket, “I can see that. I guess you have one of Markus’s toys. I’ll let you keep it for now, but don’t think for a moment that I will let you use it without restraint.” Zemoria gave her a look, “You know I am just trying to return this world to the way you originally made it. A paradise with an almost entirely female population. As I recall of the mortal races only humans were of mixed gender. All others were entirely of one gender.” Arlie shook her head, “Worlds change, mortals need room to make their own choices. There are limits to how much you can impose your will onto others before they push back.”</i>


Why Zemoria senses only 2 girls? What happened to Rei (vampire girl)? Why she isnt with them?