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Hey guys! I'm glad to finally announce that I have a new laptop and it arrived today. 2020 is certainly an interesting year to be buying a laptop in. I can't even begin to tell you what a process this has been. Anyway, what that means is that I am now going to start the process of decommissioning my current laptop. It has served me well, but its finally time for her to be replaced. The good news for you is that this is not my first change over. I have already copied all my important files over to some removable storage. That saves a large amount of time and will make things go much smoother than my previous changeovers.

With my first laptop, for example, she was a good hardworking machine that lasted me six years. If it wasn't for her monitor dying on me, I might have had her longer. A dead monitor complicates things with the move. Kind of hard to tell what you are doing when you can't see what you are doing. Had to plug in a secondary monitor, and blindly play around with a few settings before we could access the data.

My second laptop, however, well she was the painful one. She lasted just as long, and unfortunately what prompted me to replace her was far more fatal. With her, the motherboard went. To access the data, we had to buy a USB SATA cable, then we pulled her drive and I was able to recover the data that way.

Now there is this one, my third laptop. Honestly other than the battery issue there is nothing wrong with her. Although, she is having trouble keeping up with my needs now. Some of the newer games I own run slowly or have long load times on her. Then again she is getting old.

Anyway, what this all means is that I will be busy for a while. Mostly transferring data, installing my program library, and getting a feel for my new machine's capabilities. On paper, she looks to be fairly powerful. This unfortunately means there may be a slight delay in chapter updates. I would like to thank my loyal patrons for helping fund the purchase of my new laptop! Although with the timing there might have been a delay anyway. I tend not to get much done around thanksgiving anyway. In regards to that Extra, I mentioned in a poll. I am still waiting for number 25 to join, and I am taking advantage of the time to plan a good chapter for you. I have several ideas involving different characters. I might just use them all eventually though.


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