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I'm glad to see we finally have our 25th member. As promised I have been working on that bonus chapter. Not done yet, but there is enough done that I can share a teaser with you. Given its the holidays I have not had much time for writing. In other news, I am really liking my new laptop, and I feel it is really worthy of the name it is inheriting. Also in other news, I am afraid regular chapters will be irregular for now. I do have a few chapters from side projects I have been working on that are ready to go. Although one of them really needs a title. All I have is an obvious placeholder for it. I think I will post one of those later. They could use a second opinion. Now I am going to let you off, and you can read the teaser if you want.

Today Misaki was in her castle. Mostly because she needed a break from what was going on in town. Phyllis was watching the kids, and Eris, her Eris, not that dragon’s was busy laying another clutch of eggs. A few adventurers were pushing into a new floor. She had a feeling it would be a nice change of pace for those four parties. The fourteenth floor would likely slow them down, in a different sort of way. All of its amenities and the naked and half-naked demon girls would certainly provide a distraction. Besides most of the floor was a safe zone, with the only route to the fifteenth floor being hidden. They would have a hard time finding that route on their own. Forcing them to interact with the locals. Something that would only further their corruption.

She pushed open a door. The one she had been heading toward and stepped in. She felt herself relax as she entered her bedroom. Not that she spent much time here anymore. Most of the time, she just slept with Phyllis. She closed the door, and then lazily stretched for a moment. Misaki had her whole afternoon planned. She was going to curl up in her bed with a good book, and just read. She had found a really amusing story recently about a young girl who had been cursed by an inept caster. As such the curse did not do what it was supposed to do. Honestly, the result was far more amusing than what it should have done. As for why the caster cursed her, well she didn’t know. Misaki had not gotten to that part of the book yet.

Misaki went to her bookshelf and grabbed the book in question. In moments, she was curled up, and the book was open to the bookmarked page she had last stopped at. It took her a moment to find her place since she had been interrupted in the middle of a chapter.

Before she could start reading her door suddenly burst open. A familiar and excited young elf came into the room. Reluctantly following along was a naked young woman on a leash. Misaki quickly noted the wolf-ears and the tail. It was a wolf girl being walked around like a dog. Normally she would be laughing, but not this time. Instead, she gave ...


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