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Howard moaned as he felt a rush of heat. As yet another load of his seed shot into the eager womb of the sexy dog girl riding him. She shuddered on his shaft and cried out as her folds writhed happily on his hard rod. The moment seemed to stretch out endlessly, then he cried out as she moved just wrong sending a surge of pain through his injured dick. She’d bitten him down there a number of times, yet despite the pain he seemed to just cum more.

Lydia settled after a moment, a smile on her face. He shuddered slightly as she looked into her predatory grin, yet he also found her very sexy. After a moment she began to rise, her boobs bouncing sexily with the movement. A bit of deliberate flair on her part he thought, “That was fun!”

Turning she touched his swollen hard member, and commented, “Nice and hard too. Let's keep it that way for a bit, shall we?”

Reluctantly he nodded, as he recalled that Lydia liked him hard and to stay that way. He wasn’t sure how that had slipped his mind. Turning she reached into a drawer and pulled out a hook, he frowned as he looked at the nasty barbed hook, “Um?”

“Ready for some more pain?”

He really wasn’t but he nodded anyway, shifting a little to give her a better angle on his dick. Where she promptly pushed the hook into the end of his shaft. He cried out as blood flowed a little, that hurt. He took a moment to grit himself as she pulled the line attached to the hook taut, securing it to a mount on the ceiling. Howard gasped as his penis suddenly hurt more. She giggled and slapped his member a couple of times. Seemingly happy she lay back on the bed and commented, “I can’t wait for your thing to be ready.”

Howard just gave her a look, he wasn’t sure where this was going and wasn’t sure he liked it. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to resist her. It left him feeling rather... confused. He gasped and glanced back at his penis just a rush of ice flushed his veins, where he found she had bit him again. He blinked, surprised at how quickly she could move, especially when she wanted to bite. She looked up at him, that same grin from earlier on her face, just before she kissed the tip. Pulling back, with her fang showing a little she said, “Wait here for me, I’ll be back to see how you are doing in a bit.”

With those words, she left him on the bed with a hard-on that wasn’t going down, and a barbed hook in his dick pulling it toward the ceiling. He could move, yet for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to release his dick. For the moment he instead wondered what she was doing.


Viri looked up when she heard the door open, a smile showed on her face when Lydia came back in. She’d been wondering where Lydia had gone, they had just been in the middle of harvesting her leg, when Lydia had left. Viri still had a number of hooks in her thigh flesh, small little barbs, that stung with the slightest movement and coated with a bit of her blood. The flow had slowed since Lydia left, her enhanced healing factor kicking in. It was one of Lydia’s first gifts and one she really liked especially since it meant she could enjoy so many things she wouldn’t have been without it. Like having her legs ripped up with hooks, as they were doing earlier.

Lydia sighed, “Sorry about that sweetie, your father came back a little early. Guess the idiots didn’t keep him busy as long as we thought.”

Viri blinked, “What?” she pouted, “he’s back already?” she glanced at her legs, “Does that mean we aren’t going to finish ripping my legs up?”

“Sadly not,” replied Lydia as she stepped up next to the table, “well let’s get these hooks out of you and get you cleaned up.”

Viri pouted a little, she’d been looking forward to this. It was so much fun when dad wasn’t around, Lydia would hurt her more.

“Oh don’t be that way, it just gives your legs a little more time to marinate this time,” said Lydia as she ripped one out, without even pausing. Viri gasped as a shock of pain ripped through her, then she smiled as her juices began to flow again. Then the next one was ripped out, followed by several more. Lydia pulled a jar of cream out a moment later and rubbed it into the wounds. The slightest touch stung fiercely leading to her whimpering, a little. It was Lydia’s own special mix, meant to sting, make her taste better and help close the wounds all at the same time.

In moments her leg stopped bleeding as the torn flesh knitted back together. She looked out at the room as she turned to get back onto her feet. She was in Lydia’s kitchen which she knew some might find a nightmarish place. Lydia was a Tymesian Maneater, her kind ate people of course, mainly men, but young girls like herself were on the menu too. She was quite proud of the fact that her legs were considered so tasty. Being legless had been interesting to get used to when they were growing back, but now she found it kind of relaxing. She often had fun after her legs had been harvested.

At the moment she wasn’t the only one in the kitchen, there was also a young man, suspended from the ceiling by a number of hooks while several tubes drained him of fluid. He’d been rather loud a while ago, but he’d calmed since. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he hadn’t yet expired, Lydia tried to keep them from dying too quickly during the prep. Said something about better flavors if they were roasted alive.

Over on the counter was her other companion for the day, a pregnant female, her belly heavily swollen with her young. Her one leg could be seen split down to the bone from the top of the thigh all the way down to her ankle, the flesh peeled back with hooks while several tubes dripped fluid down onto the open wound. Her belly had a few tubes pushed into it, several of which were draining fluids from her womb, while the others were adding new ones. In her hand the girl was reading a book, whose title Viri could see in bold print, How Best to Prep your Baby for your Owner’s Dining Pleasure

That book was popular among the pregnant females that came here. Naturally, she’d read it as well. Knowing how to prep her own baby would be useful down the line, she knew Lydia planned to breed her, she’d been doing breeding practice so she would be ready for that. Something she found more enjoyable when her legs were gone. Sure having them gave more control, but there was just something special about them being missing during practice. Her last one had been a couple of weeks ago, she smiled at the thought, the best part had been when Mistress Lydia had removed her womb, it hurt just right having it taken out. Her womb always came back looking rather abused and she loved it. It was nice knowing Lydia was taking good care of her womb while it was out. Last time her ovaries had looked rather swollen and her womb itself was all discolored, it had looked so cute that way and her belly had ached for days after it was put back in.

Lydia said something about her womb being out and vulnerable meant it was a great time to get it ready for future use. She had a decent enough idea on what she was doing, she’d read the book after all. Lydia had likely crippled her womb’s ability to provide amniotic fluid; it was good for the baby, but bad for flavor. Having less of it was only a good thing and she was happy to know she wouldn’t need to drain as much out every day. Beyond that, she wasn’t entirely sure, but she figured Lydia would tell her when she needed to know.

Those thoughts slipped from her mind, as Lydia led her out of the kitchen. As they walked up the stairs to her room, she asked, “Think you can rid us of Daddy quickly?”

Lydia chuckled, “Not too quickly, but I'll try to keep him away from you while he is here.”

She smiled, “Thanks.”

Lydia didn’t reply right away and they reached her room not long after. Viri walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, while Lydia smiled, “let’s see what should you wear.”

Viri fingered her recently closed wounds, “Can’t I stay naked? You can make daddy think I was wearing something can’t you?”

Lydia chuckled, “I could,” she paused and pulled out one of her old training bras which was now a couple sizes too small, “but it would be fun to dress you up in something, don’t you think?”

“I guess? Um, are you planning for me to wear that?”

“Sure am! It will be tight, but I think you will like that.”

She smiled and glanced down at her boobs. It might feel good having them crushed, “Hmm sounds nice, going to use that tightness spell again?”

“Sure, I think you enjoyed your boobs being crushed last time.”

She nodded, it had been fun. They had been so sore and tender after, too. Happily she let Lydia dress her in the bra, next came some panties specially modified with some rough fabric that would rub against her clit with each movement. They were so fun, her clit didn’t like them, but she did. The cute skirt and shirt combo that followed looked nice in the mirror, but sadly didn’t come with a painful feature to go with the cute look. Dressed, she followed Lydia out of the room, it was time to go say hi to dad, what fun, not.



I'm surprised that Arrieta didn't notice her in her territory. Well, with that spell, perhaps she will now.