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Music played from a speaker as an old truck rumbled down the road. It had to be a hundred years old, the paint had long worn away from its angular frame. A sputter shot out smoke from its ancient tailpipe and the young girl watching it wondered where anyone could find gas for such an old vehicle. Especially in this day and age, what with the gasoline companies having gone under decades ago. These days everything is either powered by hydrogen or nuclear energy. Hydrogen was really easy to make, you could do it in your garage if you really wanted to, but these days you needed a license to make it. Being caught making fuel without one was grounds for a heavy fine and twenty years of mandatory labor for just the first offense. 

Shaking her head, she turned down the road. It was likely some eccentric rich guy, with deep pockets. Half of them were old enough to remember the time when fossil fuels were the preferred choice and some of them liked electric vehicles. Although if you picked an electric engine, it was a good idea to get a micro-fusion plant to power the thing with. It was why nuclear vehicles were out there. Fusion was so much cleaner and safer than old fission systems that it had become one of the preferred sources of energy. Her own father had spent a fortune on a new tractor with a fusion reactor, imported all the way from Mars colony.

Not that there was a better place to get one from, it was hard to tell since the war happened years ago, but if you looked you could still find the scars. Sighing, as she skirted one such crater now filled in with grass, a small pond at the bottom, with a nice blooming tree in the center of said pond. It was pretty, but sixteen years ago that crater had been the center of town. Then some bastard blew up the entire area with a particle bolt from the sky, but that was a story shared all over the world. It certainly made getting the high tech stuff interesting, at least the war was finally over, maybe the cost of importing will go down?

She hoped so, she had her eye on something she just knew her girlfriend would love. Now she just needed the money, which was why she was walking out this way in the first place. The family farm made good money, the shipment they sent to Mars last week certainly paid off. The colony paid good money for their crops, way more than selling them locally ever paid. It was just a price difference, here they had to sell them at dirt cheap prices, but at Mars each bushel sold for a small fortune. Even after factoring the cost of shipping them off-world, the margin of profit was just better on Mars.

Nothing that would get her the money she needed fast enough for her girlfriend's birthday but she had found a job that would get her what she wanted. As the crater turned park slipped from her sight she practically skipped down the street. Her destination soon came into sight, a lovely three-story building made of polished stone that gleamed in the mid-morning sun. Not far from the building was a collection of open stalls, one of several open air markets in this part of town. Often with freshly grown vegetables on display, with a butcher a few doors down and a nice display of fresh meats. The old man that ran the shop was pretty nice, she often got great deals from him, usually on chicken. He had the best chicken in town though so those deals were awesome. She made a mental note to stop by on her way back home, since she was in the area.

Walking up the path to the door, she adjusted her bag and then knocked three times on the big heavy door. Normally she would push the button, but there was a sign written above it that said, “Bell’s broken, please knock”

Having knocked she stood there for a minute or two before a familiar face opened the door. It was a younger girl with a smiling face and today she must have dyed her hair again since it was a nice light blue. She looked so cute! The girl felt an urge to hug her and explore that cute body. Instead she held back, “Morning Hina, I’m here for the job your mother posted on the...”

Hina’s whole face lit up, her golden eyes sparkling and suddenly pulled her inside, “of course! This way Misaki!” 

Before she knew it she had been yanked through the door by the much smaller girl and was being pulled up the stairs as the big old door below slammed noisily behind them. Misaki looked at it for a moment before turning back where she got a clear upskirt view of Hina’s naked rear. Everything was on display, as the other girl wasn’t wearing panties. She blushed, “Um, Hina?”

The girl paused, giggled and then turned around giving Misaki a much clearer view of her cute pussy, “Enjoying the view?”

She chuckled, “Well yes, your pussy is very cute, but where are your panties?”

“Why thank you, I went to the clinic yesterday to have my hair removed. They did a good job don’t you think?”

Misaki blinked, and took a second look, noting how clean and hairless it was. Besides she was basically being invited to look it would be rude to refuse. “They did.”

The girl smiled, “Great! It was kinda scary at first, but worth it I think. No more shaving!”

“Right it would be a shame if a hair was sticking out while you were sunbathing at the pool.”

The girl nodded, “Yep, yep. The shame of it.”

“By the way Hina, while I appreciate the view...”

She cut her off, “It’s fine, I know, Mom gave me that talk too. I don’t care.”

Misaki nodded and decided to just enjoy the view for the rest of the way up the stairs and Hina obliged her. Moving slowly up the stairs and walking backward. The fun ended when they reached the second floor. Hina led her down the hall, to her mother who was seated in her office.

The woman looked up, “Ah, Misaki glad you could make it on time. I really don’t know what I would be doing without you.”

Misaki smiled, “I’m glad I could help,” she hefted her bag, “and I brought my tools.”

“That’s nice, Hina can show you to the pool.”

“I’ll get started right away then, but I am curious. You didn’t say...”

“Oh? Our regular poolman? Well old age, he just can’t do the job anymore, even with rejuvenation treatments, he’s almost a hundred thirty years old. I heard he got himself a nice lakehouse to spend his later years at.”

“I hope he enjoys his retirement then,” she turned to Hina who without a word pulled her excitedly back into the hall.

The pool as it turned out was located in the inner courtyard giving it a fairly private venue, yet still open to the air. Given that it was a nice day for swimming she wouldn’t be surprised if Hina and her mother were out here. The only reason they weren’t was the pool wasn’t running. Setting her tools down, she turned to Hina, “So where’s the machinery?”

“Over here!” said Hina, leading her to the pool closet which was off to the side. Misaki slipped inside, and started looking the machines over. It didn’t take her long to find the problem and she walked out to find Hina lounged on one of the pool chairs and giving her a good view up her skirt.

Misaki took a moment to enjoy the sight before grabbing the tools she needed and getting to work.


The pool was easy enough to fix, but it certainly took some time. Slipping out of the pool closet, she turned the machines on and watched the pool refil with nice clear refreshing water. The glimmered in the midday sun, then turned to Hina who still hadn’t replaced her panties. The view was quite nice, but Hina seemed a little distracted by a tablet she had pulled out.

A smile on her face, Misaki crept closer. When she realized she hadn’t been noticed, she took a quick glance at the screen. It was some magical girl anime, one Misaki had actually seen before. The poor magical girl had been caught by her nemesis who was currently giving some monologue. Pretty standard stuff, it happened in so many of them that it was basically cliche.

Feeling just a tad naughty, she reached under Hina’s skirt and was quickly rewarded with a gasp. With a quick motion she paused the video and then suddenly kissed her. Misaki returned it for a moment and then broke it.

Hina giggled, “That was fun. Want to play some more?”

Misaki was about to nod, when a voice joined in, “Done already? Care to join us in the water?”

Misaki looked back to find, Hina’s mother at the door, only this time she was topless. Leaving her gorgeous full breasts on full display. The nipples were already nice and hard, while her expression was one of a girl looking to play.

Hina glared, “MOM! I wanted Misaki to myself!”

“Oh, sweetie... you can share you know.”

Misaki felt her belly grow warm, oh that was a wonderful idea. She was totally going to enjoy some mother daughter play. This was going to be so fun!”


Misaki rolled over, her skin flushed and hot. Then groaned when she realized she was awake, “Oh curses! It was just getting good!”

She glared at the demon who woke her up, who said, “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

She sighed, “It’s fine.” then she looked to the side, but Phyllis wasn’t there. She recalled the other girl was rather busy.

Laying back down her mind drifted to the dream. Aside from a few differences, the dream was fairly familiar to her. It was actually a memory from her past life, fun times that. Of course in the real version she’d been a boy and her name wasn’t Misaki. 

A smile crossed her lips as she recalled the incident at the pool, Hina and her mother had always been attracted to the old her and they often played teasing games. Sometimes going as far as full sex, but that was the first time Misaki had gotten to enjoy them both at once.

It had really been fun, although a week later she would learn Hina was pregnant. Not exactly something Misaki had planned, she had thought Hina was on birth control. At the time nanites were often used for it and they were very effective. Hina even had it, but she had turned it off before the fun that day. 

That had been something. Misaki slipped out of bed her mind slipping to something else. Why had she been a girl in the dream?

Okay as per feedback from Patreon Experience, I've made an attempt at using dashes where my horizontal line breaks would have been in the source document. How does this work? Better or would you prefer something else?