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Another evening of going out and taking photos.

As someone who grew up less than 5 minutes from the ocean, having this back after 5 years has been so healing for me.

I’m thinking about writing lyrics again, being back with my musically inclined family has really gotten me back into singing and wanting to write again. Maybe someday I’ll share that kind of stuff too.

Words always come to me when I’m at the water. Watching the waves flow back and forth. The energy they bring. It’s amazing.

I cried. Being out there, alone, with just the ocean and the breeze, I cried. I started letting my emotions out. I was angry, I was hurt, I was sad, all the emotions when going through a harsh split from the person I thought I was gonna spend forever with, and how he showed me plainly how much he’s not the one.

Rarely am I an emotional person. I don’t cry easy. Certain music, and the ocean are two things that can get me there.


I love being alive. I love seeing beautiful things like the ocean, and I’m glad I’m still here to see it 🩵

- B




i remember one day, a couple weeks after i left my abuser, i got off of work and looked out at the buildings on the vegas strip and cried and cried. it was a sad and freeing feeling. i hope with every part of me that you feel the happiness and freedom you deserve ❤️ you inspire me so much.


I’ve always loved water too and was so happy when I moved and realised I was like 20mins away from the sea 🌊 i don’t get out there as much as I’d like to but it’s so calming when I do!

The Comfy Corner 🌻

I am doing my best, and that is the most I can ask for 🌼 some days we cry and some days we are just so happy to be out and free ✨ We’ve got this~ ❤️