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I love taking photos of the moon.

I love the moon, the moon is my safe place. For me, it’s when no one else is awake, and it’s just me. Peace and quiet. Whether it was peace and quiet from getting yelled at that day, or even just peace and quiet from a great day like today with my family.

Sometimes you just need the quiet. The space to truly be free and yourself because no one is around to judge. To place their influence onto you, conscious or not.

Healing comes best for me at this time. I have no one else to focus on. No one to distract me.

I sing, I draw, I listen to music. I connect. With myself and with what I’m doing. Presence.

Healing also comes to me through writing. Even posts like this are so therapeutic to me. Sharing, letting go. A safe space to do that has seemed so impossible and like a dream that couldn’t come true, and yet. Here I am, still here and with a space to let go.

Thank you for giving me this space. I appreciate you.

Have a lovely day 🌻





I fully understand what you like about night/moon. Ages ago my mother asked why I needed the curtains in my room “open” at night, so I told her I was letting the moon to shine on me, so I could turn into a werewolf, she thought I was serious 😅😅 I would add one benefit of the night, that is being able to watch anything from the screen/display without seeing their your own reflection because of the sunlight… It always bothers me that I cannot see everything properly during the day