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Arione saw Jason’s expression change and knew that he had been made.


He didn’t bother thinking about why, shit happened sometimes. Arione had a strict policy about not dwelling on mistakes, there was nothing to learn from them. Whatever MSS threw at you, it was better to roll with it. The mage put a hand on Scarlet and Clover’s shoulder.


“Welp. I think we’ve been made.” His fingers twitched, aching to take out his staff and start blasting spells. “Don’t say a word unless he’s asking you a direct question.”


Jason Carid Akka Xalud waded through the crowd, Maria in tow. People gave him a wide berth, no one wanted to go near the Scion right now. Especially not after he was shown up by someone none of them recognized. On the contrary, many of the people on the second floor were looking at Clover, trying to figure out who she was.




“Even he wouldn’t attack us here.” Arione wasn’t sure if he was trying to reassure Scarlet or himself.


“You told me he was brutal and dangerous.” Clover said between clenched teeth.


“Point taken. Be on your guards everyone, just in case.” Arione then looked between the two. “Clover, this is my apprentice, Scarlet. Scarlet, this lovely lady is Clover Weinport. Now look sharp everyone.”


Arione gave them all of two seconds to exchange greetings. Jason finally reached them and looked at Clover, sizing her up.


Then proceeded to ignore her completely.


“Pleasure to meet you here, Mage.” Jason greeted the mage with a curt nod.


“Likewise. Can I help you?” Arione’s face was hidden by the shadow of his hood and the obfuscating spell.


“I’d like to talk with you. Somewhere in private.” The Scion wasn’t one for using a lot of body language, but his eyes shifted from left to right indicating that there were too many ears listening.


Perhaps that was the reason why Jason hadn’t used Arione’s real name. The last ounce of respect he’d show for an enemy.


“He really doesn’t beat around the bush.” Arione went through his checklist.


Could Jason kill him in a one on one? No.


Would he try here? Maybe.


Was he curious about why Jason wasn’t releasing his centipedes and threatening to kill him after all this? 100% Yes.


Arione cleared his throat. “Fine. Scarlet, stay with Clover.”


“Ok… Master.”


“Do not forget our deal.” Clover muttered, worried.


Arione winked at her as he left with Jason. Maria looked mournfully at Clover then followed after the two shortly after.


“...What deal?” Scarlet asked after a moment of silence.


Clover looked at the red-haired mage, noticing him for the first time. “Your master and I have a deal. I help him look for you and he helps me find my comrades. Thank you by the way, for telling me about Lock.”


“It was… nothing.” Scarlet shrugged.


“Clover Weinport.” She reached out for a handshake but Scarlet shoved his own into his robes.


“Scarlet. Just call me Scarlet.” The young man had a habit of mumbling the last bits of his sentence.


Clover fought the urge to bite her nails. A nervous habit she developed during childhood. None of her tutors could get her to stop and it had driven her parents crazy. She was nervous about how L’teya had looked. Had she been drugged?


“...He was looking for you guys.”


Clover smiled, that sounded like Lock. “When’s the last time you saw him?”


Scarlet told her about his experience with Lock, how the human tricked him into working together. He glossed over the parts with the orc guards, not wanting to dwell on the memory.


“Then he told me… to take care.” He finished.


“That doesn’t sound like Lock.”


According to Scarlet, Lock had not only been the one to get Scarlet’s cooperation but had been nice to Scarlet afterwards. Even towards her and L’teya, he had been a little bit more than courteous when treating them. Now he was suddenly all smiles and charm? Clover wondered if they were talking about two different people with the same name.


“Long black hair? Broody? Shifty eyes? Awkward?” Scarlet offered.


“Ok, now that sounds more like him.” She laughed slightly.


Even the gloomy red-haired mage cracked a smile.


It was a strange feeling for Scarlet. He had definitely spent more time with his master than he did with Lock. Yet, it was only when talking about their shared experience with Lock that he felt at home with Clover. There had been an air of uncertainty before when introduced by Arione. But now when they talked about Lock, all of it was gone.


It felt like they were comrades.


Scarlet withdrew mentally.


“We will now be entering intermission! Please come down to the first floor if you have made a purchase!”


“...I’ll go with you.” Scarlet straightened, he was a little taller than Clover. “Since master is not here, I’ll have to protect you.”


“Thank you, Scarlet.”


The two walked towards the stairs and met Yousef and his brothers.


“Nicely done, lass!” He wagged his finger at her, playfully glaring at her. “You got me there!”


Clover gave an elegant dip of the head putting on her merchant’s face again. “Perhaps next time, Mr. Yousef.”


After exchanging more pleasantries Clover reached the bottom of the stairs with Scarlet right behind her. The red-haired mage wasn’t like Arione, he didn’t bother hiding his elf-heritage. His deep blue eyes, pale skin and refined features drew more than a few looks from the lady nobles. Some of them thought he was a slave and wanted to approach Clover.


But Clover gave them no room to do so, she went to one of the human slaves who were working to direct the buyers. Recognizing her, she had made the most expensive purchase after all, he led her to a small room. The room had chairs and a table.


“Please wait and we will bring your purchase over to you.” He bowed once and left the room.


The Priestess paced the room. Scarlet took a corner for himself and leaned against the wall. He knew what she was feeling all too well, he had often been on the waiting end of his comrades before. Being a mage meant you were always the last one in and first one out. It wasn’t the best feeling but atleast he was alive.


“Always put your life first.” In his head, Scarlet repeated one of the many teachings that Arione told him.


They didn’t have to wait long. The door opened and the human returned with two orc guards in tow. They had L’teya in between them, still wearing the same clothes as before.


Clover said the words she’d been wanting to say for a long time.


“Take the manacle off of her neck.”


Once the manacle came off, the human began to explain what other things would go on auction next. Items, Cores and even monsters. Clover wanted nothing more than to chase them all out and see to L’teya, but ended up listening to the whole thing. There was no reason to arouse suspicion. Soon enough, they left.


Clover rushed to L’teya and wrapped her arms around her neck.




Finally they were free.




Jason had led Arione to an isolated room and left two guards outside the door. Strangely, the Akka Xalud’s guards weren’t anywhere to be seen and neither was Maria. Somewhere during their walk here, she disappeared. But for Arione that was a good thing, it meant they’d be left alone. He followed Jason into the room and listened to what the Scion wanted to talk about.


“...What do you say, Magus Popwindale?”


“After trying to kill me for months, this is your offer?” Arione’s eyes shone. “You Scions really are good at talking.”


Jason shrugged. He was sitting on a chair while facing Arione. The mage had refused to sit and remained standing. As soon as they entered the room, the mage had taken out his staff but Jason didn’t bat an eye. The mage wouldn’t be able to kill him, he had countermeasures in place.


He’d taken down mages before. A grade-4 mage wouldn’t be too hard to hunt… or capture. His brother might like that.


“I want 50,000 more gold on top of what you offered me.” Arione countered. “And guaranteed safety for myself and my own.”


“The little beastman bitch and your disciple? Done.”


“The elf we just bought as well.”


Jason drummed his fingers on the table, thinking. After a moment, he smacked the table with his palm. “Done.”


Arione nodded. “Is that it?”




“I’ll be leaving then.” Arione had a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.


He hated the Great Houses with a passion but Jason’s offer had been too good to pass up. What Jason asked of him was laughably easy as well. The mage was sure that Jason thought of him as a grade-4, so the conditions of the trade were in his favor. Arione turned on his heel, making to leave.


There was a knock at the door.


One of the guards opened the door, speaking softly. “Sir. The elf is here to see you.”


Jason waved a hand. “Let him in.”


“Mage, stay.” Jason ordered the mage, it came naturally to him. “Plans might have changed.”


Arione frowned but leaned against the wall next to the door, just in case he had to make a quick escape.


A glasses-wearing elf walked in and gave a stiff bow to the Scion. He looked at the mage then at Jason, waiting for permission.


“Continue.” Jason waved a hand lazily.


“There are… issues.” The elf took a knee, keeping his head facing the floor.


“Not the best opening but sure, to each their own.” Arione quipped, just quiet enough for the elf to hear.


Jason must have heard it as well. “Do not worry Mage, this is only a small part of our plans.”


“It better be.” Arione muttered.


“Some of the monsters have been… rendered incapable of being useful to our plan.”


Arione snorted through his nose. As long as the Scion had a use for him, he was determined to try and annoy them at every turn. Evidently, it was working because Jason shot a glare at the mage.


“Snow White?” Jason asked.


“That one is still good.” The elf gulped.


Jason nodded, satisfied. His House went through great lengths to capture the Named Monster. They even went as far as to ask the Kojisas for help. That was how badly they wanted to monopolize the slave trade in the Samak Desert. His patriarch was counting on them and Jason would not fail.


Yulrien took a deep breath. “The waypoint has been damaged.”


“What?” Jason stood from his chair.


“But sir, I have my men working on a fix right now. They are heading down to find the source of the disruption. I believe there might be rats down-”


Jason’s feet stopped at the edge of Yulrien’s vision.


“The Core is supposed to keep everyone distracted while we release the monsters. My men are in place right now and my sister will be acting soon. Without Snow White wrecking havoc throughout the city, their warchief will be free to move, meaning that someone will have to keep him occupied.”


“Then let’s just do it now.” Arione offered.


The two slowly looked at him.


“You have no distraction and you have no firepower. Right now is the perfect time isn’t it?” Arione picked his ear with a pinky finger then blew on it. “Just do it now and ambush them. Waiting won’t make it any better. The faster your sister can call the monster, the faster it will get here.”


Jason met Arione’s gaze. “For once, mage… you speak the truth.”


“Alert my sister. By this time tomorrow, the Samak Horde will be no more.”


Arione left the room.




“She’s not responding. Is she ok?” Clover sat on the floor with L’teya’s head in her lap.


“It’s sleeping gas.” Scarlet explained. “They used it to keep us asleep… she will wake up soon.”


L’teya’s eyes were dazed, staring straight ahead but not registering anything. Clover tried shaking her and even pinching her. Nothing worked.


Atleast they were free now.


“Is there anything you can do to wake her?”


“It’s better not to…” Scarlet trailed off, frowning. “Master is coming here. And he’s rushing. He never rushes like that.”


Their door slammed open and Arione strode into the room. He had taken his hood off, revealing his pointed ears and light blue hair. His gold-flecked eyes were on full view.


And his robe was stained with blood.


“Change of plans.” He smiled at the two. “We’re going to get out of here tonight.”


“What?!” Clover hugged L’teya’s body. “What are you talking about?”


“I made a deal with the Akka Xaluds. They’re attacking this city tonight.”


“What the hell are you talking about?!”


“Master? But you hate them.”


“I had no choice.” Arione shook his head, shrugging. “If we want to escape this city alive, we need to follow along. They have men and resources that we have no hope of matching.”


“But you said you’re a great mage.” Clover hissed. “I still don’t understand-”


“You want the gist of it? Fine.” The mage began. “The Akka Xaluds are going to kill every single man, woman and child orc in this city tonight. Anyone who gets in the crossfire will die. The only people they’re going to not target are the big names like the Zimmskar representative and the Jayu State emissaries. They’ve already warned those guys and they’re hightailing it out of here. Last minute courtesy.”


“Meanwhile everyone else who gets caught in the crosshair? They’re free game.” Arione growled. “Remember how I said Scions are brutal? Well there you have it. They’re going to raise a whole fucking city and anyone left inside of it will die.”


“So what? We just turn tail and run?”


“No.” Arione muttered. “We cooperate.”


“...WHAT?!” Clover practically screamed.


“We’re going to kill these filthy orcs as one of the Akka Xaluds. Speaking of which, put these on.” Arione took out a mess of fabric from his Dimension Ring and threw them at the three.


Clover picked up one of the fabric and it was a dark green robe, with a huge orange centipede embroidered on the back. She looked at Arione.


He didn’t give her a chance to argue. “Either we join them, or we’re being hunted. I had a choice eand I made it, one to keep us safe. What about you?”


“...What about the slaves master?” Scarlet was looking at the cloak.


“I told you, Scarlet-kun.” Arione didn’t want to go too tough on them. “No. survivors.”


He had to strike a delicate balance here. Arione couldn’t seem too cruel, they’d think less of him. No, he had to make them believe that he made the choice for them. That the great mage, Arione had been forced into a corner where he could have either escaped by himself or chosen to fight another day with them, even if it meant dirtying his hands.


This was what MSS was like; you were placed in a scenario with no way out except one. Then you just escaped through that hole.


“I had to make a choice that had the best chances of keeping us alive. I can’t protect all of us.” Arione looked at each one. “Your friend is still unconscious. Scarlet haven’t even learned any offensive spells yet. Clover, you are still too green; you haven’t even been able to tap into half of your potential.”


“Guys, please. It’s the best chance we got.” Just a little more, Arione could sense them coming around.


“These orcs are slavers and worse. You all know that.”


“But not all the slaves are criminals. Some were innocent-”


“Not anymore they’re not.” Aroine pushed here; looking Clover straight in the eyes. “Isn’t what we’re doing now any different than what you were doing before? To survive? I know how the orc’s slave selection process goes. Don’t fool yourself.”


Careful, he had to step carefully.


“Get off your high horse Clover. How many people’s death are you already responsible? Or better yet… how many people did your friends kill to keep you alive?” He said the last party very softly.


Clover rocked back like she got slapped.


She remembered the Dokkaebi tunnels, how they had to leave behind a whole score of men to get out themselves. She knew what L’teya and Lock did. They used the other group as a distraction so that they could escape themselves. To live another day. Then there was the Mak’gorah.


Lety scalped two people because Clover couldn’t fight. Lock bit someone’s ear off. Back then, all she could do was tremble in fear, watching them fight and get hurt. When it came down to it… Lety and Lock had always been willing to do what it took to survive. To keep all of them alive and together.


L’teya was unconscious and Lock was only Oung knows where, without an inkling of an idea of what was really happening. With Arione’s one announcement about the Akka Xalud’s plans, she knew things that her friends didn’t. She could look at the big picture and her friends had no idea. It was all up to her.


It was like Arione could read her mind. “Didn’t you want to save your friends?”


“...What about Lock?”


Arione smirked.


“That’s the best part!” He cheered. “Instead of focusing on escaping, we can blend in with the Akka Xaluds and look for him! Isn’t that a much better plan than just running away and hoping that he survives?”


Scarlet donned the cloak. “I… Let’s look for your friend.”


Scarlet wanting to help someone look for a stranger was a strange happenstance but it didn’t matter. Arione just had to convince Clover.


“It’s up to you Clover. Just know this… I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and your friends. But I can’t do it if you’re not helping me in turn. We have to make the Akka Xaluds believe we’re on their side.”


Arione couldn't help it. He just had to say it.


"Join... the dark side."


Clover picked up the Akka Xalud cloak…


And tied it around her neck.




Princemark Okibe (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-04 13:48:59 Arione seems to have retained more [player] characteristics than Lock. He is the true/typical Isekai MC.
2024-04-20 20:09:04 Arione seems to have retained more [player] characteristics than Lock. He is the true/typical Isekai MC.

Arione seems to have retained more [player] characteristics than Lock. He is the true/typical Isekai MC.