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Upon investigating the cause of the near total failure of the cameras, it wasn't the cables being chewed from inside this time. Rather, it was the cables being chewed from outside. Probably by the rat visitors certain eagle eyed stream watchers have spotted. I think I'm spilling hamster food during refills, attracting the rats, who can then feel heat coming from the surface building & want to get inside.

Poison is out, since I have a kitten now who will be venturing outside when it's warmer. As are rat traps of a type which could injure her. The enclosed type could work. Mint solution also supposedly repels rats/mice but may also be irritating to Dick when he's in the surface building. For now I just rubbed the cables with hot sauce, my usual go-to.

Winter slows everything down because shit breaks in the cold, rainy weather. Hot water heater's broken so I have to take cold showers. Space heater's broken so I'm wearing my heated clothing indoors until a replacement arrives. I've lost the adjustable wrench needed to detach the aquarium hab modules from each other for repair, I may need to replace that.

I'm on it though, now that Hambunker is restored. I still can't buy hamsters from pet stores but someone has clued me in to the existence of breeders I may be able to buy from locally. While I have the hab modules out of the aquarium I may also take the opportunity to clean out the accumulated algae. Or not, it's sort of part of the scenery now. 



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