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After picking it up 2 years ago but not sticking to it, I'm properly learning Unity now. After spending yesterday doing the tutorials I have a working VR scene I can put my headset on & look around in, made from free asset store stuff (pictured). My guy can't walk yet, I'm currently learning to implement thumbstick locomotion.

My plans for this new skillset will be to create interactive explorable models of the habitats so you can "be the hamster". This is a simple goal of an attainable scope for a beginner. Once that's finished I can attempt loftier goals like a proper Hampture game.

Incidentally the weather finally cleared up so I could go diagnose the most recent Hambunker camera failures. This time the USB hubs seem fine, it's the 2 of the 3 USB extension cables leading from inside to outside that have failed. No sign of chewing, unsure what cause the failures.

I sprayed the entire Hambunker site with peppermint oil I bought online anyway just to be sure. According to experiments done by Shawn Woods (a Youtuber focused on pest control) peppermint oil is remarkably effective at repelling rats.

The constant forced air ventilation via the air pump should prevent the smell from getting into hambunker itself as the air pump is a ways away, I could also put the pump inside & run an airhose out along with the data/power umbilical, though IDK if hamsters even dislike peppermint oil or if that's specific to rats.

Anyway I'll be ordering replacement USB extension cords soon, watch this space.



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