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The emotionally charged scene that had taken place was unexpected. I did not expect Ashley to face her decisions with any sense of clarity. She was a gremlin that did what ever she wished. I did not expect any level of self reflection on her part. Don’t get me wrong I was certainly happy that it had happened but it was still strange.

The emotions that were surging through Ashley seemed to be calming down now that Andrew told her his answer. He had the opportunity to lay into Ashley for bringing about all the misery in his life. Yet, he did not do so. She may have played her part in their play but he played his as well. 

“Well, I’m glad that we are all on the same page.” I spoke out dispelling the lingering emotions hanging in the air. Andrew just shrugged and nodded. Ashley was finally relaxing in my arms. 

“We do have some things to take care of before we head off to my world.” I spoke out causing the siblings to pause their own thoughts. My words were a bit of an understatement. I did not have a home to settle the siblings in. It would be a rather minor thing to fix but it did not change the fact that I was inviting them over on a whim. 

I did not know if they would be able to adjust to living in the magical world. I was sure that Ashley would be able to thrive no matter where she would end up. I was also fairly certain she would develop the ability to use Mana, the blood that ran through her veins was just that special. If not I was willing to teach her the trick to siphon the Mana from others.

I was not going to teach her brother the same trick if things came to pass. I just did not like him well enough to offer him the chance to become something more. It was a rather petty move and something that was likely to bite me in the ass. Maybe that answer will eventually change but that was a long ass time away from now.

I suppose I did not need to settle them in the magical world. The mundane world should be far more familiar to them even if they would be knocked into the past. I could have them set up with a nice amount of money and a place to live. I doubted that Ashley would want to sit around doing nothing so she was likely to be glued to my side for a fair bit. That did not mean setting them up in the mundane side of my world was doomed to failure.

It just meant that Ashley was likely to not spend a lot of time in the home I would provide them. It would give Andrew some breathing room to live for himself for once. Ashley had the opportunity to grow away from him so the same should be good for him. I should probably do something about his mental health as well. The dark emotions that glinted in his eyes when he looked at Ashley did not scream mentally sound.

I was not in a position to be throwing stones but even I could see that. I was not sure if a therapist would be able to handle the bundle of unresolved issues that he had. The year that they would be living in was not exactly known for sound mental health. Those practices were a rather new topic and it was still not a perfect field. It was a good thing that I did not have to rely on a mundane solution.

The magical community was oddly good at handling mental issues. Even if a vast majority of my people did not take advantage of those services when they needed them. It took a certain amount of trust to get started in the healing process after all. 

A mental healer was skilled in Legilmency as it was the easiest way to handle cases. They could see the trauma like vivid colorful brush strokes. They could help you process those things without overwhelming the mind. The problem with that was you needed to trust them to scan through your mind. That was not something people liked to do. Ironically their patients were likely to be the last people who wanted to see a Mental Healer. Trauma did not exactly bring about trust.

I was a stellar example of that theory. I certainly needed to have someone check out my own mind. Yet, I was not willing to have someone rummaging through my mind. That was true before the fall and it was certainly true now. I would say that I was even more unwilling to have someone look through my mind. I held some valuable knowledge after all.

The way Fortuna was created should never get out to my people. It would give them ideas about doing something similar. I was not willing to have that particular problem on my door steps. I was already worried about it happening without me nudging the issue along.

“ What? Like packing?” Andrew asked in confusion. I could not really blame him for the confusion. He had no way of knowing about my worries. Those worries were just a part of the reason I delayed leaving this world.

“I don’t really got all that much to pack, you want anything in this place Andy?” Ashley questioned as she leaned into my chest. Andrew got a complicated look on his face but it faded and was replaced with more sadness.

“I don’t think I want to even see this place again.” Andrew muttered out as he looked around the messy room. This place may have been their home at one point but now it was an empty tomb. This place would do nothing but bring out bad memories for the siblings.

“We should be good to go now Prince.” Ashley looked up at me with a smile on her face. The feeling of her body on me was getting me riled up. That or the smile that was splattered with blood was to blame.

“That’s nice to know but we need to settle something here before we leave,” I spoke out softly. I then pointed at the guard who was unconscious from the fear that Ashley inflicted on him. There was still one guard that played a part in their suffering. Not to mention the company that screwed them over needed to suffer.

The siblings both looked at the man covered in his own blood. Andrew faced palmed while Ashley giggled. I should have expected nothing less from them.

“I’ll go take care of the other guard, but there was another thing I wanted to bring up.” I let go of Ashley and she pouted but got out of my arms. Andrew was looking over at me with dread on his face. 

“Another thing?” Andrew spoke out tiredly. I suppose I put him in a rather extreme emotional roller coaster. His sister popped back into existence with a sudden boyfriend, said boyfriend popped into his home and told him his parents sold them for their organs and then a literal demon summoning took place. More news from me was probably the worst fear of Andrew right now.

“Nothing that bad, the company is going to look for you guys for escaping the net. So I was thinking about placing some fake corpses here. That way if you ever want to come back for a visit you don’t have to worry about them coming after you.” I spoke out in a nonchalant manner. The tension that was building in Andrew dissipated as my topic was not bad for him.

“Sure, why not. “ Andrew spoke out blandly as he did not really care what happens here. I was not going to be murdering anyone else so I suppose he was not capable of fighting this decision. It was in his best interest for my plan to go through.

Ashley just shrugged with a smile on her face. She did not care either. It was not a topic that I expected to bring up arguments anyways. I snapped my fingers and the bags of trash morphed into emancipated versions of the siblings. The dull glassy look in their eyes clearly showing their dead status.

Andrew recoiled away from the fake corpses. He paled drastically as he caught sight of his own face hollowed out from hunger. He then looked away quickly shuddering. I suppose the sight of his body was not something he was prepared to see.

“Jesus! A little warning next time.” Andrew shouted out as he looked outside the window. He did not even try to look back at me to enforce his displeasure. Ashley just walked up to her own fake body and started to poke at it. 

“Creepy.” Ashley muttered as she continued to prod the dead version of herself. I lightly shuddered at the sight as well. I knew that it was a fake corpse but it was still the sight of my girlfriend in a rather disheartening position.

“My bad, I was not really thinking that through.” I apologized as I looked away from the sight as well. I should have done this right when we were leaving.

“Do you have a smoke, kind of need one right now.” Andrew muttered as he still refused to look over. Ashley stood up and glared at her brother before huffing. I did not and I was not sure if Ashley would let it slide if I did.

“Sorry, not much of a smoker.” I was far too obsessed with a variety of things to have smoking as a hobby.

“Fuck, I need some fresh air.” Andrew muttered as he walked towards the balcony. I guess he was going to stay there till it was time to go. That was fine with me we did not have a long time left here after all.

“Wanna join me in taking care of the last guard?” I asked Ashley who went back to prodding her own corpse. The sight causing me to blanch once more. She looked over her shoulder with a look that screamed no duh. I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the hallway. She followed along with out a moment's hesitation.

We walked down to the second floor. From the guard’s memories, his partner Dave was patrolling that hallway. I opened the door and immediately snapped my finger to destroy the camera. Dave whirled around at the door opening his face was pale as Ashley still was covered with blood. He drew his gun and pointed it at the two of us.

“Get back!” Dave shouted out panic dyeing his words. I was not sure if he had a plan for what to do if we did back down. I just rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers again. Ashley took that as a cue and started to walk menacingly toward Dave. He started to tremble but he did end up pulling the trigger.

Too bad for him his gun was now a prop. Instead of shooting a bullet through Ashley’s grey matter the gun popped out a flag that unrolled with the words bang on it. What can I say I was a fan of the classics. Ashley closed the distance between them in an instant.

The blade I gave her carved into him as he dropped to the ground screaming. The sadistic smile that graced her face was certainly something to remember. The guard may have been bigger than her but she was fully kitted out with my potions. He did not stand a chance at fighting back.

The torture session lasted for a bit. I was not feeling charitable at the moment and I wanted her to have some fun today. This was probably not the best idea but I did not have a lot of those to begin with.

“You good?” I asked as she started to break his fingers. She looked over at me with a pout on her face but seeing my no-nonsense look she caved in and huffed. I knocked him out and put him back together the best I could. I Obliviated him as he needed to report to the company later. I then casted the same curses I used on the previous guard.

“Alright, another asshole off the list.” I announced as I looked over at Ashley who was looking out the large window with nostalgia on her face.

“We used to play over there.” Ashley announced as she pointed towards a section of the town that looked abandoned. It did not look like a place that was all that fun to hang out but what did I know?

“Away from the empty eyes of our parents,” Ashley muttered as she looked at the broken and shabby looking buildings. I suppose an escape from their home life would make any place a paradise.

“I’m not wrong for wanting them dead, right?” Ashley looked back at me with a sad smile on her face. I once more wrapped my arms around the bloody girl.

“I’m not the best judge on that. I did kill my own father.” I knew that I was not the best judge of right or wrong. My father may have been the scum of the earth but snuffing out his life was something irreversible. I could not judge this girl for wanting something similar, her parents were just as bad as my own. 

Right or wrong did not really matter to me, my own feelings overwriting any sense of morality that inhabited me. 

Ashley just started to giggle as she leaned into me.

“I guess you aren't.” She said between bouts of laughter.

“Might as well put it off, Andy ain’t ready for that conversation,” Ashley mumbled out. That was fair a normal person would have qualms about killing their parents even if they literally sold them out. I did not think Andrew was normal but he wanted to at least pretend that he was.

I was planning on tracking them down before we left his world but if Ashley wanted to leave it to later I was fine with that. I came to this world for cuddles after all. The murders could wait for another day.

“If that was what you want.” I muttered lightly. It was now time to get these two settled in my own world. I was going to have to Obliviate the other guard as well. I was not sure if Fortuna could fuck with the company that pulled off all this bullshit but I wanted to sick her on them anyways.

Fortuna emitted an exasperated fondness but she complied. I would not want to be them right now. 


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