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I still can’t believe that a ritual that would summon a literal demon was found in a how to book. From some of the memories I have stolen from the guard, I knew that this world had some rather odd things rolling around. Things that were rather shocking in retrospect but no one really batted an eye at it happening. The news reporting about the quarantine had a threat of shooting people and no one was concerned.

The company that I knew to be harvesting organs was mainly a beverage company. Their number one product was fucking called toxic water. The advertisements for said product were equally appalling. The fact that they supposedly contaminated the water of hundreds of people was ignored. In a more rational world, they would not be able to set up a quarantine themselves. This would be done by the government not a money grubbing company.

So the pieces that told me this world was odd were definitely there. It was just rather shocking to feel the dark sickly Mana in the air and relate it to a dumb book.

A cursory glance at the rest of the apartment did not really produce more objects of interest. I wonder how this dip shit got his hands on that ridiculous book. I hope to god that he did not buy it in a regular fucking store. Ashley was looking around to loot shit with a pout on her face.

She was displeased that she was not able to help in the murder. I could only placate her as I was not going to allow this cultist the opportunity to do something dumb. That was a road to having a demon tearing you limb from limb.

Andrew stayed in their apartment likely sulking that he could not save the idiot. I was fine with that, I was not all that interested in the guy. I tolerated him because he was my girlfriend’s brother and perhaps the only family member she had a good relationship with.

As long as Andrew did not flip the board I was fine with us not getting along. I would be more than willing to engage in bland small talk with the guy once in a blue moon. The true way to bond with your in laws.

The cultist’s apartment was not very large. In comparison to the Grave’s residence but that was to be expected. A family of four lived in the Grave residence while this guy was clearly a single dog. You don’t have how to books on summoning demons and have a healthy relationship. I was now the owner of that book but I would not call my relationship with Ashley healthy so my point still stood.

Beyond the limited living space there was a bathroom. The scent from the room was beyond disgusting so I was not going to open the door. I had no idea what this dumb ass did in that room but it must be like the bathroom of a gas station. I don’t know how the cultist managed to lower my already low opinion of him.

There was nothing else interesting here from a cursory glance. I was not exactly willing to rummage through the trash bags in search of loot. The pile of ashes did not strike me as a person with good loot.

“Score!” Ashley shouted out as she finished rummaging through a coat. I suppose I was wrong as Ashley was holding up some cash she found in the pocket of a coat. It did not look like a large amount but loot was loot. I could provide her wealth far beyond that paltry sum but finding loot is always a pleasant experience. 

Even if said loot was from a dead man’s coat. I imagine that the loot being found in a dead man’s apartment made it better for Ashley.

“You done robbing the idiot?” I did not want to spend the rest of my day in the frankly smelly apartment. I killed the man and took his summoning book so we should be done here. Ashley looked over at me and hummed lightly. Her eyes traveled around the room as if searching for something before she shrugged.

“I should be good for now.” Ashley announced as she walked to me. I was expecting her to latch onto me again but she seemed hesitant. It took me a moment to remember that her hands were covered in blood. She apparently did not want to stain my clothes.

It was a nice sentiment and oddly considerate from Ashley of all people. I gave her a small smile and started to head back to the Graves’ apartment. We had other things to get through today.

I made sure to conjure a door to replace the one I banished. I had some plans I wanted to enact.

I then crossed into the Graves' apartment once again. Andrew was pacing with a dejected look on his face. Seeing us walk back in he stopped pacing. He was still tense and dejected but seeing us at least eliminated the nervous energy permeating from him.

“You killed him.” Andrew spoke out with a tone that conveyed accusation. I was not really all that concerned if he saw me as some great evil. He could be as upset as he wanted to be it would not change who I was. Nor, could it be used to separate Ashley and me.

“You know the answer to that.” He may not have said it like a question but it was certainly implied. There were a lot of things that were implied but the question was fairly easy to read.

Again the accusation in his eyes faded and the dejected look came back. I rolled my eyes at the guy as he was taking the idiot's death far too close to home. 

“Ignoring my blatant murder, you guys are not safe here.” I spoke out seriously gathering the attention I needed from the siblings. This was by no means the only threat in this world. If a demon can be summoned it was bound to eventually happen as it would not be interesting if it did not. I was operating under the assumption that this world was based off of a story. It was not a hard assumption to get behind.

“No shit we have been sold off like cattle.” Andrew spat out. I paused for a moment. In all the excitement I forgot that they were effectively sold into an organ harvesting scam. The whole demon coming to devour our souls was a bit of a bigger priority.

“I would like to see them try.” Ashley spoke out softly as she pet the panting puppy in her arms. I was the one to animate the fucking thing so I knew that it was not supposed to behave that well. So seeing it sit quietly in her arms was rather confusing.

“I don’t mean to undermine your suffering but that was not what I was talking about.” I spoke out knocking the two of them out of whatever they were thinking about. 

“This world is a whole lot more dangerous than I thought possible. If I was not here today a demon might have been brought into this world.” I spoke out seriously. Again Andrew paled at my statement. Ashley on the other hand did not look like she cared all that much about the topic. I really wished she put some more mind on her safety but that was going to have to be a work in progress.

“ Before I thought you guys lived in a relatively mundane world so I did not need to take any drastic actions. Now I know better.” I was not willing to take a gamble on Ashley’s continued safety. Not when something so insidious was taking place in the background of her world.

“ So what’s the plan?” Andrew spoke out. His eyes shone with understanding. We may not be on the best of terms but at least he was capable of understanding that all I wanted to do was help. 

“Ashley and yourself can travel to my world on a more permanent basis. My world may not be the safest place but it is certainly better than yours.” This is the best course of action. It also played into my own plans but that was irrelevant. The siblings will be safe and far away from literal demons and I got to have Ashley by myside once more. Everyone wins as far as I was concerned.

“You want us to just pack up and leave?” Andrew questioned disbelief lighting his words. He clearly did not think my plan was in their best interest. Ashley seemed suddenly interested in the conversation as her eyes glowed brightly.

“Done, when are we getting out of here.” Ashley excitedly uttered. She was once more vibrating in place a bright cheerful smile adorning her face. The sight caused butterflies to swarm in my gut.

“This is serious Ashley. You want to leave everything behind and just fuck off!?” Andrew steadily raised his voice as he tried to get his own opinion across. I kept my silence for now but his actions were rubbing me the wrong way. He had his reasons for his reluctance but it did not mean I liked them.

Ashley turned away from me, the smile fading from her face. Her face sad as she looked at her brother.

“What do we have left here Andy?” Ashley questioned softly. The question might as well be a slap despite its tone as Andrew recoiled away from it. 

“Are parents literally sold us! All the friends that you had might as well have stabbed you as they have abandoned us! Even your girlfriend.” Ashley shouted out the pained words hoping that they would get through to her brother. The last bit was said quietly in comparison as if she felt a certain amount of guilt for her actions.

The words did seem to affect Andrew deeply but the last one had him raising his head in a glare. One that was filled with all the dark intentions that lay dormant in his mind. The sight had me wanting to do something as it was aimed at someone I held dear.

Ashley’s seriousness was the only reason I held back. It seemed like it was important to her to say these words.

“Whose fault do you think that is!?” Andrew shouted out. The swirl of emotions in his eyes dyed all of his words. Again that guilt built on her face but she stood steadfast despite the volatile anger. Andrew seemed to be gearing up for something but Ashley interrupted him.

“Mine.” Ashley spoke out seriously. The guilt on her face spilled out in her tone but it did not overwhelm her. Seeing that admittance Andrew deflated like a balloon. Shock and confusion filled his face.

“If I was not myself maybe our parents would not have done what they did. If I did not push your girlfriend over the ledge maybe she would have stuck around. If I did not force you to be by my side maybe you would be happy.” Ashley spoke out as tears gathered in her eyes. There was no more snark or smugness on her features just a sad realization that had been boiling inside of her. 

Ashley was the type of person who acted for her own interests over anyone elses. The feelings and lives of those around her ultimately meant very little to her. She was a dark twisted person but she really did care for her brother. He was the only reason she was able to live this long. The only bright spot in her dark life.

Her previous actions were spent ensuring that the one spark of light would never escape her grasp. It was a blind pursuit and a desperate one. Now, she was capable of seeing her actions for what they were. Cuts that carved deeply into the one thing she cared for. Ashley must have changed a fair bit in our mission if she was capable of seeing those things now.

I hated that she blamed herself for the actions that shaped her but I knew that my words were meaningless. She knew that she played a part in her own misery. The world was capable of showing her kindness but she spent decades denying the possibility. All the things she had done in the name of that was ultimately meaningless. She never really got to experience that affection that drove her. Just a false facade that crumbled with the slightest touch.

Now she was taking ownership for her own actions. Even if she was a twisted broken thing she could accept herself for what she was.

“Ashley..” Andrew muttered under his breath all the anger draining out of him. He was looking at his sister with a sad guilty look. He may have been a victim in their relationship but he never tried to change things between them. He allowed everything to come and it was clearly not for the best. He looked like he wanted to do something but he had no idea what to do.

I felt rather useless watching this emotional confrontation between them. It needed to be said as these things have been boiling for a rather long time. Still, it did not mean I wanted to see the guilt on her face nor did I want to do nothing anymore.

I walked forward and clutched onto the shuddering girl in front of me. She may be going through a period of growth but I was not going to leave her to face the storm alone. As long as she wanted these arms will always be a haven for her.

She did not relax in my arms but she did not reject the touch either. She just looked forward at her brother waiting to see how he reacted. Would he blame her for everything that went wrong in their lives or would he let it go to face the future?

Andrew gave us a sad smile that seemed to be filled with defeat. There was understanding in his eyes and a hint of jealousy but the relief that seemed to pour out of him was the primary emotion.

“Alright you win, let’s get out of here.” Andrew spoke out softly.


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