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I gave Dumbledore an amused look as he contemplated my words. He knew that I could escape from him and he accepted that he could do nothing to stop me. Still, he was someone who would try their best to always end up on top. So he was thinking up ways to come on top of everything here.

I had shown myself an even more delicious meal after all. While our fight did not really push him to his limits it was never meant to. I accomplished some of what I wanted. A perfect result would be him casting every last spell he could think of. I doubted that I could get that outcome as he still wanted to use me.

Not to mention Dumbledore tended to spare all of his opponents. I knew he liked to spout bullshit about second chances and all that jazz. I just did not know if that was what he really thought. He could be sparing his enemies for any amount of reasons.

“I am really not sure why you started all of this my boy.” Dumbledore announced kindly. The calculating glint in his eyes faded until it was no longer visible. Bullshit, he had to at least have a theory built up on my actions. Someone like him would instantly think about why I was doing things. It was simply a part of his nature.

A scorpion did not change its nature even if the alternative was for the best.

“ I wanted to make sure you took me seriously. God knows you did not do so previously.” I narrowed my eyes at the geezer. Our previous contact was not a five star moment for me after all. It was probably in the top five worst moments of my life. Which was a rather hard reward to get as I just had so many bad moments. 

“I have always taken you seriously my boy.” Dumbledore said with a jovial tone that sent shudders up my spine. There had to be a limit to how far he would push his act. He had to know that I was not buying his bullshit. I was rather familar with burning bridges and Dumbledore burnt the one between us completely.

“Keep telling yourself that maybe one day it will be true.” I spat out sarcastically. I could see that my words were bothering him slightly but it was such a minor thing. He was not the type of person I was capable of needling. Not that I have brought out any really cutting words. He did not care about what he did to me after all.

“We are getting off topic.” I said tiredly as if I wanted all of this to just end. 

“Leave me alone.” I spat out. My comment caused him to pause. Of all the things I could have told him he was probably not expecting that. He really should have as I had a habit of pushing everyone away and he certainly earned my ire.

The light that seemed to sparkle in Dumbledore’s eyes seemed to fade. It made the disappointed look that he was sending me all the more real. It was mixed with an expression that seemed to scream as expected.

“I know that we are not on the best of terms Severus but you have to know that I was doing what was best for everyone.” Dumbledore spoke out in a grandfatherly tone. It made my teeth itch and I wanted to throw an intense glare at his audacity. I did not have to hold those emotions back so that was what I did.

“I don’t care if you think your actions will lead to a utopia just fucking leave me alone.” I spat out glaring at him. Whatever he was doing it was clearly not working. If he wanted the magical world to look and act in a certain way than he had failed. Unless what he wanted was for our world to be in this chaotic state.

Our people were at each other's throats. Valuable knowledge and traditions have been stamped out for inclusivity. It was not necessarily a bad thing that our society wanted to be more welcoming to muggleborn magicals. We needed the new blood after all. It became a problem when those traditions were made illegal.

Rituals played a heavy part in our culture. To feel the Mana in the air vibrating in a message conveyed to the universe. It was an intoxicating thing to have thousands of wills screaming out the same message. Something that anyone would at least want to experience once.

Events and rituals that we have practiced for ages have been outlawed. The decision caused a major fracture in our world. It made the extremists even more extreme and it made the neutrals fall towards the extreme.

It had its reasons for being banned but not ones that the Dark faction wanted to accept. We have been doing these rituals for centuries. It has been so long that our Mana carried the intent from our ancestors enhancing said rituals. For the families that practiced this for ages, this was a good thing. It meant that the ritual was only more effective. 

The Mana in their bodies would enhance and bless them. It would bring the longevity in their bodies to the peak. It would allow them easier control over their Mana. It would enrich the potential of all those who took part. It was a beautiful thing.

The problem was that after centuries of doing these rituals, our Mana was too good at doing them. The intent that has been passed down for ages was something beyond the pale. For the Muggleborns taking part in these rituals offered some very real risks. The intent would overwhelm them, tearing parts of their psyche apart. Not to mention the damage it could inflict on their bodies. They were essentially a blank slate that would be carved into far too deeply.

That fact caused the Dark to look down on them as they would never be able to have the same potential. Our people were already prone to looking down on others given our potential. So those Muggleborns had problems advancing in our world. If you were looking for a potential student why would you bother passing down your skills to someone who was innately inferior? That sentiment was rather prolific in our world which caused a lot of outrage from the new bloods. 

They were under the assumption that everyone was equal. So seeing that the magical world treated them as lessers over some outdated traditions upset them. Their voices might not have a lot of weight in our political bodies but they were heard. The Light faction was always sympathetic so they brought those issues to the lawmakers.

The issue was heavily debated as both parties had points that were hard to argue against. It probably would have been in contention for far longer but someone did something stupid.

During one of the yearly solstice rituals, a Muggleborn snuck in. They wanted to prove that they were not inferior to anyone so they participated despite our government warning against such actions. The thought that these rituals would be dangerous for the Muggleborns was just a theoretical case till that moment. The boy who participated was destroyed in that ritual, completely nonresponsive and bleeding Mana out of his body like a sieve. 

He was ‘alive’ but alive in the sense that a Demetor's victim was alive. It was a grizzly sight that had everyone in a tizzy. The Dark was silently gloating that the Muggleborns were finally proven to be lesser. The Light was outraged that such a travesty took place. 

Suddenly the issue was no longer something that could be debated. Actions had to be taken and they had to be taken now. The Dark was blind sided when those ancient Rituals were banned. They were outraged, why would they have to stop improving themselves because some no name nobodies could not handle the methods?

Despite their opinions, the law was passed. They could not even practice those rituals by themselves in a private location. It was deemed a risk that could not be chanced.

It caused the disdain that they practiced against the Muggleborns to shift into hate. Dumbledore saw all of this take place but held his silence. It was a rather difficult case to get involved in but he was supposed to be the person everyone looked to for advice.

He had a chance at changing the outcome but he did not do anything.

Again it was not a fair assessment but I was biased and I could admit that.

Dumbledore took my words and he gave me a sad but understanding look.

“You have to recognize you are on a dark path Severus.” He spoke out softly as if trying to coax a small child. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed once more.

“They might be promising you plenty of things my boy but they will not fulfill any of their promises.” Dumbledore softly chided me. I looked at him and took in his words. He was under the impression that I was pushing him away to join the Dark side. He would have been right at one point but now I just wanted to be left to my devices.

“I’m supposed to take your word on that!?” I shouted out at him with as much venom as I could provide. Instead of crumbling to my anger Dumbledore just looked more sad. He really wanted to sell the concerned grandfather look.

“You don’t have to take my word my boy, I am sure that someone as intelligent as you can see that you are being used.” Those words really hit the root of everything. They were absolutely true and it would have convinced me to at least rethink my choices if I was as I was before.

“I know!” I spat out in anger but I started to deflate almost immediately. I just repeated the sentiment quietly. Dumbledore had to think he was making progress. 

“It’s not too late, you don’t have to fall in line with them. There are other options.” Again Dumbledore spoke out in a soft tone. I rolled my eyes internally but acted as if I was really considering his words.

The old man’s eyes glinted as if he saw a chink in my armor. 

“They would never accept Miss Evans, you know that.” He spoke out softly but his eyes seemed to shine as if he won. He was using what he thought would be a silver bullet to close the argument.

He was probably not aware that Lily was experiencing similar situations to Potter. If he did he would know that my relationship with her was not the winning blow. Not any more. Even, if he was aware of it he probably assumed that it was a small spat and that I would crawl back to her eventually.

I let out a chuckle that was filled with all the bitter memories I could produce. He clearly was not expecting such a response as his eyes shifted from victory to confusion. It was only for a moment but I could see it clearly.

“ I don’t care what she thinks.” I spoke out, once more retreating into that empty form to sell it. It was not a pleasant thing and it was probably not needed to get him to accept those words but it was compelling. 

“I just want to be left alone.” I spoke out weary like a wounded animal. Before he could interrupt and ask any questions I continued.

“No Light, No Dark. Just me…no one else.” Again more bitter words but the sentiment seemed to have finally got to him. His expression morphing from an understanding grandfather to a sympathetic pained individual. He was still trying to form a connection between us. Again I rolled my eyes internally.

He could have chosen a variety of ways to get me on his side. If he kept his ear to the ground he would have known not to bring up Lily. I was surprised he did not bring up the Prince vault. He saw that I was far more threatening than anyone expected. So he should have pegged me as the number one suspect.

He would have honestly stood a better chance of getting me on his side if he offered to erase that little mistake. Whatever his loss. He opened his mouth to say something but I popped away. He might try to convince me again but he will not be as overbearing as he was before.

Which would save his life. If he came at me like he did months ago in his office I would kill him. Plan be damned. 



Shoulda stuck around to see the phoenix go through rebirth and watching it Flame away and even Control flames. Plus he should watch Voldemort speak to snakes and also watch the Basilisk as it kills something with its vision.