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The Alpha Stigma allowed me to master any magical effect that fell beneath their gaze. It was a really powerful ability, one that shined beautifully under my hands. As I casted my first spell against the old man I realized that I could have used it more.

I did not run through every spell I knew with my wand. If I did I would be capable of doing far more than I was capable of right now. The only spells that I have seen were the elf magic and the stunning spell and Obliviate that I used on Lily. 

So instead of some grand hellish scene, I was only capable of doing a couple of things. Which was not much of an issue as while it was a rather small list I could do those things marvelously.

That first snap sent a wave of kinetic force straight at the old man. He was clearly prepared for something to happen as he was tense before I casted. Still, my method must have confused him as his eyes widened ever so slightly.

With a speed that I never expected to see from an old man, he had his wand in his hand. Again the artifact that he wielded was hard to look at. As my eyes were telling me that it was just a stick and the massive amount of Mana gathering in it meant nothing. 

He flicked the wand elegantly and the earth rose in front of him as a shield. It shifted from the soft supple dirt to a towering hunk of metal. Once it absorbed the force it melted into several spears that looked rather sharp.

The old man was giving me a measured look. The calculations were clear to see but he was still underestimating me. So I gave him a toothy smile and started to snap like I was a Jazz musician.

Each snap sends more waves of force at the man. The force collides and amplifies its force. The ground tore apart as the force traveled towards him. Again his eyes widened this time he seemed to realize what I was sending at him so he produced a magical shield that absorbed the kinetic energy. He then sent his spears at me.

I scoffed as I was sure they would do something else. The pointed spears would not be a move that he would do. He wanted to have my secrets after all. Or he wanted to use me so me being impaled was out of the question.

He may have stopped my assault with waves of force but I had other tricks up my sleeve. The earth rose between us in giant hands as they grasped onto the spears. As soon as the hands grasped the spears they melted and formed a liquid like coat that quickly settled.

I rolled my eyes at the old man who was already sending a barrage of stunning spells at me. I popped away from that location and appeared behind him. I then converted the air around us into several arrows that immediately launched at the old man.

The arrows whistled through the air which had the old man turning around quickly. Again far faster than I would expect him to be capable of doing. I could see the trick that he was employing even if it was crude.

He was channeling his massive amount of Mana to reinforce his body. It was a rather crude application of the feat. It was several layers below the reinforcement spell from Fate. At least I think it was. I did not have access to that spell after all.

Dumbledore was no longer looking at me with a tense look. He was completely and utterly shocked by what I just did. I had just teleported under the wards of Hogwarts. I should be knocked on my ass as the wards would whack the shit out of anyone who dared to do what I did. So what I did was beyond comprehension and put his level of worry much higher.

The old man flicked his over powered wand and the arrows turned into a flock of birds that hovered over us. They then shifted into some sort of liquid that started to rain down on me.

I did not even bother looking at the stuff. Whatever it was having it touch me would probably be bad. Good thing my primary use of magic was from the serving class. The liquid dissipated with another snap.

This was a rather annoying fight not because it was hard but because I had to hold back. I held the concepts that drove the stunning spell drilled into my head. So it was a rather minor thing to send a wave of energy that would have him unconscious.

Well, that might not be totally fair. He might be able to pull out a trick that would stop such energies. I can’t wait to find out what else he has in his bag.

As the rain dissipated he started to send a barrage of spells that had a variety of effects. The air was dyed in a variety of bright colors as they swam over at me. I would be overwhelmed if I was any one but me.

I could tell that the majority of these spells were meant to incapacitate me. Still, there were a couple of them that I could not see the point of. I made sure to negate those ones as those were probably the most dangerous.

I dodged what I could and negated what I could not. A smile bloomed on my face as that one barrage really put so many things into perspective.

Instead of attacking back, I started to ‘struggle’ against the tide of spells he was sending. I was hoping that seeing his advantage he would stick to sending rare and nonsensical spells at me. I could see that he was getting more and more determined as I struggled.

Still, I could not do the same thing forever and expect him to react in the same manner. Eventually, he would figure out what I was doing. So I had to at least look like I was fighting back. If we were evenly matched he would treat me as a threat but one he could take care of. 

I took a page out of Gilgamesh's book and started to conjure blades and send them at him quickly. I used what I knew about kinetic forces to have them traveling far faster than a bullet. The streaks of silver flew through the air and were at his door in a moment.

Instead of trying to protect himself he once more turned my weapons into another thing. It was a liquid again but he chose water he then turned the water into a fucking dragon that started to charge at me.

This is fucking copyright, this was clearly a ninjustsu. I will sue his ass in the multidimensional court. I was the only one that could rip off anime. I turned the water dragon into a metal one that stopped moving.

The old man gave me a smile as the now metal dragon was animated again and charged me. I gave him a glare and took over the animation charm and turned the big ass dragon around. Again that one shocked him as taking over a spell was far harder than simply dissipating the thing.

To do that to someone like him spoke volumes about my skill. Well for anyone else but me. I knew his spells better than he did. 

Still, the old geezer was still a leading figure in our world for a reason. He sent a spell at the dragon that spread throughout it rusting it till it faded into chunks of metal. Which he then turned into massive ropes of metal that wrapped around me.

I would give him props for doing something like this so quickly. It ultimately meant nothing as I just popped away again. This time I appeared in the stands. I wish he used more lethal spells but that was probably not going to happen. If I wanted those spells I would be better off bullying Voldemort.

Still, I had a grudge against this asshole so I took the opportunity to cast a small flame whip with my wand. I was not going to use it to attack but I wanted to learn the principles behind it.

I then looked back at Dumbledore as he looked around for me with worry on his face. It was now time to introduce him to a Wizards greatest weapon. FIREBALL.

I sent a full barrage of fireballs at him. He looked up with a small amount of horror as the sky was literally filled with them. That one took a lot out of me. Sweat started to bead on my forehead as I had been using a rather large amount of Mana.

The old man did not have the same problem. He had decades to build his own store of Mana after all. He also held a wand that amplified all of his spells. So he could put a lot less Mana to cancel out my own spells.

His current actions could attest to that. As he conjured a truly massive amount of water to take care of my barrage. Which caused a heavy fog to appear in the field. I popped to another stand and started to send waves of force again.

I wanted to dissipate the mist as it was annoying to look at. I also wanted to put even more holes into the fucking field.

After twelve waves of force, the mist dissipated but the old man took the opportunity to pull something off. He some how managed to form a massive golem. It was heavily armored and it looked like the fucking tower knight from Dark Souls.

I felt my eye twitch at the fucking thing. He once again ripped something off and I could not even blame him for it. The game was far into the future after all. So technically they would be ripping him off if they used the appearance of this golem.

I popped near him once more, I was not sure what he was doing using another minion. Maybe he thought that the charms on this one would stop me from stealing control from him.

He was wrong even if these were different charms they were just as easy to break down. So his big ass golem was again on my side. Still, I was starting to feel the effects of using so much Mana. So I had the thing standing menacingly behind me.

“This is getting boring old man. Let’s end it here for now.” I spoke out arrogantly. I had to put out the energy of a foolish arrogant fellow that was far too confident in his own abilities. Dumbledore looked me over as he got a read about my condition.

“You were the one that started this Severus, Can you no longer keep up with this old man?” The old man spoke out mockingly. Sure the tone was not quite as harsh but he was clearly ribbing me. He was right after all. The amount of Mana I was using was getting to me. I could not afford to keep this up any longer.

If he kept this up he would win our bout. That was under the assumption that I still held back. Fortuna was not taking any major actions as she knew that I wanted to draw as much magic as I could out of him. I was also not using my Sacred Gear. I could put on my Cloak and assassinate the fucker. True invisibility and the ability to teleport made me a fucking nightmare to stop.

I scoffed at him to express my disdain for his comment.

“Hurrah you have more Mana than a fucking teenager Congratulations. Do you want a cookie? You know I can apparate under the wards. There is nothing stopping me from just leaving.” I spoke out mockingly. I could see another glint emerge in his eyes. He had no idea how I was teleporting around and trying to track me using the standard way was useless.

Any tracking spell that he used would be gone with a snap of my finger. Hell, he only found me today because I wanted him to. I could see that he got my point so I rolled my eyes.

“Now that we are on the same page old man let’s talk terms.” I spat out at him and grinned mockingly. Ha, take that dick head the small child you bullied was capable of fighting back now.



Nice thanks for the chapter