Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/k6aohhtnzcet16s6tj77e/AND9P0YDGyktxQzD2QX3ie8?rlkey=eafn8p44v9xrh7rvhmfb10pem&st=pc31c68k&dl=0 This link only work by clicking on it, it doesn't work by copy/pasting it. You can also access the rewards via the pinned post on top of the Patreon feed (sometimes the pinned post takes time to load).
From now on, I'll be making all previous rewards available to patrons. You can ignore the previous links. Here's the new link for Liliums https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kmwnwre0vyu4grt/AAAaXhxSx9F1aTLQW0kAAAdIa?dl=0 This link will change on the 1st of every month.
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/72asotgzaxwm1gq/AAB4McMOHDPIEFgQy7KwuwlCa?dl=0 This new link has everything from the previous link. January's link won't be available anymore.
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/anf22y0cu4quc8v/AABDQpuUzZTLb8eIi-A7iZyDa?dl=0
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mr7gp2hicgan2hc/AACr0ShqWnr2_p_qwxPeqHkva?dl=0
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wyno0r6yxpyhj80/AAChoY4R9v8X3p8AFl6TuxRGa?dl=0
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ac3uqi5ukevm6mf/AADVx5ysR6BhkRMOlB6fbTQKa?dl=0
Hi! Here's the new link for Liliums rewards folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/82xbwrwuwgbl7j2/AADyprtdLtV20EKbq9inho-sa?dl=0