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I've been wanting to draw this xeno laboratory in the comic for A WHILE, it's been part of the Derideal comic early concepts, and but it's suffered a few modifications over the years.

I always imagined the lab as some sort of abyss, like a pit full of capsules, stored in a sort of disorganized way so it keep some "organic" vibes despite being entirely made of metal.

Xeno bioreactor capsules work better interconeted, as the bioreactor share materials, nutrients and form an immune system between each other, thus allowing safer development of xenos that won't have any defensive or immune systems at first.

Conditioning of Xenos mostly occur after they're born, but I believe that some of the mind changes might happen inside the bioreactors, not entirely, but maybe the DNA sequences choosen then are more likely to make xenos more obedient since the beginning and not produce as many random results. but it's more important for keeping xeno controlled in biological ways: they're born with inactive hormonal glands that produce less hormones that would allow proper development of reproductive organs and reproductive desire, so most xenos are sterile as a result.

but life being life, allow mutations and life generally finds a way, that's why some xenos despite this keep some reproductive capacity, specially xenos that were developed without these safety measures at first (or maybe later when xenos were more common and were given more purposes)

originally, the laboratory was going to be almost entirely organic (See some concepts at the end of the post) but later I decided to make it metal, to reflect more the cold and artificial nature of the experiment.

Laura inside a pod, during the time I imagined bioreactors to be entirely organic woms.

C.Wally at the bioeractor chamber, very old comic concept., where the reactors look as they look now (almost)

C.Wally in the breeding chambers 2

this is a more modern drawing I made when I was making the VOID rpg book, and it keeps the same idea, a bridge with a ton of bioreactors around. this was my latest idea and I just wanted to make it happen somehow in the comic, which is now. (C.Wally in this picture doesn't have a beard, but has a different hairsyle I decided to skip)


thanks for reading!




Void rpg book?


yes, sadly I only made one version in Spanish. then I didn't had any more time to update it and do a full translation was out of the question (took me 2 years to make it) you can see it here, but it's in Spanish: https://media.derideal.com/picture.php?/285/category/16