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“She’s come here for slaves,” Barton said, “I’ve heard her talked about before.”

“The giant?” Linda asked.

Barton nodded. “She usually sticks to the woods, or so I’ve heard. I didn’t think she’d come this far from town, though.”

“Well, what do we do?” Linda looked back at the two children behind them, cowering out of sight. Their children.

“If she finds all of us, she’ll enslave all of us,” Barton's voice was shaky.

“Is there a way to get out? Wait her out?”

Barton shrugged. “She’s looking in every corner she can, she’ll find us.”

The husband and father looked back at his family. He’d spent so long trying to find a safe place for them to live, and now they were at risk of enslavement. Or, worse. The giant could find them and eat them, or stomp them flat with her slip on sneakers.

“Linda, kids, listen,” He began, “You’re not going to like this, but I have to keep you safe. I’m going to offer myself up for her, keep her distracted. You three head south. There’s a village not far from here built into a hill.”

“What?!” Linda gasped, “Barton, you can’t be serious!”

“Dad, please, stay with us!” His daughter pleaded. His son was silent, but teary eyed.

He shook his head. “I’ll never forgive myself if something were to happen to you three. Go. I’ve escaped enslavement before, I can do it again—”

“But what if you can’t?” Linda said, gripping her husband’s hand.

“...Then I can’t. But at least I’ll guarantee she doesn’t find you.”

A sad, hopeless silence befell the family’s hut. The only sound being a babbling brook nearby, and the heavy vibrations of the giant’s footsteps nearby.

Barton grabbed hold of Linda and his two kids. He hugged them tightly, tighter than he ever had before.

“I love you,” He said, “I love you three so, so much. Please. Survive for me.”


The steady heat stuck to Lily’s skin. But, she didn’t mind. Unlike many, she was rather fond of the summertime. Beautiful skies, all her favorite bugs were out… What wasn’t to love? Sure the heat was uncomfortable, but she had air conditioning in her house.

She’d spent the day in nature, walking into a forest that lay behind her house. She’d been wandering for about an hour in a direction she’d yet to take before on a trek. Surprisingly, she found a little brook!

She took a deep breath. The air around freshwater was always pleasant. It might not be exciting to others, but this day was turning out to be a treat!

Lily looked at the ground around her. Tall weeds surrounded a dirt path outlining the brook. Big rocks scattered about as if a boulder had exploded. The kind of conditions her favorite bugs preferred.

“Hellooo…?” She called out in a sing-songy voice. “Anybody there?”

She peeked down through weeds, lifted rocks, and poked her fingers through some holes in the ground that could be a potential hideaway.

Just as she was growing slightly frustrated she’d fail to find anything, a teensy little squeak called out to her. Looking over, she could see something stumbling around on the pathway beneath her.

Barton waved his arms up at the giant redhead. A look of curiosity aroused on her face as she tip-toed closer to the mant. He was naked, which most likely meant…

He was wild!

“Aw… look at you!” Her voice boomed overhead. The sun was blotted out by her shadow. “You’re so cute! What’re you doing out here, little thing?”

A rhetorical question. He was a wild mant, unregistered. She knew he lived out here in an effort to avoid giants. People like her.

“Please don’t eat me… or step on me,” He sounded unsure, and hesitant. “P-Please.”

“Hmm,” she hummed, placing a finger on her chin. “Why not?”

Lily lifted her foot just inches above Barton. The dirt from the underside of her shoe fell like hail in rain around him. Alarmingly, he could make out a few very faded blood stains.

“Please!” He shouted, holding his hands above him as if he could stop a plummeting foot. “Don’t step on me!”

“No?” She said, an exaggerated frown on her face. “Hmm, maybe I could…”

She bent down, picking the shrunken man up and lifting him to her lips. She opened wide, letting her tongue flop from her lips. Barton screamed seeing the wet series of saliva strings in between him and a deathly abyss.


Lily stopped, holding Barton just millimeters away from her tongue. She tapped him with it a few times, leaving little puddles of spit on his body. Fortunately for him, she closed her mouth and sat him back down on the ground.

Trying to power through his motion sickness from being manhandled, Barton fell to his knees and bowed. A sign of complete submission.

Lily giggled at his attempts to survive. “Hold that position,” She said, “Keep your eyes closed until I tell you!”

Even though he was terrified, he obeyed. He needed to stay alive and keep the giant girl distracted for long enough so his family could escape. If that meant becoming a pet...

“I-I submit myself to you. If you’ll let me live, I will do whatever you ask.” He said nervously.

“That’s new! A bowing mant. It’s kinda cute, you little guys usually try to run from me. I’ve got some wide soles though, so I usually can catch you under them!” Lily giggled, “You can open your eyes now!”

Barton looked up, gulping at what he saw. Two towering bare soles, thick and meaty, sweat dripping from their wiggling toes. Her shoes had been thrown off carelessly to each side. In the distance, her dimpled smile shining down at him. He knew what was coming.

“Okay, if, if! You lick my sweaty feet’n’toes, MAYBE! I’ll keep you. I’ve got a cute little cage I used for my last mant. She lived awhile, too. I know how to take care of you things.” She cheered. “But, if you don’t, I’ll eat you. ‘Kay? So put your back into it!”

Barton stood to his feet and approached her’s. Just like with his last owner, he began to passionately worship the girl’s soles. They twitched and wrinkled at the sensation. Lily, unlike a lot of giants, actually had very sensitive feet. That’s why her preferred… domination of mants involved them. She could feel every lick, and every bone break beneath her.

He licked, kissed, and grabbed at any foot flesh he could to rub and worship. Barton would get his fingers stuck in a wrinkle every once in a while, but was able to free them without much hassle.

Lily was actually enjoying his service. Her plan was just to get some foot licking in before ultimately crushing him underneath them, but she thought she really should consider taking ownership of him.

She repositioned her feet so Barton could reach her toes. Not that her heels didn’t smell, but her toes were where most of their odor was coming from. They were thick too, lacking space in between each digit. If he were to get caught in there, he’d never be able to free himself.

Lily sighed, feeling him create little wet spots in between her cute toes. To get a little more domination in, she scrunched them giving Barton uncomfortable ‘hugs.’ But he didn’t falter, he simply took quick breaths in between licks and squeezes and continued.

First generation mants will never truly understand because they’re former giants. Second generation and on? They knew just how powerful every inch of a giant’s body was. It was only natural that the body part closest to mants would be their main oppressor. Feet were powerful.

“How’s the smell?” She giggled, “I didn’t wear any socks today. Usually I walk barefoot out here, but I thought, ‘Hey, if I find a mant out here to lick my feet, she’ll probably be less hesitant if they weren’t dirty!’ I mean, they kinda are dirty, but, like, in a different way. They’re just sweaty. And sweaty tastes okay, right? Like salt! You remember salt, right? Unless you were born a mant.” Lily just kept on and on, word vomiting anything that came to her mind. “Oh, also, I said she cause I actually prefer girl mants to boy mants. Not that it really matters, but I’ve heard some dudes actually like feet, like a foot fetish kinda thing, and I don’t want my toys to be like… sexually attracted to my feet, if that makes sense? It’s kinda gross. I mean, feet are gross. They, like, sweat, and we step on things with them, and they’re in shoes and socks all day, just tightly packed in there. Anyway, yeah, I prefer girl mants. They’re cuter anyway. ‘Cause, like—”

Lily went on and on and on and on. At this point, Barton had tuned her out while he licked. But, the thought that a mant with a foot fetish would actually enjoy being trampled on by a giant? Maybe it would sound nice in theory, but Barton didn’t know a single mant who wasn’t deathly afraid of the footfalls of their betters. To live in pain and torture under them… There was nothing pleasurable about it.


Lily had pushed her two feet together, trapping Barton inside. This had happened to him before with his previous owner, though that giant usually rubbed his feet together. Lily simply clasped them, and kept him prisoner.

The smell and air from her soles was the only thing he could feel. It was difficult to breath, and a less experienced mant might pass out. Which is what Lily might’ve been hoping for, but alas….

“Wow, the lungs on you!” She said, still feeling him wiggle inbetween her. “I know my feet have to be pretty stinky and yet you push on. Kudos, buggy!”

Finally, she separated them. Barton was left gasping for fresher air, but he knew he couldn’t loiter for long.

Just as he stood up, Lily knocked him back down again, pinning him to the dirt with her big toe. It was shoved right against his crotch, burying his penis in her flesh.

“‘Kay, I think I like you little buggy, so I’m gonna putcha in my shoe and take you home!” She said with a grin. “I think you’ll be able to handle my smell for a couple more hours.”

Though Barton feared for what his life could become, he did feel a little wave of relief wash over him. If she was taking him home, then his family would surely be able to escape.

“Okay, talk to you later buggy!” She taunted as she dropped the mant into her shoe.

Much like the thick soles they housed, her shoe was rank with a dirty and sweaty stench. With what light could enter, he was able to see dark, faded stains in the shape of the girl’s foot in the sole. But his vision quickly darkened… Lily’s foot was about to slide in.

The gargantuan toes rained in from above, blocking out all light. They slid forward, chasing Barton to the toe section of the shoe and pinned him down tightly between her flesh and the shoe’s fabric. She flexed and wiggled her toes as she could, taunting and rubbing them against his body. Barton was now an insole.

The giant secured the other shoe on her foot and stood up.

Just as she was leaving, she heard another little noise. It came from a nearby patch of weeds, and it sounded like… crying? Sobbing? Could it be another mant?

She boomed towards the source, and squatted down. After pushing some blade of grass aside, she could see, hidden within them, three mants. A woman, and what looked like two younger ones.

She grinned widely, giggling with glee at her new discovery. But, unlike with Barton, she chose not to taunt, or as she saw it, play with the shrunken people. Instead, elected to quickly snatch them up.

“NO!” the woman screamed as Lily separated her from the other two mants.

She watched as the two defenseless mants in her left palm were shot back into the giant’s mouth. Popped in like pills. She sloshed for a moment to absorb their taste and swallowed.

Lily’s drooling mouth turned to the woman, who had been screaming so harshly that her voice had gone out. She gave her a big lick before sucking her inside and swallowing.

“Mm,” she wiped her mouth and quietly giggled at the mant’s movements inside her. “‘Kay, time to go.”

She stomped away from the brook and headed home. Barton, unaware of what had occurred before her departure, lay pinned in her shoe, sad at the taking over of his life, but happy that he spared his family for another day…



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