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“Will, this party’s lit, thanks for inviting us over!”

“Yeah Will, you got a nice house!”

Will’s parents were out of town and he opted to do something he’d never done before; throw a party. Of course, his parents would never go for something like this, but they wouldn’t have to know, would they?

He invited his closest friends, and invited them to invite their friends, and so on. Everyone brought their own case of beer, and their own snacks. There must have been a dozen, two dozen people packed tightly into his house. The lights were colored pink and blue, and music blared off the family’s speaker-system in the living room, turning the home into a nightclub for night.

“When are your parents gonna be back?” His friend, Lindsay asked. Her words were slurred, likely several drinks in.

Will shrugged, “I think sometime in the next few days. I know we’re safe for the next two days, though.”

Everyone looked like they were having fun, which was a relief to Will. He was never disliked or unpopular per say, but he was always the quiet kid in school. When he graduated, he vowed to be more outgoing in general. This party was a ticket to success to becoming the ‘fun’ guy for everybody. After years of social anxiety, that cloud was finally lifting.

“Hey dude, is that…?” Jack, a close friend of Will’s, leaned in and gestured toward the door.

Standing in the doorway, dressed in a black Joy Division shirt, jean shorts, and two dark pink flip flops on her feet was Madison, a girl Will had crushed on for years. And she was at the party!

“Go talk to her!” Jack urged.

“I-I dunno, I don’t want to bother her!”


Will sighed, looking at the already bored-looking alt girl. She was beautiful. Maddy wasn’t unlike Will, either. She wasn’t particularly popular, but unlike him, she didn’t seem to have any social anxiety. The girl was perfectly confident in herself, and if others didn’t like her? It didn’t matter to her one bit.

Will awkwardly approached Madison as she leaned against the wall, texting. He stood there for a good few seconds and cleared his throat to get her to look up.

“H-Hi, Madison!” He said, stumbling over his words. “Glad you made it to the party!”

She gave a polite nod, “Yeah. This your house?”

“Yep, this is my place. I hope it’s uh, like,” Madison raised her eyebrows, a smirk forming on her face. “I hope it’s, I hope you like it. I hope you like it!”

She giggled, leaving him a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, it’s fine I guess.”

She went back to texting on her phone. Seeing this as a defeat, Will began to turn around. Jack, from across the room, shook his head and gestured at her.

“Talk. To. Her!” He mouthed.

Will sighed, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering within. “Okay, how do I connect with her?”

He glanced back at Madison. He took notice of her toes, painted black. It gave him an idea.

“H-Hey, wanna see something cool?”

She looked up. “What is it?”

Will scratched his neck, “It’s a surprise, c’mon!”

They walked through the group of people dancing and talking, and up the stairs. To his room.

As he placed his hand on the doorknob, a thought crossed his mind. Him taking her to his room might seem a bit… suspect. So, he turned around to elaborate.

“Oh, by the way, this isn’t like, I’m not tryna, y’know,”

“Tryna what?” Madison said with a raised brow. “Is this your room?”

“Yeah, but the thing I wanna show, it’s like, an object, sorta. It’s a thing. It’s nothing, like dirty, or—”

“Oh my god, you are so adorable,” she laughed, walking past and opening the door.

Here the two stood, in Will’s room. Feeling a bit embarrassed by all the anime and video game posters on the wall, he wanted to hurry this along a bit.

“Here’s what I wanted to show you,” He said, bending down.

Under Will’s desk was a small cage, locked tightly. It wasn’t clear what was inside the cage until he shone his phone’s flashlight inside.

There, struggling to cover their eyes from the sudden harsh light, was a naked mant, just skin and bones from her ‘feed as necessary’ diet. She tried to bury her head in the floor of the cage, but failed when Will reached in and grabbed her.

“Woah, you’ve got a mant, huh?” Madison said, finally perking up.

“Yep!” Will said, rolling the tiny woman in between his fingers. “She’s actually my older sister, Kayla. She shrunk a few months ago, so we pulled her out of College.”

“A College bug, huh?” Maddy smiled, giving a wave to Kayla as if she were an infant.

“Yeah, it really sucked,” Will said sadly, “She was in her last year, too.”

“Will, please, p-put me back, okay?” She pleaded with the giant, “I just want to sleep—”

“You’ve been sleeping all day,” Will said, a scolding tone in his voice. “Now, say hi to Madison.”

She looked up at the giantess, whose wide grin felt invasive of her personal space.

“Can I, like, borrow her?” Madison asked.

“Sure, wanna take her downstairs?”

“What? N-No, no, Will, what are you—” Will ceased her sister’s begs by placing a thumb over her mouth.

Kayla was, unfortunately, used to being used by her family. Licking their mom’s feet, cleaning their father’s teeth… But the most abuse she saw was actually by Will. He kept her cage under his desk, where he spent most of his freetime.

She’d be forced to deal with his feet. Most of the time, he’d just place them atop the cage. Sometimes, little beads of sweat would drop down inside and into her little water bowl. Other times, he’d unlock the cage and shove his bare feet inside. It was clear to her what he wanted during those instances.

The two giants returned to the party and sat on a vacant couch in the living room. Will dropped his sister onto the fabric as Madison got comfortable on the arm of the couch. She removed her flip flops, revealing the grimy footprints stained into the sole. The giant stretched her legs out, cornering the tiny Kayla with her big, meaty feet.

“Want some foot flesh, insect?” She taunted, wiggling her feet.

Will laughed. “You better do as she says!”

“You wanna not get swallowed? Take your tongue and map out my feet with it.”

Kayla was shaking, verging on a panic attack. The girl’s thick, smelling soles surrounded her. It felt, as if at any moment, like one of the feet could quickly slam down and crush her. 

“Don’t embarrass me, Kayla,” Will said. “Lick her feet.”

Kayla stood up on her shaky knees and approached the surface of Madison’s feet. She began diligently licking, just as she was taught by her family. Her fingers would grasp small sections of the girl’s foot, squeezing and rubbing. The shrunken woman existed only as a human foot massager.

“Ooh, she’s good at that!” Madison said, biting her lip. “You guys taught her good!”

“Yep,” Will said, “She tastes mine every night. We’re past the point of needing punishment.”

Madison giggled, “I don’t usually keep pets, but I’ve thought about it. I feel like I’d get annoyed at trying to train them and just eat them or something.”

“My mom’s threatened to eat Kayla a bunch, she’ll even randomly shove her in her mouth. It keeps her docile.”

The taste of Madison’s sole was so salty and leathery. A tiny thing of sweat flowed into her mouth, but all she could do was swallow. Not long after, Madison shifted her feet to enclose the mant in between them. She rubbed her feet together, covering Kayla in their scent and sweat.

“How old is she?” Madison asked.

“She’s thirty,” he said. “So, yeah. Older sister. I’m nineteen.”

“Oh, no way, I’m nineteen, too!” Madison said. “So you graduated a year ago?”

Will nodded. “Yeah. I took a year off, but I’ll be going to college soon.”

Every single one of mant’s senses were being violently assaulted. She sobbed as she lay completely in the control of the two giant soles, only stopping to try and regain her breath whenever she swallowed her own tears.

“Oh nice. Yeah, I took a year off too. I’m not super eager to head off to some college, though.”

“I get you,” Will said, “It’s a pretty stressful thing.”

The two locked eyes, and in doing so, Madison slowly stopped rubbing her feet together. Before long, her feet lay motionless, clasped together as to keep the mant imprisoned.

“Y’know, this might be too forward, but I’ve always kind of, l-liked you,” Will finally said, lost in Madison’s eyes.

A smile grew on her face. “Really? Like, like-like, me?”

Will nodded.

“Actually, I kinda feel the same too,” She laughed. “Funny how that works, huh?”

Will leaned closer to her, a giddy look on his face. “So, d-do you want to—”

“Go to your room?” She interrupted, a flirty look on her face. “I’d love to…”

They both giggled. Will stood up, holding Madison’s hand. She released Kayla from her feet, leaving her gagging and coughing on the couch. Madison slipped her toes back into her sandals and stood up.

“Hey Jack,” Will called to his friend. “Can you… look after my sister?”

“Oh yeah, for sure, dude,” He said, patting Will on the shoulder.

Kayla watched as the two giants went back upstairs. A shadow falled above her; Jack’s.

Without saying a word, he plucked her from the couch and into his fingers. He removed a sneaker, revealing a socked foot. Once it was removed, he dropped the tiny Kayla inside. She tumbled down, screaming the whole way. She could only watch as his sweaty toes dipped down, blocking out all the light.

Within a minute, Jack had placed Kayla in his sock and put back on his shoes. And for the rest of the night, that’s exactly where she was stuck. An insole.



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