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“What will you do, Melissa?” Stacy asked rhetorically, pointing a stern finger at the mant.

Melissa sighed. “I will not speak unless spoken to. I will do as she says, and I will not complain.”

Stacy nodded. “Good. The last thing we need is a hit piece in some magazine destroying our business.”

Melissa was a free mant employed in a talent agency. Until now, she held a very low paying, low stakes position. Her pay still wasn’t great, but now she was directly dealing with celebrities. It started with simple phone conversations and scheduling, but now she’d be with one in person.

Her task was simple. Ride along with a certain famous popstar and walk her through the schedule of what her next week would look like. That, and listen to what the giant says, and be accommodating.

She was assured by her boss that she would not experience any sizeism. No forced foot worship, no threat of being sat on or eaten, nothing like that. The singer would be aware of her presence, and Melissa would be safe.

“Stay near the cupholder, Melissa.” Stacy said, placing the tiny woman near the armrest of a seat.

They were in the backseat of a limousine, a rather luxurious one at that. Purple lights lined the ceiling, a bar lay to one side, leather seating to the other.

Stacy waved at the tiny girl and the doors closed. All there was left to do was for the driver to go and pick up the celebrity from her hotel.

The ride was… unpleasant to say the least. The limo had little to no mant accommodations, no seatbelts for her size of any kind. Additionally, the driver had turned up the music, which carried an obnoxious bass. It shook the entire car, repeatedly knocking Melissa down. Instead of trying to fight it, she elected to stay seated and hope for the best.

There was already a commotion outside of the hotel when they arrived. Fans and paparazzi were awaiting Billie’s exit, yelling and hollering to get her attention.

“OVER HERE!” She heard some say.



Billie stormed through the crowd as much as her bodyguards could allow, ignoring the vigorous flashing of cameras.

The doors to the limo opened and quickly shut as she hopped in. The giant appeared relieved, sinking into the leather seats and releasing a deep sigh.

Once the car was moving again, Melissa opted to try and break the silence.

“H-Hello!” She spoke, her voice cracking. “My name’s Melissa, I’ll be riding with you today, to, um, go over the, uh, next week with you!”

The giant put down her phone and leaned forward, looking for the source of the voice.

“Oh, uh, down here!” Melissa squeaked, raising a hand.

“Oh,” Billie replied, a look of slight disappointment on her face. “I was hopin’ to, like, get some quiet time.”

Melissa anxiously tapped her foot against the leather. “Uh, well, then I’ll try to make this quick then!”

She fumbled through her phone to try and bring up the giant’s schedule as fast as she could. Though she was assured safety, Melissa was always taught to never catch the ire of a giant. No matter who you were, and who they were, they always held the power in any situation.

“Soo, tomorrow, which is Monday, you’ll see the venue downtown where you’ll be doing a show later this week. Just a few hours of rehearsal and soundchecking,” she began. “Then, later that day, you’ll be visiting the Late Show set to do a bit of rehearsal for tomorrow night’s media appearance.”

The giant sighed, audibly so to make her displeasure known. But she said nothing.

“Uh,” Melissa gulped. “T-Then on Wednesday, you’ll be shooting a few videos for ZING Magazine’s YouTube channel. Then, the day after, you’ll be visiting the venue again to sort through your wardrobe for Friday’s performance.”

Melissa looked up from her phone at the giant, who was staring right at her. Her eyes revealed annoyance and boredom.

“C-Can I get you anything?” She asked.

“Can you get me anything?” She snorted, an eyebrow raised. “The fuck could you get me? A penny?”

The mant was becoming flustered. Her job today was simple. Read through Billie’s schedule. But, it felt as if she was failing.

“I’m sorry if I have offended you in some way, if there’s anything I could—”

“Nah, just gimmie some peace and quiet.” The giant replied.

“O-Okay, but, I need to just get through your schedule, is that okay?”

The giant shook her head, clearly reaching some kind of tolerance limit for the mant.

As Melissa nervously went on with reading the schedule aloud, the giant was casually untying her shoes. The mant tried to ignore it, but she feared the worst.

After removing her socked feet from her stuffy, neon green sneakers, she reclined back into the seat. Melissa felt an ounce of relief. Perhaps the giant simply wished to be more comfortable. It was to be a long ride with all this traffic, after all.

“And that looks to be it!” Melissa feigned cheerfulness. “Do you have any questions?”

The giant mostly ignored her, massaging her thumb into the ball of her foot. All she received in response was a simple shake of the head.

“Just need to get through the ride and I’m home free,” Melissa thought.

She didn’t anticipate this level of fear of being near a celebrity. Some, sure. A bit of starstruck, mixed with the danger of being abused by the elite. But Billie didn’t seem evil, just a bit rude and spoiled. Right now, this level of danger didn’t really seem worth it, but with the possible prospect of a raise, Melissa would do almost anything. She only made two dollars an hour, when giants in her position made salary.

The silence the both of them suffered was… awkward. Perhaps only for Melissa, as the giant was scrolling on her phone comfortably, humming a song without a care in the world.

After a while, Melissa noted out of the corner of her eye that Billie was slowly removing her black socks. She’d begin to pull one up, reach half-way up her foot, and send a quick text on her phone. Then, after a minute, she’d slide the sock up a little bit more; pausing to text. This continued until both socks were removed and her feet laid bare.

“You lookin’ nervous over there,” the giant said without looking up from her phone. “You a fan or something?”

“Oh! Um,” Melissa cleared her throat. “Y-Yes, I do quite like your music.”

She didn’t respond.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes, listening to the hum of the limo smoothly glide down street after street. The ‘calm’ didn’t last long, however.

The mant hopped up to attention upon hearing the sound of rubbing leather. The giant had changed positions, stretching her legs outward and leaving her bare feet directly in front of tiny Melissa.

Her soles stretched on what felt like infinitely into the sky of the limousine’s landscape. They appeared mostly clean, save for a few specks of dirt. The toes, the balls of the feet, and heels had what looked like spots of shine to them. Sweat, no doubt.

It wasn’t common knowledge to giants, but mants senses are, in a way, heightened due to their small size. Everything is more intense. Air, temperature, and smell. Billie’s foot odor, while inconsequential to her and everyone else her size, was rather oppressive to Melissa. The mant’s nose even stung a bit.

The heat emanating from her feet was also getting to her. Not even two minutes into being near them, and Melissa’s forehead began to perspire.

The giant placed her phone down and focused her bored gaze on her. That feeling of fear and danger Melissa was experiencing once again reared its ugly head.

“Uh,” she failed to summon the words.

“My feet hurt,” the giant said. “Do your thing.”

“What do you mean?” Melissa asked nervously. Though, she knew full well of what the giant was saying.

“What you bugs all do,” she said, grinning for the first time since entering the limo. “Like, lick the sweat from my feet.”

Melissa’s heart began pounding. She was officially within the worst case scenario range. Could this become a life or death situation? What could she even say?

“Oh, I’m a free mant.” She spoke, tears welling up in her eyes.

The giant shrugged before leaning over to the cabinet closest to her, just above the bar. She slid it open, reached in and pulled out something Melissa couldn’t quite make out at that distance. But it quickly became clear.

In her fingers, dangling in front of her face, was a naked man, shaved and clearly bruised. He was screaming something, but it was too incoherent for anyone to understand.

“Oh my god!” Melissa gasped, covering her mouth. A cabinet full of enslaved mants in the limousine, and Melissa, a free mant, had no idea of their existence.

“Ahh,” the giant’s maw opened and out flopped her tongue. It was wet with saliva.

“HELP ME, PLEASE, YOU’VE GOT TO HELP ME!” The man screeched. He was talking to Melissa.

“I—” A lump had formed in her throat. “I don’t—”


Billie had closed her lips around her finger, cutting off the man’s screams and trapping him within her mouth. She sucked in, extracting him from her grasp. It wasn’t long before she began to bathe the mant with her tongue, savoring his taste.


A bump formed and rapidly descended in the giant’s throat. Melissa wanted to scream; wanted to cry. The giant ate someone, someone like her, right in front of her. But what could she have done? Nothing. It was frowned upon for free mants to even interact with unregistered mants, let alone save them from their giant oppressors.

It could’ve been her. The only reason it wasn’t Melissa melting within the giant’s stomach was because of some government paperwork.

“C’mon,” the giant asked with a smile. “Lick my feet.”

Recognizing the threat as it was, Melissa quickly wiped the tears away from her face and approached the giant’s thick, meaty soles. Her dignity faded with each lick, and each kiss. But, if it meant her survival, Melissa would have to endure whatever the giant wished.

The giant let out a relaxed sigh. Finally, she was getting what she wanted. Some foot worship.

The humiliation continued for the rest of the ride. It only ceased once they’d reached her destination. Melissa watched the giant rub in whatever saliva the mant gave to her foot, and put back on her shoes and socks. Without a word, Billie stood up, exited the limousine, and closed the door. Melissa was left in silence. In shock.

Barely a moment passed before she could hold it in no longer. She began sobbing, nigh uncontrollably. She cried and cried until her head throbbed.

She only stopped once Billie returned to the limo, hours later. Melissa did anything the giant asked, and without argument.



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