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Tracy and Adriana had been friends for a long time. About eight years, give or take. They were neighbors, the two of them meeting for the first time when Adriana moved into their apartment complex. They spoke nearly everyday. They’d have a girls night at least once a week, usually on Fridays. Their kids even played together.

That is until Adriana and her kid, Shawn, were struck with tragedy. As if designed to be a cruel joke from the universe, the both of them fell victim to the diminutive disease at around the same time. It couldn’t have come at a worse time. Adriana was just starting a new, higher paying job, and Shawn was about to go off to college for the first time. All of it was taken away in a matter of a year.

Tracy, in an attempt to be a good friend to the former giants, continued to talk and hang out with Adriana whenever she found the time. But that too would soon end. The time they spent together became less and less frequent, until Tracy began actively ignoring Adriana whenever she’d leave her apartment.

The mant would try and get the attention of her giant friend, but Tracy would simply step over her.

One day, while awaiting a food delivery, Tracy found herself thinking about the mant. She felt sad about losing her friend, but no way would she pretend she was still human. I mean, one wrong step and she could become plastered to a shoe. What kind of human was that?

Tracy stepped out onto her doorstep, and looked over next door. Coincidentally, Adriana and Shawn were also on their doorstep. Likely for some fresh air.

Adriana noticed the giant Tracy side-eyeing her. She gave a weak wave, a sadness falling over her.

“You okay, mom?” Shawn asked.

Adriana nodded, squeezing her son’s hand with hers. “Yes honey, I’m fine.”

Tracy stepped closer, her sneakers becoming too close for comfort.

“T-Tracy?” Adriana said, standing to her feet.

The giant bent down and pinched Adriana between her fingers. Shocked and startled, the mant screamed.

“What’re you—”

Tracy opened her mouth, her sloppy tongue falling beneath her lower lip. It dripped with hungry saliva.


The giant gently placed Adriana on her tongue and retracted it back into her mouth. Shawn, witnessing true horror, could only scream and plead with the giant. But she wouldn’t hear reason.

Adriana tried to fight against her giant tongue, but to no avail. Within seconds, she was swallowed whole. Eaten alive.

“MOM, NO!” Shawn cried.

Tracy looked down on her food’s son, and felt a bit bad. She knew Shawn since he was a kid. And while she didn’t regret eating his mother, she wasn’t so cruel that she couldn’t help but feel like she’d stripped this mant’s family from him.

That was three months ago. Now?

Shawn had become Tracy’s pet. She kept him in a cage, fed him once every couple of days. To bathe him, she held him in her palm and ran him under the sink. For Shawn, to be kept by his mother’s killer, it was a torturous existence, both physically and mentally.

Tracy removed her sneakers, shaking one and knocking the tiny Shawn out from inside. They were at a public park on a hot day.

The giant’s soles were sweating and smelling. But Shawn was used to her feet; it’s where he spent most of his time.

“Come on now,” she spoke, seeing him slumped over on the bench. “Ya gotta get over Adriana, it’s been a few months already!

Shawn looked up, a look of death and despair on his face.

“Lick my feet, ‘kay?” She winked.

He did as he was told.



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