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It's time for those monthly music recommendations!



This time I want to plug a particular artist whose music I've started using a LOT in New Frame Plus episodes. Bknapp specializes in lo-fi and hip hop beats, and he's cranked out quite a few albums at this point! A lot of these are structured to work as loops, which I'm grateful for, because I love the way they sound as background music in these videos!

SNES Beats Vol. 5


This is the fifth album Bknapp has released of chill beats using SNES music samples. FIFTH.

BOTW: Loops and Grooves


This album focuses on samples pulled from Breath of the Wild, and it's awesome.

Nintendo 64 Beats


He also made one using N64 samples!

Smash Bros Beats


And Smash samples! Seriously give all his stuff a listen. It's very fun!


Also, apologies for the lack of video updates recently! Some IRL stuff slowed me down a bit these past couple weeks, but I'm back to editing the Dark Souls Parry/Riposte episode and I'm getting REAL excited about it. :D



You are the only person I know who would work a full time job, put out a daily let's play and STILL consider yourself behind on productivity. Chill, you're good.