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Happy June, everyone!

Upcoming Episodes

Work on upcoming episodes continues. The next episode ("Which Dark Souls Has the Best Parry/Riposte Animation?") is written,  recorded and ready to edit. Getting the script and narration right took a little longer than I expected, but I think it's going to turn out really great. Thank you all for selecting such an excellent topic!

After the Dark Souls episode is done, my next project is an episode about Dragon Ball FighterZ, Guilty Gear Xrd and Arc System Works's amazing faux 2D anime style. I've already got the script written and I'm very excited to get to work. :D

After that, I want to do another patron vote topic! I'm thinking that I want to alternate between topics I select and patron-suggested episodes. Once the Dark Souls episode airs, I'll put up a topic suggestion poll for the next one.

Patron Episode-Suggestion Format

The "suggest an animation for analysis" format worked really well (and I plan to continue using it in the future), but this time I want to try a variant on that format: "ask a question about game animation that you want the next episode to answer". I'm curious to see what sort of different topic ideas come from it!

But whatever format we end up using most in the future, I want to give y'all lots of chances to propose topics, because you clearly have lots of great ones to suggest!

Anyway, thanks again for supporting this series! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!




Mark Brown announced the 3rd Anual GMTK Jam will be held August 2nd - 4th. I'd like to know what principles and techniques you think could be reasonably applied to elevate a game made in one weekend?


On a super condensed timeline, I'd generally plan to not worry about polish and focus on getting the FEELING right. Also, I'd try to spend at least a little time planning my approach before diving into the animation software (it often saves time in the end). And I'd figure out what the most crucial animations are in advance, so I could get that handled first, then add more supplemental animations later if there was time left.

Gregory M

Dan, clearly you need to add at least a reaction video to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/bzik8a/new_canteen_animation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&utm_term=control_2


Once it releases on PC and I can start recording it for PlayFrame, I expect I will be reacting to it CONSTANTLY. :D