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The AI is now complete for the rifle and came out really well! Using the take cover algorithm from the previous development post, the AI players can now shoot and take cover behind the nearest wall. I tested the result by pitting 10 AI vs 10 AI, team red vs blue.

Each AI targets the nearest visible enemy and seem to pop their head out of the terrain to simulate returning fire and taking cover, it is very effective.

There were a couple really cool emergent behaviors that I saw. Emergent behaviors are secondary self replicating behaviors arising from simpler behaviors, they are the result of complex simulations. The first one is ambushing, I noticed that when an AI player sees an enemy, he will hide himself and then approach from behind until they are within shooting distance.

Another behavior I noticed is teams segregating themselves based on team color. This happens because it is more likely for a player to be killed if they are in the presence of multiple players of the opposing team. So naturally, red or blue will quickly polarize to certain regions. In this pic, blue became abundant in the left side, and red on the right.

To ensure AI were fair to play against, their aim is constantly shifted by random directions to ensure there is a chance of missing their shots. However it can also result in a headshot.

Next up is grenade AI. Stay tuned!



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