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I received plenty of good feedback from the last Beta. Thank you! Still need more. I added plenty of important fixes for release. Because I received an abundance of bugs, I have decided to formally and finally push back the release date for Viva for October 30th, 2 extra weeks but still release in this month.
First, the beta features I didn't talk about yet:

The beta featured a new tutorial that teaches you how to use gestures and command characters.

Klee was temporarily placed into the tutorial until I finish building Merida, the official game mascot.

She is actually in the Beta right now but there are some subtle errors with the model. She was commissioned as an original character. She was actually designed by one of the artists that worked for Azure Lane.

Anyways, the last new big feature in this release will be the return of basic water physics. Buoyancy:

Spheres, capsules, and box colliders have their submerged volume calculated for realistic buoyancy forces. This also means that you could theoretically build a simple boat:

Characters can stand on these objects but there will not be a built in way for them to walk on top of these "boats" on release. Maybe for a later release. There will however be a basic behavior included so they can exit the water by swimming. Yet to be implemented. As of right now they drown lol:

Stay tuned!




Nice job.