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There's a bunch of fun stuff I completed in the past 3 days.

To start, I needed to make sure that the fusuma sliding doors did not act as obstacles for the lolis. As a result, lolis are now smart enough to open sliding doors. This was a great addition to their growing logic:

This was an interesting problem because the entire world is now simulated with physics. The character had to interact with the door in a way that would satisfy the infinite orientations and positions that a sliding door might have. The solve was to have a single torso animation that would swipe objects nearby. At the same time, the loli will push forward to ensure that she is applying enough force to the sliding door. The result came out very well and she feels a lot more intelligent.

I want to show off the actual loli swimming mechanics next devpost so I can polish it a bit more before demonstration. Instead, I will show off some other details that I was working on.

The onsen was relatively empty and lacked assets for decoration. So I started to make a few props to fill the building. This lead me to decide on the first canon fact of the world in which this town and onsen live in: The onsen is haunted. There are innocent looking props scattered around now that are and will be part of a bigger experience.

This means that there will be spooky shenanigans in this update just in time to enjoy during Halloween this year.

Additionally I am investigating a good time to finally release this version update publicly. v0.8 MIGHT release sometime around 10/31/20 (Halloween). This means that Supporters will receive 2 more betas before release. The next beta will be beefy and I expect will include the nearly complete onsen experience including everything thus far. I plan to release it some time next week.

Stay tuned!




Yuuna and the haunted hot springs vibes


The scroll roughly reads: Ghosts are scary lol Sumire -unknown [Viva hanko]