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First, I finished fixing the older existing behaviors for the new physics ragdoll mechanics. So you can now headpat her, tell her to go to bed, and make her cook while in ragdoll mode:

The next thing I did was begin the merchant employment for the characters. This will allow some lolis to take up the job as a seller of the town market. Currently the behavior assigns a job to the character and makes her move towards the specified selling location where she will start to advertise her merchandise:

In this position she will play some new animations that make her look like she is welcoming potential customers. Again, this system will be useful for the player if he wants to get fruits and supplies in an alternative manner.

There will be some merchants that specialize in fruits while others may specialize in other types of ingredients (like flour and eggs).

The market is almost fully lit up. Some props are still too dark due to lightmap errors but it will be easy to navigate around the small maze of stands. There will be signs and some new interactive props. Also the market will only be open during the day. At night all the store owners will go home.

I think I have reached the same comfy spot of development speed from a few weeks ago before the riots and some other related life happenings. I should be able to smoothly sail to a release in less than 2 weeks.

Stay tuned!



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