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Redeem code: flying pancakes

5/27/20: Updated to Beta v0.8b with lots of stability though some activities are still buggy.  YOU CAN NOW PRESS F1 DURING THE GAME TO RAGDOLL LOLIS.

Several big changes are in this beta. THIS IS A VERY BETA PRE-RELEASE So there are bugs! But the major changes are: 

1.) Multiple lolis (Keep spawning them in the mirror, maximum of 8 for now, there is a default number of 8 already in the town). There is no way to "select" a particular loli to change her clothing so for the moment the closest loli to you will have their clothing changed. This will be addressed in a future beta.

2.) Physics implementation. Probably the buggiest new feature at the moment but it's fun to run around and knock them over with the horse or items. Most activities work although some are buggy.

3.) Character cards are no longer compatible. They need to be rebuilt (The existing ones are being rebuilt and will be updated on the website soon). Old clothing cards still work just fine.

4.) Unity 2019 has removed the standard "Launch Game with selected Quality settings" so this version will launch in fullscreen. You can toggle quality settings in the pause menu in-game but a resolution setting will be added soon.




Spawned in 2 lolis and hugged both of them. They both are rag dolling everywhere. Instant GOTY.


Im releasing a hotfix tonight to address some major bugs including that hug. Yes this is a beta so all of these will be ironed out as the game matures.


I know. It's just so funny seeing the ragdoll feature. XD