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I have decided to take a slight detour from the TODO schedule list to make a v0.75 version. This version will take roughly 1.5 months and will be adding features to most existing activities (sleeping, bathing, etc.). The purpose of this half update will be to properly digest and polish behaviors so they feel like they have a bit more depth to them.

An example would be expanding the things that the loli does if she is bathing and you bring in a camera, she gets angry. Another idea would be adding a second horse that would allow the loli to follow you.

Another thing it will also include is more map landmarks. The new map size gives me the opportunity to implement a lot of new stuff. This includes new locations worth traveling to for getting materials, items, etc. And so there will be a small town in this update.

In my vacation, I visited a 1400's Spanish church. I took pictures for texture reference and to study the pretty "natural wear" that occurs on these structures over time.

There are TONS of unused models and props that never got to see the light of day in the original Shinobu Project church wedding video from 2 years ago. I plan to reuse them because they aren't half bad and with a little polish using modern knowledge, they should look pretty good. Here are some old images from then when I was implementing them into Unreal Engine:     

This little town at the time was also bult with reference:

My plan is to have a little market so you can pick out any type of fruit as an alternative to harvesting them in the wild:

In other news I've been fixing up v0.7 with some feedback I have received. I am aware of the bathing being wonky in the v0.7e and it is being ironed out. I'll be back home to dev soon. Happy New Years.

Stay tuned.




Great ideas for the future you got there. Also, your commitment to polishing stuff is very much appreciated.


I love the idea of a little market to visit, the current game feels kind of empty with just you and the loli in your small remote house, having some more places to visit would be great.


Any plans for other NPCs in the town/market, if implemented?


There's gonna be multiple lolis in v0.8 so the town should be full of them.