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I got a lot of work done this Thanksgiving vacation.

First off, VR movement has been improved to allow the player to look over ledges and tables without running into walls.

This was previously not possible without the wall pushing the player back, making it really annoying to pick up stuff that would be on a table or over a little wall.

For cooking, many new mechanics and features were implemented.

The grain you grind with the mortar and pestle now has the mechanic of spilling over. You will lose the grain if this happens so don't spill it!

The spilled grains have physics to interact with the world and there are lots of new sounds for the grain and the mortar as they hit the floor.

Flour can also be spilled so I added a lid to protect the contents:

You can grind the wheat in VR and put the contents in the jar to store it for later use:

The jar will fill up as you add more flour to it. The jar also has glass sounds for when it bounces around with physics. You can't break the jar though. Lid on:

So now that flour is fully functional, you can put it into the mixing bowl to start the actual baking:

You can then start adding the 3 eggs to produce raw pastry batter:

It's all a work in progress visually and as you can see the yolk kind of hovers over the batter a little. This will be fixed. Do notice however that the texture inside the mixing bowl changes as I add more and more eggs. This will be used to indicate to the player that you need at least 3 eggs to make the batter. The yolk was simulated by taking advantage of the stringy nature of attaching physics spheres to a chain of random goop. In other words, a mesh I made is being stretched by many individual physics objects:

I originally wanted the player to crack the egg against the side of a table before opening it up and pouring the yolk but Unity's physics is too sensitive to purposely make tiny bumps. It always ended up with the egg breaking. This lead me to the above video of just instantly turning the egg into egg yolk as soon as you use the action button.

This and a bit more will be part of the v0.7d beta coming this Thursday. After this I will be working on the rest of the cooking mechanics to have a final v0.7e beta in roughly 20 days. After this I will be working on polishing and bugfixing for a final v0.7 public release some time early January. No hard date yet as I have a short vacation near New Years.

Now to work on dynamically cutting up that fruit and turning it into jelly...

Stay tuned.



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