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This will be the last devpost before I release v0.6 to the public. I have been busy bugfixing and adding improvements.

To start, I am doing alternative animations for the new voices because some existing animations from Shinobu do not fit the new voices. An example is when Shinobu asks you to get out. This animation was lip synched to her mouth. The new voices do not even have this line so they need proper animation assets. This is the replacement for that voice line:

This animation simply uses the angry grumble lines from both the new voices. It works well. I am working on a few more animations but I'd like to keep them as surprises. Also I haven't finished them.

The past couple days I have been devoted to doing fixes for the character editor. I have added the ability to adjust hat placement for your character so your custom character head can properly wear hats:

The entire "customizable characters" is, again, not something I initially set out to do. It makes things much harder and has changed some game design decisions that I am not particularly happy about. One of these new decisions is the removal of certain clothing pieces; the glasses and cat ears.

The problem is that, since people can now create their own heads for the game, existing accessories like the glasses and cat ears are not positioned correctly for that custom head. They are floating in front or clipping into the head. The head model can be anything, is the problem. I did think about adding more export parameters so you can set the proper position of each accessory when you export you model, but therein lied the problem of becoming too complicated. I want this game to be simple. If I keep adding more and more customizable parameters for custom heads, it just becomes burdensome and tedious. The sunhat is an exception I made since I felt it was a good compromise. Just set the position of 1 accessory. I can use that same position for future hats. But no glasses.

That said I will be keeping those glasses and cat ears for Shinobu. Meaning they will be cards that only work with her (because that's who they originally worked for).

Another thing I am working on is saving the character into your save file so she is loaded whenever you go back into the game.

Lastly, I expect to have many characters made after release day. We already have 9 or so characters graciously made by Eidenz and Utata:

Launch will not be early in the morning but rather in the evening PST 9/28/19. So don't worry if it's not out whenever you wake up.

Stay tuned for release.



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